Battles are like marriages. They have
certain fundamental experience they share in common; they differ infinitely, but
still they are all alike. A battle seems to me a conflict of wills to the death
in the same way that a marriage of love is the identification of two human
beings to the end of the creation of life—as death is the reverse of life, and
love of hate. Battles are commitments to cause death as marriages are
commitments to create life. Whether, for any individual, either union results in
death or in the creation of new life, each risks it—and in the risk commits
himself. As the servants of death, battles will always remain horrible. Those who are fascinated by them are being fascinated by death. There is no battle aim worthy of the name except that of ending all battles. Any other conception is, literally, suicidal. The A. conflicts B. commitments C. involved with the life struggle D. ends [单选题]HXN3型内燃机车每个转向架有()一系悬挂装配,采用独立轴箱弹簧悬挂结构。
A.两组 B.四组 C.六组 [单项选择]下列关于红细胞沉降曲线的表达中,正确的是()。
A. 横坐标是血浆高度,单位是毫米 B. 横坐标是沉降距离,单位是毫米 C. 纵坐标是沉降时间,单位是分钟 D. 纵坐标是血浆高度,单位是毫米 [单选题]不属于长期医嘱的为
A.青霉素80万单位肌内注射Bid B.测血压q4h C.平卧位 D.流食 E.5%葡萄糖静脉点滴st [单项选择]In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true (56) women, and even more (57) if the inquirer is a man.
However, it is very (58) to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind (59) either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to (60) their age, especially if they feel they look young (61) their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a(n) (62) question like" How old are you". If elderly people want to talk about their age, and perhaps receive a compliment on how young they look, they may easily (63) the topic themselves, and ask the other person to (64) how old they are. (65) such a question, it is quite acceptable to discuss age (66) . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than (67) that they look very old! (68) Westerne A. rather than B. or else C. so else D. still else [单选题]混凝土试件成型的室内温、湿度控制要求是( )。
A.湿院20℃±5℃,析对湿度>50% B.温度20℃±2℃相对度>50% C.流度20℃±5℃,相对注度>95% D.温度20℃±2℃相对度>95% [单选题]下列哪一项不是VitK的适应证
A.阻塞性黄疽所致出血 B.胆瘘所致出血 C.长期使用广谱抗生素 D.新生儿出血 E.水蛭素应用过量 [单选题]下列哪种不属于闭式自动喷水灭火系统( )。
A.干式系统 B.预作用系统 C.雨淋系统 D.自动喷水—泡沫联用系统 [多选题]施工考核坚持公平、公正、公开的原则,实行经
济考核;同时可采取( )等整顿措施。
A.学习整改 B.停止施工 C.取消施工负责人 资格 D.解除合约 [单选题]大跨度大空间建筑一般是指单层面积大.跨度大.层间高,没有或缺少实体分隔所形成的建筑。此类建筑一般跨度在( )米以上,主要采用钢为主要的建造材料。
A. 50米 B. 55米 C. 60米 D. 70米 [填空题]想象的形成方式主要有综合、夸张、________和拟人化。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交