The United Nations was founded to
promote peace, prosperity and human rights. It is doing somewhat better on the
first two counts than its critics sometimes make out. The last, however, has
been such a failure that it is threatening to bring the whole edifice down. Once
revered as the creator of all the great universal human-rights rules and
instruments, the 53-member Commission on Human Rights has been thoroughly
discredited. If it cannot be fixed it needs to be scrapped. In its present form
it serves only to make a mockery of the cause. The reason for this is simple enough. The present committee is packed with members who are themselves serial abusers of human rights. Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General, admits that their main purpose in being on the committee is not to strengthen human rights but t A. the present one will be brought to a halt. B. its members will seek other solutions. C. the UN will lose its members’ trust. D. Kofi Annan will possibly resign. [判断题]【判断题】胸外心脏按压时,胸外心脏按压与人工呼吸的比例关系通常是,成人为30:2,婴儿、儿童为15:2。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据GB 50089-2018 《 民用爆炸物品工程设计安全标准》下列说法中不符合危险品库房、仓库安全出口设置规定的是?
A.单个危险品库房安全出口的数目不应少于2个 B.单个储存隔间安全出口的数目不应少于2个 C.当单个危险品库房、仓库或单个储存隔间建筑面积小于250m²时,可设1个安全出口 D.库房、仓库内任一点到安全出口的疏散距离不应大于30m。 [单项选择]严重质量事故由( )归口管理。
A. 国务院 B. 国家建设行政主管部门 C. 省、自治区、直辖市建设行政主管部门 D. 市、县级建设行政主管部门 [判断题]媒体流服务器通过网线连接交换机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 通常所说的天然气是指天然生成的( )气体。
A.所有 B.甲烷 C.烷类 D.烃类 [单选题]活顶盖安装时需在活顶框上安装密封胶皮,将活顶盖压装在密封胶皮上,活顶盖调整到位后,安装螺栓螺母。安装时,先用()N.m的扭矩拧紧薄螺母,再用28N.m的扭矩拧紧厚螺母。
A.21 B.22 C.23 D.24 [多选题]空调机组风机段积水,可能原因有( )
A.A.通过挡水段的风速过高,使冷凝水飞进风机段 B.B.积水盘排水管穿孔 C.C.过滤网阻力大 D.D.以上原因均不正确 我来回答: 提交