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发布时间:2024-08-01 03:38:24

[单选题]The _______ situation is a condition of being threatened by serious and/or imminent danger and of requiring immediate assistance.

更多"[单选题]The _______ situation is a con"的相关试题:

[单选题]The _______ situation is a condition of being concerned about safety and of requiring timely, but not immediate, assistance.

Text 2
The biggest danger facing the global airline industry is not the effects of terrorism, war, SARS and economic downturn. It is that these blows, which have helped ground three national flag carriers and force two American airlines into bankruptcy, will divert attention from the inherent weaknesses of aviation, which they have exacerbated. As in the crisis that attended the first Gulf War, many airlines hope that traffic will soon bounce back, and a few catastrophic years will be followed by fuller planes, happier passengers and a return to profitability. Yet the industry’s problems are deeper—and older—than the trauma of the past two years implies.
As the centenary of the first powered flight approaches in December, the industry it launched is still remarkably primitive. The car industry, created not long after the Wright Brothers made history, is now a global industry dominated by a dozen firms, at least half of which make good prof
A. Governmental restrictions are still imposed on aviation industry in many areas.
B. Governments help establish rules for aviation industry only in America and Europe.
C. Some countries hope to help their national carriers keep up their national prestige
D. Many countries discourage merger plans between foreign and domestic carriers.

[单项选择]In densely populated suburban areas, a danger exits from ______.

A. streams that do not flow directly to open bodies of water
B. cesspools and septic tanks that contaminate water supplies
C. storm and waste disposal sewers that have been combined
D. the undesirable odors of sewage
[单项选择]I instantly enlarged on the danger of delay, putting all the considerations before her in every ______ form.

A. imagined
B. imaginary
C. imaginative
D. imaginable
[单项选择]They all returned to the village()that the danger was over.
A. convincing
B. convinced
C. to convince
D. having been convinced
[单项选择]The Immediate Constituent Analysis is an approach typical of________.

A. transformational generative grammar
B. Bloomfieldian linguistics
C. systemic-functional grammar
D. the Prague School
[单项选择]The flashing red light served as a ()of danger ahead.
A. predictor
B. caution
C. precaution
D. prevention
[单选题]In the United States, flight information service to flights not requiring ATC service is normally provided by flight service stations, _______ some cases this service is also provided by aerodrome control towers. FSS accept_______, provide pre-flight briefing both as regards MET and AIS and provide normal FIS to aircraft in flight.
A.at, plan
B.on, airplane
C.in, flight plans
D.in, airplanes
[单项选择]Tick if you wish to make an immediate purchase.
You have to tell the company if you want ______.

A. to buy the product.
B. more information.
C. a product demonstration.
[单项选择]Tick if you wish to make an immediate purchase.
You have to tell the company if you want
A. to buy the product.
B. more information.
C. a product demonstration.
[单项选择]A thief is a danger to ______.
A. society
B. a society
C. the society
D. societies
[单项选择]The danger in the sharing of household tasks by the mother and father is that ______.

A. the role of the father may become an inferior one
B. the role of the mother may become an inferior one
C. the children will grow up believing that life is a battle of the sexes
D. sharing leads to constant arguing


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