Sometimes, kids have extra challenges
making friends, even if you’re doing everything fight as a parent. All children are capable of having friends, although high self-esteem really helps them succeed, says Kathy Noll. Noll is the author of Taking the Buggy bi/the Horn. s, which offers help to both bullies and their victims. How can you tell whether your child may be having trouble making friends Noll lists several warning signs to watch for: depression, reluctance to go to school, difficulty concentrating, poor grades, doesn’t bring other kids home to play, seems to get along better with adults, ① To help your child make friends, you need to show that you care and can be trusted. Focus on the positive, Noll says. Instead of pointing out what is causing your child’s failure, talk about what he can do A. Cards. B. Children. C. Children’s feelings. D. Children’s friends. [多项选择]在下列费用中,列入建筑安装工程直接工程费中人工日工资综合单价的有()
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