United States customs law defines an antique (古董) as an object that is more than 100 years old. It is understood, however, that an object must be more than just 20 years old in order to be called an antique. Properly, an antique must also be distinguished by some degree of aesthetic(美学的) or historic merit. An antique is usually both beautiful and decorative. It may also have additional interest and value because of its relationship to a historical period or to some well-known person. George Washington’s teapot and dining room chairs, for example, are more valuable as antiques than those that belonged to most other 18th century Americans,
Antiques of all kinds are highly valued for their intrinsic(内在的) beauty, craftsmanship, and quality of design. They may be made of rare materials such as gold or silver, but they may also be made of ordinary materials such as wood or paper. Most antiques are things that were originally used as household furnishings. These inc
A. The rarer material an antique is made of, the more valuable it is.
B. Most antiques belong to the decorative arts.
C. An antique may be valuable because of its design.
D. Household furnishings are most likely to become antiques.
TV Game Shows One of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience. A novel can be on the "best seller" lists with a sale of fewer than 100, 000 copies, hut a popular TV show might have 70 million TV viewers. TV can make anything or anyone well-known overnight. This is the principle behind "quiz" or "game" shows, which put ordinary people on TV to play a game for prizes and money. A quiz show can make anyone a star, and it can give away thousands of dollars in the U.S. and almost everyone watched them. Charles Van Doren, an English instructor, became rich and famous after winning money on several shows. He even had a career as a television personality . But one of the lose [单选题]根据国网湖南省电力有限公司审计问责管理办法(湘电公司审〔2020〕219号)规定,对审计应问责行为给企业造成的不良影响分为()、较大、重大、恶劣影响四个等级。
A. 一定 B. 一般 C. 轻微 D. 极小 [单选题]根据票据法律制度的规定,下列各项中不属于支票绝对应记载事项的是( )
A.无条件支付的委托 B.付款人名称 C.出票地 D.出票日期 [单选题] 称老主顾营销规划的是( )P335
A. 频繁营销 B. 协同营销 C. 定制营销 D. 数据库营销 [单选题]消防救援人员有()情形的,可以从轻或者 减轻给予处分
A.拒绝配合调查,如实说明本人违法违纪事实的 B.主动交代本人应当受到处分的违法违纪行为的 C.胡乱检举他人违法违纪行为,经查证属实的 D.在共同违法违纪行为中起主要用的 [判断题]对于重大事故隐患,由生产经营单位(车间、分厂、区队等)负责人或者有关人员组织整改。
[单选题]羞耻是一种( )的社交情绪。
A.积极 B.作用不明 C.消极 D.有积极意义,也有消极作用 [单选题]家中计算机的配置为:P4 .8GHz、1GB、500GB、50X、15寸,表示硬盘容量的参数是[ ]。(101-150)
A.Intel奔腾4 2.8GHz B.1GB C.500GB D.50X [单选题] ( )是利用油的粘性和轴颈的高速运转,使轴颈在轴承完全被油膜隔开。
A.静压润滑 B.动压润滑 C.飞溅润滑 D.滴油润滑 [单选题]起吊物应绑牢,吊钩悬挂点应与吊物重心在同一垂线上,吊钩钢丝绳应( ),严禁偏拉斜吊。
A.水平 B.垂直 C.倾斜 D.始终带负荷 [单项选择]空滤器的更换时间是()。
A. 500小时 B. 1000小时 C. 1500小时 D. 2000小时 [单选题]农业专业化不包括( )。
A.农业企业专业化 B.农艺过程专业化 C.农业地区专业化 D.农业产品专业化 [单项选择]肾小管重吸收受损可检出的蛋白质不包括()
A. α1-微球蛋白 B. α2-巨球蛋白 C. β2-微球蛋白 D. 溶菌酶 E. 视黄醇结合蛋白 [单选题]患者,男性,34岁。现经口气管插管,口腔pH中性,护士选用0.02%呋喃西林溶液为患者进行口腔护理的作用是( )
A.遇有机物放出氧分子杀菌 B.改变细菌生长的酸碱环境 C.清洁口腔,广谱抗菌 D.防腐生新,促进愈合 E.使蛋白质凝固变性 [判断题]为预防血管内导管相关感染,应定期更换中心静脉导管。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]严寒地区冬季使用后,为保障手抬泵正常使用,应放净泵内余水。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于皮肤再生的描述,错误的是()
A. 皮肤损伤面积较大较深时,创伤修复后常留下瘢痕 B. 皮肤小面积损伤,愈合后可不留瘢痕 C. 皮肤再生的过程和修复时间,因受伤的面积和深度而不同 D. 正常情况下,表皮角质层细胞脱落,由棘层细胞增殖补充 E. 正常情况下,表皮角质层细胞脱落,由基底细胞增殖补充 [多选题]配电设备系指20kV及以下配电网中的配电站、开闭所(开关站,以下简称开闭所)、箱式变电站、柱上变压器、柱上开关(包括柱上断路器、柱上负荷开关)、环网单元、电缆分支箱、()等。
A.变电站内开关柜 B.低压配电箱 C.电表计量箱 D.充电桩 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]32岁,G1P0,宫内孕32周,因不慎跌倒,阴道少量出血1天入院。检查宫底耻骨上29cm,胎心好,无明显宫缩及压痛,胎头高浮,B超示胎盘较一般增厚,最可能的诊断是()
A. 帆状胎盘 B. 部分性前置胎盘 C. 边缘性前置胎盘 D. 胎盘边缘血窦破裂 E. 胎盘早期剥离 [单选题]《中国铁路运输收入管理规定》(铁财〔2020〕75号)规定,少缴款处理期限不得超过()天。对超过期限未处理的少缴款,转同级运营财务部门先予垫付,由其向责任单位追款,由责任人赔偿。
A.15 B.30 C.45 D.60 [判断题]纸质运营会计档案的装订要做到结实牢固、整齐美观,上齐、左齐或右齐,每册厚度不宜超出5厘米。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]承运人利用回送的自备集装箱装运货物至回送的到站,免收( )。
A.装卸费 B.取送车费 C.集装箱使用费 D.回空运费 [填空题]氯气液化温度随氯气压力升高而( )。
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