History tells us that the origin of
Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (an
area in present day Turkey). One of the legends tells about that he
{{U}} (62) {{/U}}a fortune when his parents died while he was still in
his teens. By {{U}} (63) {{/U}} St. Nicholas was an honest and
{{U}} (64) {{/U}} man. He cared deeply for the poor, and particularly
{{U}} (65) {{/U}} to children. He brought various gifts, money and
other useful items to the houses of the poor. He did this at night, and in
{{U}} (66) {{/U}}, so that no one knew, {{U}} (67) {{/U}}he wanted
no glory, he just wanted to help people. He became widely known for his
generosity. There is one famous {{U}} (68) {{/U}} about Saint Nicholas. The story tells {{U}} (69) {{/U}} Nicholas hearing one day of three beautiful sisters who lived in a m A. mean B. generous C. general D. genetic [单选题]水冷式冷凝器的结垢问题,需采用( )方法清除。
A.沸腾水冲刷 B.喷灯加热 C.盐酸溶解 D.高压氮气冲刷 [单项选择]根据《建筑法》,施工许可证在()条件下自行废止。
A. 建设单位自领取施工许可证之日起3个月内未能开工,办理延期,3个月内开工 B. 建设单位自领取施工许可证之日起3个月内未能开工,未办理延期 C. 建设单位自领取施工许可证之日起3个月内开工 D. 建设单位自领取施工许可证之日起3个月内未能开工,办理两次延期,第二次延期三个月内开工 [单选题]. 诊断与排除底盘异响需要下列哪些操作准备( )。
A.一台无故障的汽车 B.一台有故障的汽车 C.故障诊断仪 D.解码仪 [单项选择]现代学校教育的潜功能之一是()
A. 社会选拔 B. 减小就业压力 C. 知识技术创新 D. 社会化 [单项选择]下列哪项不是发生夜盲的常见疾病()
A. 周边部视网膜病变 B. 视网膜色素变性 C. 先天性夜盲 D. 晚期青光眼 E. 核性白内障 [判断题]托运枪支应提出发送地市(县)公安局的运输证明。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下对饮食的描述,不正确的是( )
A.食物中含有的可被人体消化、吸收和利用的成分为营养素 B.食物能为人体生长发育、组织修复和维持生理功能提供必需的营养素和热能 C.糖类、蛋白质和脂肪均能产生热量,是人体的能量来源 D.蛋白质、维生素和脂肪被统称为热原质 E.食物和水是维持生命的物质基础 [多项选择]压缩空气泡沫车定期润滑周期分为()。
A. 每日 B. 每月 C. 每六个月 D. 每年 [多选题]抗肿瘤药的不良反应包括( )
A.副作用 B.毒性反应 C.后效应 D.特殊反应 E.急性毒性反应 [判断题]减速防护地段终端信号为表面有反光材料的黄色圆牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. Medical authorities express their (31) about the effect of smoking on the health not only (32) those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, nonsmokers who must involuntarily inhale the air polluted by the tobacco smoke may (33) more than the smokers themselves.
As you are doubtless aware, a considerable number of our students have (34) an effort to (35) the university to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are entirely right in their aim. (36) , I would hope that it is possible to achieve this by (37) on the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for others rather than (38) regulation. Smoking is prohibited by city laws in theaters and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories (39) there may be a fire hazard. Elsewhere, it is up to your good sense. I am therefore a A. which B. when C. where D. that [多选题]电客车控制电路主要采用的电压等级有( )
A.DC24V B.DC110V C.DC1500 D.AC220 E.AC380 [单选题]大型养路机械每日作业后应进行日常检查保养,保养时间应不少于( )。
A.2h B.4h C.6h D.8h [多选题]工作许可人人应具备的基本条件的有( )。
A.熟悉配电网络接线方式 B.熟悉工作范围内的设备情况 C.熟悉本规程 D.经工区批准,名单应公布 [多选题]关于旅行支票,以下说法正确的是:
A.个人以人民币购买外币旅行支票的,按照个人购汇的相关规定办理 B.个人凭本人有效身份证件及旅行支票办理兑付的,按照个人结汇的相关规定办理 C.旅行支票直接存入个人外汇账户,视同存入外币现钞业务 D.个人一次性购买外币旅行支票在等值5万美元以下(含)的,凭本人有效身份证件办理 [单选题]( )应当签署工程质量终身责任承诺书。
A.项目负责人 B.法人单表 C.技术负责人 D.总监理工程师 [判断题]工作中如需冲洗廊道、隧道、地下井、坑、洞室等有限空间,可直接进行冲洗。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
44() [简答题]爷爷有两个钟,一个钟两年只准一次,而另一个钟每天准2次,爷爷问小明想要那个钟。如果你是小明,你会选哪只。当然,钟是用来看时间的。
A. 蛔虫 B. 蛲虫 C. 绦虫 D. 虱子 [单项选择]
The population of the United States is only 6% the world’s population, but Americans (1) one third of all the energy (2) in the world. This fact alone says that Americans need to use less energy. And because the price of energy had been rising very rapidly (3) the limited supplies of oil in particular, Americans are becoming aware to the need to (4) energy. In California we have a California Energy Commission which has set up in the past five years to (5) plan for our future energy rise. We have (6) laws in California to help us conserve energy. First of all, our houses in California have been very (7) of energy in the past. They were not (8) very carefully and so the heat would go out of the house very rapidly. Now we require that the homes have a (9) level of insulation, and so the homes built now are much more (10) [单项选择]桩与承台的连接、承台之间的连接宜满足有关要求,下列正确的是()。
A. 桩顶嵌入承台的长度对于大直径桩,不宜小于150mm,对于中等直径桩不宜小于100mm B. 混凝土桩的桩顶主筋应伸入承台内,其锚固长度不宜小于30倍主筋直径,对于抗拔桩基不应小于35倍主筋直径 C. 桩下单桩宜在桩顶两个互相垂直方向上设置连系梁。当桩柱截面积之比较小(一般小于2)且桩底剪力和弯矩较小时,可不设连系梁 D. 两桩桩基的承台,宜在其短向设置连系梁 [多选题]全网 CPC 卡管理采取( )等多级管理模式。
A.部联网中心 B.省中心 C.区域中心 D.收费公路经营管理单位 E.收费站 [单选题]( )698.下列选项中,不属于导线坐标计算的步骤的是( )。
A.半测回角值计算 B.角度闭合差计算 C.方位角推算 D.坐标增量闭合差计算 [单选题]高压试验装置的金属外壳应可靠接地;高压引线应尽量( ),并采用专用的高压试验线,必要时用绝缘物支持牢固。
A.A.加长 B.B.缩短 C.C.升高 D.D.降低 [单项选择]患者,女性,25岁。咳嗽少痰,鼻干咽燥,喉痒时连声作呛,头痛微寒,身热,舌苔薄黄。其治法宜
A. 养阴清肺,化痰止咳 B. 清润肺燥,化痰止咳 C. 散寒宣肺,润燥止咳 D. 疏风清肺,润燥止咳 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]桥隧综合维修作业质量评定分为( )个等级。
A.优良、合格、不合格三 B.合格、不合格两 C.优良、合格两 D.优良、不合格两 [判断题]双向洗车机可从洗车库前后两个方向进行外皮清洗。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]视神经及视网膜病变重者()
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