Futurists love computers. After all,40
years ago electronic digital computers didn’t exist; today microchips as tiny as
a baby’s fingernail are making all sorts of tasks faster and easier. Surely the
future holds still more miracles. Some of the computer experiments now going on inspire exciting visions of the future. For example, scientists are working on devices that can electronically perform some sight and hearing functions, which could make life easier for the blind and deaf. They’re also working on artificial arms and legs that respond to the electric impulses produced by the human brain. Scientists hope that some day a person who’s lost an arm could still have near-normal brain control over an artificial arm. Video games, computerized special effects in movies, and real-life training machines now being used by th A. the quality of microprocessors has only a slight effect on the development of computers B. the computers of tomorrow will offer a great help to the disabled C. with the rapid growth of computers, there will be less and less social problems D. computers will someday totally replace human beings in whatever fields [单选题]下列不属于施工作业人员安全生产权利的是( )。
A.作业人员有权对施工现场的作业条件、作业程序和作业方式中存在的安全问题提出批评、检举和控告 B.有权对不安全作业提出整改意见 C.作业人员应当遵守安全施工的强制性标准、规章制度和操作规程 D.在施工中发生危及人身安全的紧急情况时,作业人员有权立即停止作业或者在采取必要的应急措施后撤离危险区域 [单项选择]湿式温度可以代表当地气温条件下,水被()的最低值。
A. 冷却 B. 升华 C. 加温 D. 蒸发 [多项选择]以下不属于建筑面积计算范围的有( )。
A. 屋高2.1 m的地下室 B. 屋高2.3m的贮藏室 C. 悬挑宽度1.7m的雨篷 D. 有围护结构的室外消防爬梯 E. 屋顶塑料膜围护花棚 [多项选择]用于高处作业的组要用具有()
A. 梯子 B. 安全带 C. 脚手架 D. 安全网 [单项选择]骨与关节结核与强直性脊柱炎不同的是骨与关节结核
A. 常为对称性 B. 活动时症状可减轻 C. 多发于男性青壮年 D. 多为单发 E. 多起始于骶髂关节 [单项选择]
Throughout the 19th century and into the 20th, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities. Most lived on farms and in small towns and believed cities to be centres of (1) , crime, poverty and moral (2) Their distrust was caused, (3) , by a national ideology that (4) farming the greatest occupation and rural living (5) to urban living. This attitude (6) even as the number of urban dwellers increased and cities became an essential (7) of the national landscape. Gradually, economic reality overcame ideology. Thousands (8) the precarious (不稳定的) life on the farm for more secure and better paying jobs in the city. But when these people (9) from the countryside, they carried their fears and suspicions with them. These new urbanities, already convinced that cities were (10) with great problems, eagerly (11) the progressive reforms that promised to bring order out of th [多项选择]主通风系统应有()
A. 规定的水柱计 B. 应有反风设施,出风井口应安装防爆门 C. 电动机保护应齐全、可靠 D. 实现在线监测和联网上传 [多选题] 遇有( )或者其他暴力行为的紧急情况,公安机关的人民警察依照国家有关规定可以使用武器。
A.拒捕 B.暴乱 C.越狱 D.抢夺枪支 [多选题]操课结束后,( )
A.检查装备 B.清理现场 C.集合整队 D.进行讲评 [多选题]糖皮质激素对造血功能的叙述,错误的是( )
A.使血中红细胞增多 B.使血中血小板增多 C.使血中中性粒细胞增多 D.使血中淋巴细胞增多 E.使血中嗜酸性细胞增多 [单项选择]在变形缝中沉降缝的突出特点是( )。
A. 屋顶断开 B. 楼板、墙身断开 C. 基础断开 D. 从屋顶到基础一断到底 [简答题]室外枪机也可以用于室内
[单选题] 在计算机应用软件Word中,不能进行的字体格式设置是( )。
A. 文字的缩放 B. 文字的下划线 C. 文字的旋转 D. 文字的颜色 [单选题]柴油发动机运转不稳,这种故障往往伴随着排气管排出( )。
A.白烟而产生敲击声 B.白烟而不产生敲击声 C.黑烟而产生敲击声 D.黑烟不产生敲击声 [单项选择]李明今年17岁,依靠在一家餐馆打工生活,每个月薪资1000元,根据《民法通则》的解释他属于()。
A. 完全民事行为能力人 B. 限制民事行为能力人 C. 无民事行为能力人 D. 视为完全民事行为能力人 [判断题]用人单位因工作需要合理调整工作岗位、工作地点,拒不服从调整的,用人单位可与其解除劳动合同。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]药毒引起皮肤发疹的主要原因是
A. 由体虚气血不足,肌肤失去濡养所致 B. 禀赋不耐,药毒入侵所引起的皮肤发疹 C. 由细菌感染所致的皮肤发疹 D. 由真菌感染刺激所引起的皮肤发疹 E. 由胃肠湿热,蕴久成毒发于肌肤所致 [单项选择]国家建立健全()
A. 艾滋病检测网络 B. 艾滋病监测网络 C. 艾滋病防治网络 D. 艾滋病咨询网络 E. 艾滋病宣传教育网络 [判断题]( )幼儿走失可能是因为幼儿特别好奇或注意力不集中,不知不觉离开集体,去关注其他有趣事情。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]上下单面梯子时,必须面向梯子,且不得手持器物。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交