Before the 20th century the horse
provided day to day transportaition in the United States. Trains were used only
for long distance transportation. Today the car is the most popular {{U}} (26) {{/U}} of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely {{U}} (27) {{/U}} the horse as a means f everyday transportation. Americans use their car for {{U}} (28) {{/U}} 90 percent of personal {{U}} (29) {{/U}} Most Americans are able to {{U}} (30) {{/U}} cars. The average price of a {{U}} (31) {{/U}} made car was 2, 050 in 1950, 2, 740 {{U}} (32) {{/U}} 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about {{U}} (33) {{/U}} their products and work efficiency. As a A. kinds B. sort C. mean D. types [单选题]体积流量计的单位符号是m3/s,它的单位名称是( )。A.立方米/秒 B.米3/秒 C.立方米每秒 D.都正确
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]各种运煤设备在许可开始检修工作前,运行值班人员必须将电源切断并挂上警告牌。
[多选题]专业分包工程班组自检自行开展,项目部复检及公司级专检由( )共同开展,共同签字。[国网(基建/3)188—2019《国家电网有限公司输变电工程验收管理办法》第二十四条]
A.分包单位 B.总包单位 C.建设管理单位 D.监理单位 [单项选择]工程监理单位委派的总监理工程师或发包人指定的履行合同的代表,其具体身份和职权由发包人和( )在专用条款中约定。
A. 业主 B. 分包人 C. 承包人 D. 中介人 [单项选择] United Nations
A major segment of the Untied Nations is the General Assembly, which consists of representatives from all governments that have ratified the UN Charter. As of 1995,185 states had membership in the general Assembly. Additionally, the Vatican, Switzerland, and the Palestine Liberation Organization have nonvoting observer status in the General Assembly. The General Assembly approves the UN’’s budget, acts with the Security Council to select the Secretary-general and judges of the International Court of Justice, and passes resolutions on issues ranging from self-determination and colonialism to women’’s rights and the global distribution of wealth.
The General Assembly can meet and vote on any subject, unless the Security Council is dealing with it (or at least pretending to). However, its decisions only carry moral force—unlike the Council’’s. They’’re not binding in international laws. But the Assembly votes are an important opini
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned [简答题]利用拉梯在窗口阳台设置阵地时应注意哪些安全事项?
此患者最佳首诊治疗措施是 ( )
A.口服抗生素及维生素C B.保守治疗,需查血确诊 C.彻底去除大块牙石及坏死物,3%双氧水冲洗 D.去除大块牙石及坏死物,3%双氧水冲洗 E.1%~2%双氧水含漱1周 [单项选择]下列哪一项不是学习策略的特点()。
A. 仅仅指总的学习思路和方法 B. 可能是外部行为,也可能是内部的心理活动 C. 对学习的影响有直接的也有间接地 D. 对策略的运用可能意识得到,也可能意识不到 [判断题]在计算机应用软件中 VFP 数据表中日期字段的宽度一般为 10 个字符。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在一桌子上有47本书,其中27本是小说,32本是红色的封面,6本既不是小说也不是红色封面。桌子上有多少本带红色封面的小说?( )
A.18本 B.17本 C.16本 D.15本 [填空题]向工商行政管理机关控告和检举的,工商行政管理机关依照本实施细则第四十三条的规定处理,其所控告和检举的情节严重,构成犯罪的,由()依法追究刑事责任。
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