The Deer’s Death{{/B}} He ran close, and again stood still, stopped by a new fear. Around him the grass was whispering and alive. He looked wildly about, then down. The ground was black with ants, great energetic ants that took no notice of him, but hurried towards the fighting shape. And as he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him, the beast fell and the screaming stopped. Now he could hear nothing but a bird singing, and the sound of the rustling (沙沙声) whispering ants. He peered over at the blackness that twitched with the jerking(抽搐) nerves. It grew quieter. There were small twitches from the mass that still looked vaguely like the shape of a small animal. It came into his mind that he could shoot it and end its pain; and he raised the gun. Then he lowered it again. The deer A. It was already dead in the bush. B. It was still on its feet. C. It was lying on the ground dying. D. It was fighting the ants to a finish. [单选题] 扑救原油罐火灾进攻有利时机是:( )。(中)
A. 沸溢、喷溅之前 B. 沸溢、喷溅之时 C. 局部发生燃烧 D. 灭火剂准备充足 [单选题]受伤害学生为恢复健康进行医疗所支付的必要费用是指( )。
A.营养费 B.医疗费 C.护理费 D.交通费 [单项选择]人工流产同时放置宫内节育器建议休息()。
A. 10天 B. 14天 C. 17天 D. 30天 E. 45天 [判断题]“E收款”适合小微商户单渠道扫码收款。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]今天,我们可以把《天下郡国利弊书》当做()来读
A. 历史传奇小说 B. 地理、科普读物 C. 数学、物理专著 D. 历法、记日用具 [多项选择]计算机连锁利用计算机对车站值班员的操作命令和现场监控设备的表示信息进行逻辑运算后,完成对()的联锁和控制。
A. 信号机 B. 道岔 C. 轨道电路 D. 进路 [填空题]计算机联锁系统系统中所有的电路板和电源模块严禁在()的情况下插拔,否则将造成设备损坏。
[多选题]架空配电线路的绝缘子按照材质分为( ) 绝缘子。
A.瓷 B.玻璃 C.橡皮 D.合成 [单项选择]某孕妇,24岁,孕32周时,胎儿双顶径7.0cm,35周时双顶径7.3cm,股骨长5.4cm羊水指数5,胎盘3级钙化。考虑该患为
A. 正常妊娠 B. 胎儿宫内发育受限 C. 小头畸形 D. 孕龄与停经周数不符 E. 无脑儿 [简答题]废气交换器链条断,造成两侧闸板落如何处理?
[多选题]调度运营资料记录主要包括:列车运行图、 运营生产报表、( )等
A.A、工作日志 B.B、调度命令登记簿 C.C、交班记录本 D.D、正线送电通知单 [多选题]物质和意识是哲学的两个重要范畴。以下属子物质和意识关系的有( )
A.思维和存在 B.客观规律和主观能动性 C.价值和真理 D.实践和认识 [单选题]低压验电前应先在有电部位上试验,以验证验电器或测电笔良好。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交