Passage Two
Some years ago industries had more freedom than they have now, and they did not need to be as careful as they must today. They did not need to worry a lot about the safety of the new products that they developed. They did not have to pay much attention to the health and safety of the people who worked for them. Often new products were dangerous for the people who used them; often conditions in the work place had very bad effects on the health of the workers.
Of course sometimes there were real disasters which attracted the attention of governments and which showed need for changes. Also scientists who were doing research into the health of workers sometimes produced information which governments could not ignore. At such times, there were inquiries into the causes of the disaster or the problems. New safety rules were often introduced as a result of these inquiries; however, the new rule; came too late to protect the people who died or who becam
A. workers often got iii because of the poor working conditions
B. companies were free to put out any products they wanted to
C. many people were killed by the dangerous products
D. industries were not as careful in management as they are today
Material culture refers to what can be
seen, held, felt, used--what a culture produces. Examining a culture’s tools and
technology can tell us about the group’s history and way of life. Similarly,
research into the material culture of music can help us to understand the music
culture. The most vivid body of material culture in it, of course, is musical
instruments. We cannot hear for ourselves the actual sound of any musical
performance before the 1870s when the phonograph was invented, so we rely on
instruments for important information about music cultures iii the remote past
and their development. Here we have two kinds of evidence: instruments well
preserved and instruments pictured in art. Through the study of instruments, as
well as paintings, written documents, and so on, we can explore the movement of
music from the Ne A. it helps produce new cultural tools and technology B. it can reflect the development of the nation C. it helps understand the nation’s past and present D. it can demonstrate the nation’s civilization [单项选择]永久性顶盖无围护结构的场馆看台建筑面积应:(2012,21)
A. 按其顶盖水平投影面积的1/2计算 B. 按其顶盖水平投影面积计算 C. 按其顶盖面积计算 D. 按其顶盖面积的1/2计算 [单项选择]
A. 10 B. 30 C. 60 D. 90 [单项选择]正常入餐后血糖的范围一般在()。
A. 7.0~8.3mmol/L B. 4.9~7.6mmol/L C. 6.0~7.6mmol/L D. 7.8~8.3mmol/L E. 6.0~8.6mmol/L [多选题]各单位要围绕安全红线范围和内容,加强对( )的安全监督检查,及时发现和严厉查处触碰安全红线行为。
