The conditions of art should be simple.
A great deal more depends upon the heart than upon the head. Appreciatioia of
art is not secured by any elaborate scheme of learning. Art requires a good
healthy atmosphere. The motives for art are still around about us as they were
round about the ancients. And the subjects are also easily found by the earnest
sculptor and the painter. Nothing is more picturesque and graceful than a man at
work. The artist who goes to the children’s playground, watches them at their
sport and sees the boy stoop to tie his shoe, will find the same themes that
engaged the attention of the ancient Greeks, and such observation and the
illustrations which follow will do much to correct that foolish impression that
mental and physical beauty are always divorced. To you, more than perh A. men loading or unloading a stately ship B. women drawing water from the well C. idle saunterers walking in the street D. cattle-drivers with their lasso lifted [单选题]在构成教师道德品质的六个要素中,标志着道德品质形成的是()。
A. 道德行为 B. 道德习惯 C. 道德认识 D. 道德意志 [名词解释]上位存储器
A. 对画的占有权 B. 动产质权 C. 著作财产权之质权 D. 优先购买权 [多选题]矿井电力系统中,用户和用电设备按其重要性的不伺进行分级,可分为( )。
A.一级负荷 B.三级负荷 C.掘进负荷 D.二级负荷 E.采煤负荷 [填空题]改造后PVA高压部分有母联柜()面。
A. 滑油氧化变质 B. 杂质无法充分沉淀 C. 滑油泵将吸空而断油 D. 连杆大端击油油温升高 [多选题]( )咖啡面包的罗宋形整形长度标准错误的是。
A.13厘米 B.12厘米 C.14厘米 D.15厘米 [单项选择]常用脚手架的立杆应均匀设置,通常其纵向间距不大于()。
A. 1.2m B. 1.5m C. 2m [填空题]特殊工种必须经过培训( )取得证件后,方准作业。
[单项选择]以下选项中,不属于旅游特征的是( )。
A. 异地性 B. 暂时性 C. 教育性 D. 非就业性 [单项选择]属于广谱抗癫痫药物的是()
A. 卡马西平 B. 乙琥胺 C. 丙戊酸钠 D. 苯妥英钠 [单项选择]蒸馏酒的主要卫生问题是( )。
A. 甲醇 B. 细菌污染 C. 黄曲霉毒素 D. 食品添加剂 [简答题]当向E.coli培养基中同时加入乳糖和葡萄糖时,大肠杆菌优先利用哪种糖?为什么?
[判断题]( )在各种熔焊过程中,焊接区内都会产生或多或少的有害气体,主要有臭氧.氮氧化物.二氧化碳.氟化物和氯化物等。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]定点杂草管理
A. 是揭阳市人民民族文化的集中展示和民族情感的集中表达 B. 是揭阳市凝固的艺术 C. 体现了揭阳市文化的博大精深 D. 对人们的物质生活和精神生活产生持久的影响 [单项选择]利用远红外辐射器产生的电磁波被含水物料吸收后,使水分汽化而干燥的方法()
A. 减压干燥 B. 常压干燥 C. 流化干燥 D. 冷冻干燥 E. 红外干燥 [单项选择]属于网络115.17.200.0/21的地址是 (47) 。
[单项选择]Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.
One principle of taxation, called the benefit principle, states that people should pay taxes based on the benefits they receive from government services. This principle tries to make public goods similar to __36__ goods. It seems reasonable that a person who often goes to the movies pays more in __37__ for movie tickets than a person who rarely goes. And __38__ a person who gets great benefit from a public good should pay more for it than a person who gets little benefit.
The gasoline tax, for instance, is sometimes __39__ using the benefits principle. In some states, __40__ from the gasoline tax are used to build and maintain roads. Because those who buy gasoline are the same people who use the roads, the gasoline tax might be viewed as a __41__ way to pay this government service.
The benefits principle can also be used to argue that wealthy citizens should pay higher taxes than poorer ones, __42__ because the wealthy benefi
A. 湿邪化热,灼伤胃津 B. 湿邪阻遏,津液不升 C. 素体阴虚,津液不足 D. 湿热内伏,津液暗牦 [单选题]党的各级委员会实行集体领导和个人分工负责相结合的制度。凡属重大问题都要按照集体领导、民主集中、( )、会议决定的原则,由党的委员会集体讨论,作出决定。
A.个别酝酿 B.个别商谈 C.私下酝酿 D.特别酝酿 [单选题]在化工装置灾害事故处置中,打开紧急放空线,将超压气体排入火炬管线或现场直排泄压,防止设备或系统超压爆炸的措施被称为( )。( )
A.紧急停车 B.泄压排爆 C.关阀断料 D.切断外排 [单选题]在家庭生命周期中的( ),借贷行为通常是为了消费或者改善家庭的生活品质。
A.早期阶段 B.财富积累后期 C.退休养老期 D.整个过程 [单选题]()指钢筋焊接前两个钢筋端部从电极钳口伸出的长度。
A.调伸长度 B.烧化留量 C.预锻留量 D.预热留量 [单项选择]女,21岁,常有夜间突发呼吸性困难,两肺布满哮鸣音,诊为支气管哮喘,查血有何特点( )。
A. 淋巴细胞增加 B. 嗜碱性细胞增加 C. 单核细胞增加 D. 嗜酸性细胞增加 E. 中性粒细胞增加 [单选题] 任何情况下,电压监视控制点的电压值偏差超出省调下达电压曲线值的±5%,持续时间均不得超过30分钟,否则即构成电网( )事件。
A.四级 B.五级 C.六级 D.七级 我来回答: 提交