Passage Three
According to the best historical and archaeological evidence, it is estimated that it took about 800 thousand to 1 million years for the earth's population to reach the 250 total which existed at the end of the first century 'after Christ. For some time after that, disease, famine, and war kept the population increase down to a fraction of 1 percent a year so that more than 15 centuries passed before the population reached 500 million. But in the next 250 years, up to 1850, the population of the world shot up to the 1 billion mark, and today it has reached 3 billion. It is predicted by United Nations investigators that in the next 35 years the population of the world will double. When experts are asked what the most effective measure which overpopulation poses, they reply that at least three measur A. infection B. destruction C. slaughter D. starvation [单项选择]The bridge was named_________ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
A. after B. for C. because of D. before [多项选择]电子银行动态口令卡柜面业务操作包括()。
A. 登记动态密码设备 B. 注销动态密码设备 C. 修改动态密码设备 D. 查询动态密码设备 [单项选择]
The decline in moral standards—which has long concerned social analysts—has at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, for one, is glad. [单选题]Nº3(三号轴承)的气动站位是:
A.高压压气机进口 B.高压压气机出口 C.燃烧室进口 D.燃烧室出口 [单选题]1.48 饮酒后驾驶机动车一次记几分?
A.2分 B.3分 C.6分 D.12分 [单选题]基金销售支付机构从事公开募集基金销售支付业务的,应当按照( )的规定进行备案。
A.基金业协会 B.中国证监会 C.证券业协会 D.中国银监会 [单项选择]下列属于深部真菌病的是()
A. 甲真菌病 B. 黄癣 C. 念珠菌病 D. 花斑癣 E. 股癣 [单选题] 2021年2月27日,全国( )教育整顿动员部署会议召开
A. 党员队伍 B. 公务员队伍 C. 公安队伍 D. 政法队伍 [填空题]线路设备大修施工应由 承担,并有固定的生产人员作为基本队伍。
[单选题][TW]BDA04 4 1 2
关于S-MWD仪器350系统流管,说法错误的是 ( )。 A.内壁不装密封圈 B.内壁没有键块,只有键槽 C.下导流环带有键槽,而不是键块 D.耐磨套很薄,应检查是否有冲蚀或破裂 [判断题]消防泵用完后要及时将放余水开关打开,将余水排除。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]企业的战略从基层单位自下而上的产生,这是企业战略实施模式中的( )。
A. 指挥型 B. 转化型 C. 合作型 D. 增长型 [单选题]电流互感器二次侧可以开路,但不能短路。
A.对 B.错 我来回答: 提交