Perhaps all criminals should be
required to carry cards which read: Fragile; Handle with Care. It will never so,
these days to go around referring to criminals as violent thugs. You must refer
to them politely as "social misfits". The professional killer who wouldn’t think
twice about using his club or knife to batter some harmless old lady to death in
order to rob her of her meager life-savings must never be given a dose of his
own medicine. He is in need of "hospital treatment". According to his misguided
defenders, society is to blame. A wicked society breeds evil--or so the argument
goes. When you listen to this kind of talk, it makes you wonder why we aren’t
all criminals. We have done away with the absurdly harsh laws of the nineteenth
century and this is only right. But surely enough is enough. The most senseless
piece of criminal legislation in Brita A. Society is to blame for the rising crime. B. All the criminals are to be sympathized. C. Crime defenders have done a lot for criminals. D. Severe punishment should be used to prevent crime. [判断题]在取得运维人员许可并在检修工作盘两侧开关把手上采取防误操作措施后,方可断、合检修断路器(开关)。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]() 声屏障立柱和隔音板固定螺栓应齐全有效、焊缝应状态良好,立柱与基础应联接牢固。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]额集团未分配额度不足时,在不违反授信方案明确的额度使用条件和限制性规定的前提下,可利用已分配额度中尚未使用的授信额度,进行成员企业间额度调剂来满足业务需求,但应遵守哪些调剂规则?()
A.成员企业的政策指令性额度不得调剂用于非政策指 令性业务。 B.对由多个独立经营子集团组成的大型跨省国有企业集团,核定子集团授信额度的,各子集团间不得调剂。 C.金融机构和非金融机构成员企业间不得调剂。 D.不得违反授信方案中关于自营性授信额度的限制性 规定。 E.金融机构和非金融机构成员企业间可以调剂。 [多选题]消费者协会应受理消费者投诉,并对投诉事项进行()
A.分析 B.调查 C.调解 D.行政处罚 [单项选择]下列哪一句不是袭人的判词?()
A. 心比天高 B. 温柔和顺 C. 似桂如兰 D. 优伶有福 [多选题]承运人从承运货物时起(办理仓储的车站,从接收货物时起),至将货物交付收货人或依照规定移交给其他机关企业时止,对货物发生灭失、损坏负赔偿责任。但货物本身性质引起的( )或自燃等,承运人不负责赔偿责任。
A.碎裂 B.生锈 C.减量 D.变质 [单选题]夏季小儿腹泻的病原体主要是( )。
A.致病性大肠杆菌 B.金黄色葡萄球菌 C.轮状病毒 D.变形杆菌 E.柯萨奇病毒 [填空题]当暴露于( )分贝以上的工作场所时,应当根据听力保护需求配备适用的听力保护用品,如耳塞或耳罩
[单项选择] Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted it the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your ANSWER SHEET.