The most noticeable trend among today’s
media companies is vertical integration—an attempt to control several related
aspects of the media business at once, each part helping the other. Besides
publishing magazines and books, Time Warner, for example, owns Home Box Office
(HBO), Warner movie studios, various cable TV systems throughout the United
States and CNN as well. The Japanese company Matsushita owns MCA Records and
Universal Studios, and manufactures broadcast production equipment. To describe the financial status of today’s media is also to talk about acquisitions. The media are buying and selling each other in unprecedented numbers, and forming media groups to position themselves in the marketplace to maintain and increase their profits. In 1986, the first time a broadcast network had been sold, two networks were sold A. They both belong to Rupert Murdoch. B. They are both big American media corporations. C. They are both outlets of differing viewpoints and innovative ideas. D. They both own several different but related media businesses. [判断题]房产中介小王将手中的1套二手房以100万价格卖出,因此该年GDP增加80万元。
A. 中国、韩国 B. 韩国、阿曼 C. 阿曼、新加坡 D. 新加坡、伊朗 [判断题]天然气是不能压缩和液化的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]‖年,基础信息化建设重点解决()问题。
A.顶层设计和基础信息资源共享不足 B.基础信息资源重复采集录入 C.信息化深度应用不足 D.基础设施难以适应公安业务和新技术发展 [单项选择]修改表单MyForm的正确命令是( )。
A. MODIFY COMMAND MyForm B. MODIFY FORM MyForm C. DO MyForm D. EDIT MyForm [单选题] 在同一区段或相邻区段的几个站装(卸)车后组成的直达列车,称( )列车。
A.阶梯直达 B.区段直达 C.始发直达 D.技术直达 我来回答: 提交