Young people are increasingly becoming
aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food,
particularly processed food they eat is not good for health. {{U}} (67)
{{/U}}, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do
not contain chemical additives and {{U}} (68) {{/U}} are not affected by
chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today. Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil rich {{U}} (69) {{/U}} organic matter. In simple terms, this means the soil has been nourished by vegetable matter, which {{U}} (70) {{/U}} it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a /an {{U}} (71) {{/U}} process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose {{U}} (72) {{/U}} is to increase the amount of foods {{U}} (73) {{/U} A. regarded B. judged C. considered D. measured [判断题]凡影响行车的施工(特别规定的慢行施工除外)、维修作业,都必须纳入天窗,不得利用列车间隔进行 ✔
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]向乘客提供服务时,轨道交通服务人员应与乘客保持1.5m左右的距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于消防执法改革主要任务的是( )。 ( )
A.实行“双随机、一公开”监管 B.强化火灾事故倒查追责 C.优化便民利企服务 D.取消消防产品市场准入限制 [单项选择]足太阳膀胱经与足少阴肾经相交的部位是()
A. 手小指端 B. 足小趾端 C. 手无名指端 D. 手大指 E. 足大趾端 [简答题]计算分析题:假设ABC公司的股票现在的市价为30元。有1份以该股票为标的资产的看涨期权,执行价格为30.5元,到期时间是6个月。6个月以后股价有两种可能:上升35%,或者下降20%。无风险利率为每年4%。拟利用复制原理,建立一个投资组合,包括购进适量的股票以及借入必要的款项,使得该组合6个月后的价值与购进该看涨期权相等。要求:(1)计算利用复制原理所建组合中股票的数量为多少?(2)计算利用复制原理所建组合中借款的数额为多少?(3)期权的价值为多少?(4)如果该看涨期权的现行价格为4元,请根据套利原理,构建一个投资组合进行套利。
A. 使用不导电灭火器进行扑救 B. 断开油开关或自动开关 C. 断开隔离开关 [判断题]关注度就是影响力,但爆料者动机各异,有图未必就有真相。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《行政许可法》,下列关于法律、行政法规设定的行政许可有效范围表述正确的是( )。
A.其适用范围没有地域限制 B.申请人取得的行政许可在全国范围内有效 C.是否在全国范围内有效,要根据有关规定确定 D.法律设定的全国有效,行政法规设定的不一定全国有效 [判断题]( )细菌是活性污泥在组成和净化功能上的中心,是微生物中最主要 的成分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]人体正常血浆量约占体重的()
A. 3% B. 5% C. 10% D. 30% E. 60% [填空题]____是国家在一定的历史阶段,根据社会的政治、经济发展的要求,提出的教育工作发展的总方向,也是国家教育基本政策的总概括。
[单项选择]下列( )属于改革的全面展开阶段涉及的改革内容是( )。
A. 运用价格等经济杠杆,促进农业的发展 B. 改革价格形成机制,理顺比价关系 C. 实行以家庭联产承包为主的责任制 D. 取消人民公社制度,将土地长期承包给农民 [单项选择]Half the world’’s population will be speaking or learning English by 2015, researchers say. Two billion people are expected to start learning English within a decade and three billion will speak it,says a British Council estimate.
Other languages, such as French, risk becoming the casualties of this "linguistic globalization". But the boom will be over by 2050 and the English-language teaching industry will have become a victim of its own success, says David Graddol, author of the report, The Future of English.
Mr. Graddol’’s research was based on a computer model developed to estimate demand for English-language teaching around the world. The lecturer, who has worked in education and language studies at the Open University for the past 25 years, said the model charted likely student numbers through to 2050.
It was compiled by looking at various estimates from the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) on education provision, demographic projec
A. terminate within half a century. B. climax in the middle of the century. C. endure for no less than five decades. D. quit till the beginning of the 2050s. [单项选择]假设某企业总部和分支之间原采用物理专线连接的方式构建Intranet网络,现欲将总部和分支都接入Internet,在总部和分支间启用VPN隧道,并保证数据在网络上传输的私密性,可选择()技术。
A. L2TP B. GRE C. IPSec D. PPTP [单选题] 给高热病人使用乙醇擦浴是( )
A.增加辐射散热 B.增加传导散热 C.增加蒸发散热 D.增加对流散热 E.以上皆错 [多选题]385、列车遇到线路塌方、道床冲空等危及行车安全的突发情况时,司机应( )。
A.A、立即采取应急性安全措施 B.B、立刻通知追踪列车、邻线列车及列车调度员(邻近车站) C.C、配备LBJ的列车立即使用LBJ报警 [单选题]工作期间()必须始终在工作现场,对工作班人员的安全认真监护,及时纠正违反安全的动作。
A.工作许可人 B.被监护人员 C.工作负责人 [单选题]凡参加高处作业的人员,应()进行一次体检。
A.2年 B.1年 C.3年 D.4年 E.略 F.略 [判断题]反映载流导线产生磁场效应的电容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]碳酸钠水溶液呈( )溶液。
A.酸性 B.碱性 C.中性 D.不确定 我来回答: 提交