Natural flavorings and fragrances are often costly and limited in supply. For example, the vital ingredient in a rose fragrance is extracted from natural rose oil at a cost of thousands of dollars a pound; an identical synthetic substance can be made for 1% of this cost. Since the early twentieth century, success in reproducing these substances has created a new industry that today produces hundreds of artificial flavors and fragrances. Some natural fragrances are easily synthesized; these include vanillin, the aromatic ingredient in vanilla, and benzaldehyde, the aromatic ingredient in wild cherries. Other fragrances, however, have dozens, even hundreds of components. Only recently has it been possible to separate and identify these ingredients by the use of gas chromatography and spectroscopy. Once the chemical identity is known, it is often possible to A. How to Synthesize Fragrances B. Synthetic Substances Are Easy to Make C. Natural Flavorings and Fragrances D. Synthetic Flavors and Fragrances [单选题]用人单位为劳动者提供(),对其进行专业技术培训的,可以与该劳动者订立协议,约定服务期。
A.时间 B.项培训费用 C.专业指导 D.专业教材 [判断题]作业中必须按规定着装,佩戴防护用品和A使用防护用品,严格执行安全技术操作规程。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于党的八大,下列表述不正确的一项是( )。
A.八大选举毛泽东为党的总书记 B.八大宣告了社会主义革命的基本完成和社会主义制度的基本确立 C.刘少奇代表中央委员会作政治报告 D.宣布无产阶级同资产阶级之间的矛盾基本上解决 [单项选择]当冲突规范所援引的外国法的内容依照法律规定的方法仍不能查明时,我国法院通常的做法是什么()
A. 驳回起诉 B. 适用我国法律 C. 适用同本应适用的外国法相近似或类似的其他国家的法律 D. 适用一般法理 [多项选择]债务人不履行合同,债权人可以行使留置权的合同有 。
A. 保管合同 B. 运输合同 C. 施工合同 D. 加工承揽合同 E. 居间合同 [多项选择]物业管理成本估算结果汇总计算,计算公式为p=∑Fi/S,下列说法错误的有( )。
A. P——某项物业管理成本,单位为元/月 B. Fi——各分项费用 C. i——费用项数,i=0,…,n D. ∑——所有费用项目算术和 E. S——参加测算的物业总建筑面积 [判断题]11号线桥梁支座采用盆形钢支座。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()负责发起组织银团、分销银团贷款份额的银行。
A.牵头行 B.副牵头行 C.代理行 D.参加行 我来回答: 提交