Predictions of large populations of
robots in industry have yet to come true. For a decade or more, manufacturers of
big robots have explained how their machines can make industry more competitive
and productive. The market for 51 robots is now oversupplied,
and the driving force of the robotics (机器人技术) revolution is 52
to be with makers of machines that handle a few kilos at
most. "Heavy-robot manufacturers are in some difficulty 53 finding customers. They are offering big 54 just to get in the door. There has been a 55 growth everywhere in the numbers of robots, so we have to admit we are either deceiving 56 or that the market is slowly growing, "said John Reekie, Chairman of Colne Robotics. "The following t A. finish B. reach C. accomplish D. achieve [简答题]信息化的一般特征?
[多选题]工作许可人应将工作票的( )记入登记簿。
A.A.工作班成员 B.B.编号 C.C.工作任务 D.D.许可及终结时间 [单项选择]钢结构的防腐涂料施涂顺序的原则是()。
A. 先上后下,先难后易 B. 先下后上,先难后易 C. 先下后上,先易后难 D. 先下后上,先易后难 [单项选择]10岁男孩。右膝部疼痛跛行1年,有夜间痛。检查右膝活动良好,右髋不能伸直,大腿肌肉萎缩,血沉50mm/小时。X线片示髋关节骨质疏松,诊断应为
A. 髋关节-过性滑膜炎 B. 膝关节滑膜结核 C. 髋关节结核性滑膜炎 D. 髋关节风湿性滑膜炎 E. 髋关节类风湿性滑膜炎 [多选题]1997 -156. “治湿不利小便非其治也”的治疗原则,适用于下列哪种病证
A.水肿 B.黄疸 C.泻泄 D.痰饮 [判断题]尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的精神病人犯罪的,应当负刑事责任,但是可以从轻或者减轻处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]如果不想公布网络中的某些RIP信息,可以采用被动接口配置。将路由器Router A的FastEthemet0/0接口设置为被动接口的配置语句是( )。
A. RouterA (Config-if) # passive-interface B. RouterA (Config-if) # passive-interface rip C. RouterA (Config) # passive-interface fastethernet0/0 D. RouterA (Config-router) # passive-interface fastethernet0/0 [简答题]牙源性颌骨囊肿 含牙囊肿诊断要点
A. 息风清火,豁痰开窍 B. 化痰息风,宣郁开窍 C. 息风潜阳,豁痰开窍 D. 滋养肝肾,潜阳息风 我来回答: 提交