Color is very important to most animals
for it helps them to get along in the world. Color (21) to
make an animal difficult for its enemies to (22) . Many
animals match their (23) so well that as long as they do not
move no one is (24) to see them. You probably have often
"jumped" a rabbit. If you (25) , you know how the rabbit
sits perfectly still (26) you are just a few feet
away. You (27) see the rabbit till it runs for its
(28) matches very closely the place where it is
(29) . Many times you may have walked past a rabbit
(30) didn’t run and you never knew it was there at
all. One of the most usual color schemes that helps animals to keep (31) being seen, is a dark back and light underpants. If an animal is the same color all (32) , there is always a A. alone B. together C. over D. right [单选题]UDP段使用___提供可靠性()
A.网际协议 B.应用层协议 C.网络层协议 D.传输控制协议 [多选题]10kV电力电缆中间接头安装套入管材和铜屏蔽网时应在短端套入()。
A. 应力管 B.铜屏蔽网 C.外绝缘管 D.屏蔽管 [多项选择]银行对抵押物的价值进行评估的方法有( )。
A. 对于机器设备的估价,主要考虑无形损耗和折旧 B. 对可转让的土地使用权的估价,取决于该土地的用途、土地的供求关系 C. 对于机器设备的估价,主要考虑有形损耗 D. 对于房屋建筑的估价,主要考虑用途及经济效益、新旧程度和可能继续使用的年限、原来的造价和现在的造价等 E. 以上都对 [单选题]作业中如出现轨向、高低不良,起道、拨道省力,枕端道砟离缝等胀轨迹象时,必须(),并及时采取防胀措施。
A.加强巡查或派专人监视 B.停止作业 C.设置减速信号 D.设置停车信号 [单选题]领导者发布指示,明确告诉下属做什么、怎么做,决策完全由领导作出,下级不参与。这是()型领导方式。
A.参与型 B.指令型 C.支持型 D.授权型 [单选题]25m钢轨地段,更换钢轨或调整轨缝时的轨温限制范围为( )。
A.(t+10℃)-(t-10℃) B.(t+15℃)-(t-15℃) C.(t+20℃)-(t-20℃) D.(t+30℃)-(t-30℃) [简答题]开工时,提升管喷油要注意些什么?
A.正确 B.错误 C.a.分段 D.b.整段 E.c.整座 [单选题] 脂肪有助于( )的吸收。
A.VC B.VB C.VE D.叶酸 [单选题]双管系统的垂直失调的原因是?
A.各层散热器进出口水温不相同 B. 各层散热器的传热系数不相同 C. 由于通过各层的循环作用压力不同 D. 由于供水温度或流量不符合设计要求 [判断题]沟通客体即沟通对象,包括个体沟通对象和团体沟通对象;团体的沟通对象只有正式群体。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交