More than 30, 000 drivers and
passengers who sit in the front of the vehicles are killed or seriously injured
each year. At a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a
thirdfloor building. Wearing a seat belt saves lives: it reduces your chance of
death or serious injury by more than a half. Therefore drivers or front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you will be fined up to £ 50. It will not be up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt. But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind. However, when you’re reversing your car, you do not have to wear a seat belt; or when you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; A. Someone who is backing into a parking space. B. Someone who is picking up the children from the local school. C. Someone who is delivering invitation letters. D. Someone who is under 14. [多项选择]在下列各因素中,能够对利息率产生决定或影响作用的有()。
A. 最高利润水平 B. 平均利润水平 C. 物价水平 D. 借贷资本的供求关系 E. 国际利率水平 [判断题]公务员担任乡级机关.县级机关及其有关部门主要领导职务的,应当实行任职回避。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机关(含参公管理的单位)在职人员计入个人缴费工资基数的项目是( )、规范后的津贴补贴(地区附加津贴)、统一的津贴补贴(退休后按国家和省规定纳入原退休费基数和继续发放的项目)、年终一次性奖金和不属于上述规定范围内的其他项目暂不纳入个人缴费工资基数。
A.基本工资 B.职级工资 [单项选择]服务员保持面容清洁、头发整齐、面带微笑、和蔼可亲是()的基本内容之一。
A. 仪容要求 B. 仪表要求 C. 仪态要求 D. 礼节要求 [简答题]当环空返速足够大时,岩屑床会被完全破坏,井眼下侧不形成明显的岩屑床
A.必须接长 B.必须加加强 C.必须断开 D.必须贯通 [多项选择]可用于伴有失眠的抑郁症的药物有()
A. 米氮平 B. 文拉法辛 C. 帕罗西汀 D. 曲唑酮 E. 奈法唑酮 [简答题]《中国电信广东公司员工职业发展管理办法》规定,根据公司业务特点,岗位划分为哪几
A. 稳定型劳累性心绞痛 B. 初发型劳累性心绞痛 C. 恶化型劳累性心绞痛 D. 变异型心绞痛 E. 急性心肌梗死 [单选题]节流装置端面应与管道的轴线()。
A.同心 B.垂直 C.成45°角 D.成60°角 [单项选择]放射免疫分析法中,下列有关准确度的描述正确的是()
A. 测得最少量的物质浓度 B. 重现性 C. 检测到单一物质的最高浓度 D. 测定值与真值(或期望值)接近程度 E. 确定回收率 我来回答: 提交