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发布时间:2023-12-14 12:10:04

[单选题]( )S1:Blue Whale. Indicate contact point.Over. S2:Helicopter,this is Blue Whale. I will indicate contact point. I am ready to receive you. Q:What should MV Blue Whale do?
A.stop vessel immediately
B.show the contact point
C.get hoist ready
D.keep course and speed

更多"[单选题]( )S1:Blue Whale. Indicat"的相关试题:

[单选题]( )S1:Blue Whale. Indicate contact point.Over. S2:Helicopter,this is Blue Whale. I will indicate contact point. I am ready to receive you. Q:What should MV Blue Whale do?
A.stop vessel immediately
B.show the contact point
C.get hoist ready
D.keep course and speed
[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue Whale, make identification signals. S2:I am making identification signals by search light. Q:How did MV Blue Whale make identification signals?
A.By flags
B.By search light
C.By smoke
D.By lamp
[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue SeAThis is Shanghai Coast Station. Drums with dangerous goods of IMO-Class III adrift near position 23°N, 123°E. Please keep clear. Over. S2:Shanghai coast station, this is MV blue sea, I will navigation with caution,thanks. Q:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Drums of radioactive materials were adrift
B.MV Blue Sea lost dangerous cargo
C.The drums are loaded with flammable solids
D.The drums are loaded with flammable liquids
[单选题]( )S1:Blue Whale, this is Oilharbour station. What kind of assistance is required? Over. S2:Oilharbour, this is Blue Whale. I require boat for hospital transfer. Over. Q:What is required?
C.cargo transferring
D.medical advice
[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue Whale. Fasten towing line on your bitts. S2: Understood, Sir. Q: Where is the towing line to be secured?
A.on the vessel9 s bitts
B.on the vessel’s forecastle
C.on the bollards on the bank
D.on the capstans
[单选题]S1:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport Port Control. Nets with buoys in this area. Please
Navigate withcaution. Over. S2:Avonport Port Control, this is Blue Whale. I will navigate
With caution. Over. S1:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport Port Control. Keep clear of the fairway. Search and rescue inprogress. Over. S2:Avonport Port Control, this is Blue Whale. I will keep clear. Over. S1:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport Port Control. Your course is deviating from the radar reference line. Over. S2:Avonport Port Control, this is Blue Whale. What course do you advise? Over. S1:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport Port Control. Advise make course 120 degrees. Over. S2:Avonport Port Control, this is Blue Whale. Making course 120 degrees. Over. S1:MV Blue Whale. This is Avonport Port Control. There is a large tanker to the north of you leaving the fairway. You must wait for her to cross ahead of you. Over. S2:Avonport Port Control, this is Blue Whale. I will wait for the large tanker to clear. Over. 1:What is there in the area?
A. fishing vessel.
B. fishing nets.
C. cardinal buoys.
D. submerged wreck.
[单选题]S1:Avonport port control, this is MV Blue Whale. My radar is not working. Is shore-based radar assistance available? Over. S2:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport port control. Yes, shore-based radar assistance is available. Do you require navigational assistance? Over. S1:Avonport port control, this is MV Blue Whale. Yes, I require navigational assistance. 0-ver. S2:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport port control. What is your position? Over. S1: Avonport port control, this is MV Blue Whale. My position is bearing 115 degrees, distance three miles from entrance buoy. Over. S2:Blue Whale, this is Avonport port control. How was your position obtained? Over. S1:Avonport port control, this is Blue Whale. My position was obtained by cross-bearing.Over. S2:Blue Whale, this is Avonport port control. I cannot locate you on my radar screen. What is your present course and speed? Over: S1:Avonport port control, this is Blue Whale. My present course and speed 060 degrees, 18 knots.Over. S2:Blue Whale,this is Avonport port control. I have located you on my radar screen. Over. 问题 1:What does the vessel require?( )
A. shore-based radar assistance.
B. ship ’ s radar.
C. radar repair.
D. radar plotting.
[单选题]S1:Avonport Port Control, this is MV Blue Whale. I am anchored clear of the fairway. What are my berthing instructions? When will my berth be clear? Over. S2:Blue Whale, this is Avonport. Your berth will be clear at 0730 hours UTC You will berth at No. 2 dock. Stand by channel 12. Over. S1:: Avonport, this is Blue Whale. Standing by channel 12. Over. S2: Blue Whale, this is Avonport. Report your position to assist identification. Over. S1: Avonport, this is Blue Whale. My position is 330 degrees 2 miles from Whitesands Pier. Over. S2:Blue Whale, this is Avonport. I have located you on my radar. Wait for the large vessel to clear before entering fairway. Over. S1:: Avonport, this is Blue Whale. I will wait for the large vessel to clear before entering fair-way. Over. S2:Blue Whale, this is Avonport. You must keep your present speed. The vessel to starboard of you is entering after you. Over. S1:Avonport, this is Blue Whale. I will keep my present speed. Over. S2:Blue Whale, this is Avonport. Keep on the starboard side of the fairway. Listening, out. 1: Where will MV Blue Whale berth?
A. No. 1 dock.
B. No. 2 dock.
C. No. 3 dock.
D. No. 4 dock.
[单选题]S1:Avonport Pilot Station, this is MV Blue Whale. Is the pilot boat on station? Over. S2:Blue Whale, this is Avonport Pilot Station. The pilot boat is coming to you. Over. S1:: Avonport Pilot Station, this is MV Blue Whale. In what position can I take the pilot? Over. S2:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport Pilot Station. Stop in the present position and wait for the pilot. Over. S1:Avonport Pilot Station, this is MV Blue Whale. I will stay in the present position. When will the pilot embark? Over. S2:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport Pilot Station. The pilot will embark at 1130 hours local time. Over. S2:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport Pilot Station. Keep the pilot boat southeast of you. Over. S1:Avonport Pilot Station, this is MV Blue Whale. Yes, I will keep the pilot boat southeast of me. Over. S2:MV Blue Whale, this is Avonport Pilot Station. Stand by on VHF channel 12 until pilot transfer is completed. Over. S1:Avonport Pilot Station, this is MV Blue Whale. Standing by on VHF channel 12. Out. 1: Where is the pilot boat?( )
A. on station.
B. at fairway.
C. on the starboard side.
D. on the leeway side
[单选题]( )S1:Blue Whale,this is Euphorin, Standing by on channel 16. Over. S2:MAYDAY RELAY,MAYDAY RELAY,MAYDAY RELAY, This is MV Blue Whale MAYDAY received from MV Euphoria. Q:Which vessel sent the Mayday message?
A.MV Blue Sky
B.MV Blue Whale
C.MV Euphoria
D.An unknown vessel
[单选题]( )S1:Blue Whale,this is Oilharbour. Is it possible for you to recover the cargo? Over. S2:Oilharbour,this is Blue Whale. No, it's not possible for me to recover the cargo. Over. Q:What is impossible for the vessel?
A.to transfer cargo
B.to jettison cargo
C.to recover cargo
D.to throw cargo overboard


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