Passage 3 Secured loans involve the pledge of specific collateral. An example is a loan that is secured by a chattel mortgage on an automobile or some other form of personal property. Pledged collateral for secured loans may consist of a variety of assets such as real estate, warehouse receipts, accounts receivable, plants and equipment, trust receipts, negotiable bills of lading, oil runs, corporate stocks, and bonds. The basic requirement of such assets is marketability. The main reason for requesting that a loan be secured is to reduce the bank’s risk of loss in the event the borrower is unwilling or unable to repay the loan at maturity. Security does not assure that the loan will be repaid; however, it does reduce the risk, since the hank becomes a preferred creditor in the event of liquidation, and takes precedence over general cre A. greater than the loan amount B. the same as or be greater than the loan amount C. smaller than the loan amount D. the same as the loan amount [多选题]慎重对待灾情发展阶段,必要时,根据灾害模型数据计算结果,做出( )的决策,疏散和撤离周边居民和救援力量。
A.加大警力 B.紧急避险 C.紧急撤离 D.扩大警戒区 [判断题]单位客户申请开立单位活期保证金账户时,营业机构应先为其开立保证金主账户,再开立子账户。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]水蒸气对人体的伤害主要是烫伤。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《煤矿重大安全生产隐患认定办法﹙试行﹚》之规定,未按矿井瓦斯等级选用相应的煤矿炸药和雷管、未使用专用发爆器的,属于煤矿重大安全生产隐患。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列属于货物特征的有( )
A.固定性 B.要素流动性 C.技术性 D.广泛性 E.多样性 [判断题]轮式、履带式货物顺装时,相邻两辆间距不小于50mm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《高速铁路工务安全规则》(试行)规定:需多日连续在隧道内作业时,大型机具材料可不撤出隧道,但必须撤出限界,并采取可靠的防护加固措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是善意付款其成立需要具备哪些要件其意义与效力如何
[单选题](单选题).全面质量管理的基本工作方法中( )阶段指的是总结阶段。
A.A B.C C.D D.P [单项选择]()开放省煤器再循环门。
A. 停炉前 B. 熄火后 C. 锅炉停止上水后 D. 锅炉正常运行时 [单选题]开关柜更换时,断路器手动、()分合闸正常,机械特性试验合格。
A.自动 B.电动 C.遥控 D.程序 [判断题]焊缝余高又叫加强高,但在动载或交变载荷下,它非但不起加强作用,反而因焊趾处应力集中易于促使脆断。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]党支部要按照规定,向( )通报党的工作情况,公开党内有关事务。
A.党员 B.无党派人士 C.民主党派 D.群众 [单选题]对被特殊感染而无保留价值的物品,最彻底的无菌方法是( )
A. 煮沸消毒灭菌法 B. 高压蒸气灭菌法 C. 燃烧灭菌法 D. 熏蒸法 [单项选择]在做开关电源输出电压校准时,一般要求使用( )的万用表。
A. 4位半 B. 5位半 C. 三位半 D. 无特殊要求 [单选题]如果程序中用到标准库函数log(),那么该程序应含下面哪条语句( )。
A.#include ”stdio.h” B.#include ”math.h “ C. #include ”string.h” D.#include ”stdlib.h” 我来回答: 提交