Diversity exists not only between cultures, but also
within a single culture. In most British primary and secondary schools, for
example, the teacher is the primary provider of required information and rote
learning plays an important role in the acquisition of this information. British
school leavers who then proceed to university face a new set of academic norms
and expectations. Although memorization is still required, far greater emphasis
is placed on the critical evaluation of received
The Greek’s lofty attitude toward scientific research—and the scientists’ contempt of utility—was a long time dying. For a millennium after Archimedes, this separation of mechanics from geometry inhibited fundamental technological progress and in some areas repressed it altogether. But there was a still greater obstacle to change until the very end of the middle ages: the organization of society. The social system of fixed class relationships that prevailed through the Middle Ages (and in some areas much longer) itself hampered improvement. Under this system, the laboring masses, in exchange for the bare necessities of life, did all the productive work, while the privileged few—priests, nobles, and kings—concerned themselves only with ownership and maintenance of their own position. In the interest of their privileges they did achieve considerable progress in defense, in warmaking, in government, in trader in the arts of leisure, and in the ext [单选题] 附着式升降脚手架进场后,施工总承包单位应当组织安装单位及( )对架体进行进场验收。
A. 建设单位 B. 监理单位 C. 勘察单位 D. 设计单位 [填空题]汉武帝以后,采纳了_ 提出的“_ ”的建议,对后世产生了深远的影响。
A.基础代谢所需 B.生长发育所需 C.食物特殊动力作用 D.活动所需 E.排泄损失能量 [单项选择]下列对于物流的有关说法,错误的()
A. 物流的对象应该包括“人” B. 物流不是一个产业 C. 物流过程需要一体化 D. 物流包含储运 [多选题]市场营销观念是在( )的社会经济背景条件下形成的,它区别于以企业为中心的生产观念、产品观念和推销观念,具有以顾客需要的满足为中心,注重企业的长期发展战略,以整合营销为手段等基本特征。
A.生产力高度发展 B.竞争日益激烈 C.产品供过于求 D.设身处地为顾客着想 [单选题]电力、电传动内燃机车无动力托运时,制动缸活塞行程应调整到标准的( )。
A.最小值 B.规定值 C.最大值 [单项选择]打印预览的方法有()种。
A. 三 B. 两 C. 四 D. 一 [单选题]在火灾发展迅速,有强烈的火焰辐射和少量烟、热的场所,在设置火灾探测器时,应如何选择火灾探测器的类型?( )
A.应选择感烟探测器 B.可选择感温探测器、感烟探测器、火灾探测器或其组合 C.应选择火焰探测器 D.应选择可燃气体探测器 [多项选择]影响混悬液生物利用度因素有哪些
A. 药物粒子大小 B. 晶型 C. 附加剂 D. 分散媒的种类 E. 黏度及组分间的相互作用 [单选题] ( )的作用是利用阀芯和阀体间相对位置的改变,来控制油液流动方向(中)
A.溢流阀 B.换向阀 C.单向阀 D.节流阀 我来回答: 提交