A musical film belongs to a film genre
that’ features songs, sung by the actors, interwoven into the narrative. The
songs are usually used to advance the plot or develop the film’s characters. A
sub-genre of the musical is the musical comedy, which includes a strong element
of humour as well as the usual music, dancing and storyline. The musical is responsible for the transition from silent film to sound film in the development of the mo- ti0n picture. The popularity of movies grew rapidly during the golden days of the silent film era, but the concept of "talking pictures" was considered a risky investment by the msjor Hollywood studies, until the Warner Bros. studio took the leap and produced "The Jazz Singer", starring Al Jolson. Jolson’s song "Msmmy" in the picture forever changed the medium o A. James Carney’s talents were best displayed in Yankee Doodle Dandy. B. The Sound of Music was first a stage musical. C. At the beginning, investment in sound films was regarded as a risk. D. n musical films, songs were sung by actors because actors had special talents in singing. [多选题]在带电的电流互感器二次回路上作业,若保护与测量共用一个二次绕组,当在表计回路工作时,应先将表计端子短接,以防止电流互感器开路或误将保护装置退出。
A.接地 B.短接 C.开路 D.退出 [单项选择]Generally, women don’t content themselves with the chores. Perhaps there are far more wives than I imagine who take it for (67) that housework is neither satisfying nor even important (68) the basic demands have been (69) . But home and family is the one realm in (70) it is really difficult to shake free of one’s upbringing and (71) new values. If that (72) been all, maybe I could have adapted myself (73) housework on an easy-going, utilitarian basis, refusing the moral hints but still (74) in it as something constructive, (75) it is part of creating a home. But at the same time my mother (76) to resent doing it, and (77) me that it wasn’t a fit activity for an intelligent being. I was the only child, and once I was at school there was no (78) why she should have continued (79) her will to remain in the house.
I can now begin to (80) A. whose B. that C. what D. which [单项选择]建设工程项目()的总目标,是实现由建设工程项目决策、设计文件和施工合同所决定的预期使用功能和质量标准。
A. 质量控制 B. 施工质量控制 C. 设计质量控制 D. 安装质量控制 [多选题]永久风门立框的要求是 。( )
A.砌墙到一定高度时开始立门框 B.立框前应按木工在门框上的标记,先在地上组合配套,发现变形要提前修正 C.立框时必须用水平仪将门框找好水平,两边吊线将门框角度确定好,然后拉对角线检查门框是否歪扭,角度、水平、间距确定好后,用拉杆将门框的各部固定,以使砌墙时门框不变形 D.以上都不对。 [判断题]变电所开关控制、继保、检测与信号装置所使用的电源属于操作电源。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]七鲜汤功效与作用
A. 全身乏力,眩晕 B. 口唇干燥,眼窝凹陷 C. 呼吸浅慢,呼气时有酮味 D. 呼吸深快,呼气时有酮味 [单项选择]在数据处理中,其处理的最小单位是( )。
A. 数据 B. 数据项 C. 数据结构 D. 数据元素 [填空题]OTN的网络分层模型从上到下一次为 () | () 和 () 。(《高速铁路通信技术——承载网》P161)
[单选题]正压式空气呼吸器气瓶压力下降到( )范围,应发出蜂鸣报警声。
A.2.0±0.5 Mpa B.5.0±0.5 Mpa C.5.5±0.5 MPa D.10.0±0.5MPa [判断题]当企业中员工的工作压力很大,内外部竞争激烈时,即使企业不组织集中正式培训,员工也会为了提高自己的竞争实力而去自学,此时适合采用控制力较弱的学习方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]各保障单位做好工作人员的摆渡工作,严禁横穿机坪。如因工作需要须横穿机坪,必须( ),随时观察航空器运行动态,在不影响航空器运行的情况下,按最短路线穿越机坪。( )
A. 穿着反光服 B. 有车辆摆渡 C. 按路线穿越 D. 避让旅客 [判断题]( )根据生产的需求按照工艺要求通过变频调速,可改变储存柜底带速度,完成出料。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防护分歧道岔的线路所通过信号机,其机构外形和显示方式,应与进站信号机相同,引导灯光不能封闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]45#变压器油新油水溶性酸PH应大于( )。
A.5 B.5.4 C.6 D.7 [配伍题](1).某药失效期为2001年6月30日() |(2).某药有效期为2001年5月14日()|(3).某药有效期为2001年6月30日()|(4).某药有效期为2001年7月()
A. 可用至2001年6月29日 B. 可用至2001年6月30日 C. 可用至2001年7月31日 D. 可用至2001年5月14日 [单项选择]针:编织()。
A. 织布机:编织 B. 肥皂:洗 C. 床:睡觉 D. 火柴:燃火 [填空题]晶闸管是硅晶体闸流管的简称,常用的外形有()与()。
A. 生物体存在内源性配体 B. 与配体结合非专一性 C. 与配体结合具有不饱和性 D. 与配体结合不具有高亲和力 E. 与受体结合不可逆 [单选题] 这一语段寄寓的情感是( )
A. 对丰收在望的田园风光的热爱; B. 对献身家园的先烈的深切缅怀; C. 对和平富裕的生活的向往; D. 对辛勤劳作的农夫的赞颂 [单选题]重空业务库管理员应定期轮换,行社重空业务库管理员至少每( )轮换一次。
A.三年 B.两年 C.一年 D.半年 [多选题]占用( )的作业,若长时间工作间断应根据现场实际变更安全围栏、标示牌设置和开放封闭通道。
A.人行道 B.非机动车道 C.高速公路 D.机动车道 我来回答: 提交