For more than thirty years scientists
have been searching for signs of life on other planets. Most of these searches
have been done over the radio. The hope is that someone in outer space may be
trying to get in touch with us. Scientists also have sent radio and television
messages, as well as messages on spaceships traveling through space, {{U}}on the
chance{{/U}} that someone may be receptive to such messages. Scientists are using powerful radio telescopes to "listen" to signals from about 1,000 stars, all within 100 light years of the earth. In addition, they will scan the entire sky to listen for radio messages from more distant stars. Using a computer, they will be able to monitor more than eight million channels at a time. Scientists are looking for any signal that stands out from the background noise. Of the A. have sent up spaceships to other planets B. have sent radio and television messages to outer space C. are listening to the radio message all the year round D. will use computers to pick up background noise [多选题]银行工作人员不能( )或者违反国家规定收受回扣、手续费等各种好处。
A.索取 B.收受贿赂 C.行贿 [填空题]"( )、磷、钾等单质固体物质着火后先熔融、后燃烧。
[单选题]建筑工程安全生产管理必须坚持( )的方针,建立健全安全生产的责任制度和群防群治制度。
A.安全第一、质量优先 B.安全第一、综合治理 C.安全第一、预防为主 D.安全与质量并举 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司军运列车客运乘务管理办法》(南铁客〔2020〕97号)规定军运列车无线通讯设备配备标准:具备录音功能,每人()台,乘务班组另备用()台。
A.1,1 B.1,2 C.2,1 D.2,2 [单选题]救援舟艇作业中,导致救援人员溺水伤亡的主要原因是舟艇动力不匹配.( ).紧急避险不当.舟艇乘员超载等。
A. 指挥员未遂行指挥 B. 安全员未遂行观察 C. 个人防护不到位 D. 指战员出现痉挛或失温 [判断题]操作风险存在于各类业务和管理活动之中,各法人单位应对产品、活动、程序和系统中固有的操作风险进行识别和评估。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]如果删除一个非零无符号二进制整数后的2个0,则此数的值为原数( )。
A. 4倍 B. 2倍 C. 1/2 D. 1/4 [单选题]凡上道使用涉及行车安全的小型养路机械,应经过()。
A.铁路合格检测 B.集团公司认证 C.铁路产品认证 D.工务段认证 [判断题]选择刀具几何角度时主要考虑其加工效率。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进路办理成功后,进路锁闭的区段将( ) 显示。
A.红光带 B.灰色 C.粉色 D.白光带 [单选题]为预防事故的发生可采取防止和减少两类安全技术措施。其中,防止事故发生的安全技术措施是指采取约束、限制能量或危险物质,防止其意外释放的技术措施。下列安全技术措施中,不属于防止类的是()。
A.A.选择元毒物料 B.B.失误一安全功能 C.C.采取降频设计 D.D.电路中设置熔断器 [单项选择]Advertisements are often ______written in bad English.
A. apparently B. deliberately C. partially D. mechanically [判断题]标准时间同步钟本体的时间保持单元的时钟准确度应优于7×10-8。
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