A.关键时段 B.关键地点 C.关键岗位 D.关键环节 [判断题]通常采用压铅法来测量气门间隙。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]1.将第一张幻灯片加标题:“信息时代”,字型设置为加粗,并改变这张幻灯片版面为“垂直排列标题与文本”,然后把这张幻灯片移为第二张幻灯片。
2.使用“Sunny Days”演示文稿设计模板修饰全文;幻灯片切换效果设置为“从左下抽出”。 [单选题] “将成熟、次强的品牌摆放在烟柜中较偏的位置,标定边界,帮助维护和拓宽陈列空间”,采用的促销技巧是( )。
A.充分利用“黄金带”的广告效用 B.开展分层陈列,提高整体销售 C.使用“中心保护法”推广弱势品牌 D.促进新品、滞销品发展 [单项选择]某企业投保了财产保险综合险,因水灾造成一栋厂房毁损,已知该栋房屋的市场价值为60万元,保险金额为50万元。则被保险人可得到的赔款金额为()。
A. 50万元 B. 60万元 C. 55万元 D. 45万元 [多选题]网络硬件包括拓扑结构、 和网络设备。
A.显示器 B.网络服务器 C.网络工作站 D.传输介质 [多项选择]下列哪些提升工程促进了基层党建工作达标、拓展、提效?()
A. 基层组织强化工程 B. 党员素质提升工程 C. 党建服务深化工程 D. 党建机制完善工程 E. 党建发展双促工程 [单选题]提升机超速保护装置的作用是,当提升速度超过最大速度()%时,必须能自动断电,且使制动器实施安全制动。
A.15 B.5 C.10 [单项选择]列宁说:“只有社会主义才可能广泛推行和真正根据科学原则进行产品的社会生产和分配,以便使所有的劳动者过最美好、最幸福的生活。”这句话的含义是只有社会主义才能实现()
A. 绝对平等 B. 按需分配 C. 平等富裕 D. 共同富裕 [单选题]在建立护患关系初期,护患关系发展的主要任务是
A.收集患者资料 B.确定患者的健康问题 C.为患者制定护理计划 D.与患者建立信任关系 E.为患者解决健康问题 [单项选择]女患,25岁,以"四肢无力10天"为主诉来诊。查体:四肢肌力2级,肌张力减低,各腱反射(+),伴肌压痛,大小便能自控,无明显感觉障碍。腰穿脑脊液检查:白细胞数6×10/L,蛋白质0.9g/L,糖2.9mmol/L,氯化物125mmol/L。诊断考虑为()
A. 急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病 B. 重症肌无力 C. 急性硬脊膜外脓肿 D. 脊髓灰质炎 E. 周期性麻痹 [单选题]房地产经纪人员在房屋查验过程中,对房屋产权的确认,应以( )为准。
A.出售方口头陈述 B.房地产权属管理部门登记的产权信息 C.出售方出示的产权书面说明 D.房屋买卖合同 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司行车补充规定》(南铁运〔2018〕95号)按规定通勤客车车辆加挂货车列尾装置,在中间站挂车后超吨,须征得()同意。
A.乘务人员 B.乘务担当单位 C.司机 D.配属单位 [多选题]在洞口作业时,应设置的防护设施是( )
A.在洞口作业时,应设置相应在防护设施 B.在电梯井内应每隔四层并最多隔20°设一道安全网 C.钢管柱 、钻孔桩等桩孔土口,杯形、条形基础上口,未填土的坟槽,以及入孔、天窗、地板门等处,均应按洞口防护设置稳固的盖件 D.物料提升机上斜口,应装设有联锁装置的安全门,同时采用断绳保护装置或安全依靠装置 [单项选择]精神分裂症的临床症状一般没有()。
A. 意识障碍 B. 情感障碍 C. 感知障碍 D. 思维障碍 E. 行为障碍 [单项选择]已列入国家药品标准的药品名称,或已成为药品通用名称,不能作为
A. 药品图案使用 B. 药品设计使用 C. 药品包装使用 D. 药品商标使用 E. 药品标识使用 [单选题]线路钢轨(焊缝)折断紧急处理时,在断缝处上好夹板或臌包夹板,用急救器固定,在断缝前后各50 m拧紧扣件,并派人看守,放行列车速度不超过( ) km/h。
A.45 B.25 C.35 D.15 [多选题]根据《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》(GB50300-2013)第6.0.6条规定,建设单位收到工程竣工报告后,应由建设单位项目负责人组织()等单位项目负责人进行单位工程验收。
A.监理 B.施工 C.设计 D.质检站 [多选题]《教育部办公厅关于加强义务教育学校作业管理的通知》中指出,在课堂教学提质增效基础上,切实发挥好作业育人功能,布置科学合理有效作业,帮助学生 、 、 。( )
A.巩固知识 B.提升成绩 C.形成能力 D.培养习惯 [单项选择]安全评价机构应编制( ),用于规范安全评价过程和行为;保证安全评价质量。
A. 《安全技术资格证书》 B. 《安全过程控制文件》 C. 《安全评价人员资格证书》 D. 《劳动用品使用说明》 [多选题]上流槽操作准备时( )
A.认真检查各控制柜的供电 B.天然气的压力是否正常 C.确认日常的漏气巡检情况 D.报警系统是否正常 [判断题] 被联合国评为 “象征20 世纪人类征服自然的三大奇迹”的是中国长城、美国阿波罗宇宙飞船登月活动和苏联第一颗人造卫星。(
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]右主支气管与正中矢状面的夹角约()
A. 30~35° B. 20~30° C. 30~40° D. 15~20° E. 50° [判断题]使用飞车安装间隔棒时,前后刹车卡死(刹牢)前即可进行工作走线检查、安装间隔棒。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交