How to Survive a Layoff You’ve lost your job, but it’s not the end of your career. Get the help you need to set you back on track with advice from the experts. Don’t Panic! After a job loss, it may seem like your world is crashing in all at once. Stay calm and resist the urge to make any sudden moves—like sending a harshly critical e-mail or making a scene on your way out—that could hurt you in the long run. "It’s completely normal to A. It’s harmful and drives people to be unrealistic about themselves. B. It is a therapy used widely to cure depression caused by job loss. C. It can make people have a positive attitude toward their future. D. It is a kind of imagination which can be realized with efforts. [判断题]朗肯土压力理论的基本假设是:墙背直立,粗糙且墙后填土面水平。
[多选题]现场防护员和现场负责人核对调度命令,核对内容为( )。
A.作业计划号 B.作业范围 C.天窗起止时间 D.作业门编号 [单选题]能够限制操作过电压的避雷器是( )避雷器
A.普通阀型 B.保护间隙 C.排气式(管型) D.无间隙金属氧化物 [单项选择]储存61度以上的白酒库房的火灾危险性应划为( )。
A. 甲类 B. 乙类 C. 丙类 D. 丁类 [单选题]下列关于生物常识,说法不正确的是( )。
A.转植酸酶基因玉米为“环保型、节约型、专用型”品种 B.莲藕基因组计划将绘制出世界第一份莲藕基因组精细图 C.人体共有22对常染色体和1条性染色体 D.詹姆斯·沃森和弗朗西斯·克里克提出DNA的双螺旋结构 [简答题]简述处理与内部公众关系的艺术。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据人伤定损时效要求,两千元以下任务()内完成。
A. 当天 B. 两个小时 C. 48小时 D. 三天 [判断题]贷款币种仅限于人民币。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列推动人体生长发育及脏腑功能活动的气是
A. 元气 B. 宗气 C. 卫气 D. 中气 E. 营气 [判断题]绝缘杆作业法更换直线杆绝缘子作业在特殊情况下可以约时停用重合闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]生产控制大区部署的入侵检测系统的主要作用是()。
A.捕获网络异常行为 B.分析潜在威胁 C.安全审计 D.查杀病毒 E.略 F.略 [单选题]战伤需要优先处理的情况不包括( )
A.呼吸循环不稳定的伤员 B.出血不止的伤员 C.已经上了止血带的伤员 D.有隐匿伤情的伤员 E.休克伤员 [多项选择]承租人的治安责任主要有( )。
A. 必须持有本人身份证或其他合法证件 B. 租赁房屋用于居住的外来暂住人员,必须按户口管理规定在3日内到房屋所在地派出所申报暂时户口登记 C. 将承租房屋转租、转借他人的,应当向当地派出所申报备案 D. 承租房屋不准用于生产、储存、经营易燃易爆或有毒等危险物品 E. 发现承租人有违法犯罪活动或嫌疑的,应当及时向公安派出所报告 [单选题]HCl塔在提负荷时,为防止VCM蒸到塔顶,应采取措施( )。
A.控制HCl塔进料 B.控制HCl塔底输出量 C.控制塔提馏段灵敏板温度 D.控制塔精馏段灵敏板温度 [简答题]过滤开始时,为什么滤液是浑浊的?
凡要求计算的项目,均须列出计算过程;计算结果出现小数的,均保留小数点后两位小数。 甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,其销售的产品为应纳增值税产品,适用的增值税税率为17%,产品销售价款中均不含增值税额且产品销售为公司主营业务。甲公司适用的所得税税率为25%。产品销售成本按经济业务逐笔结转。2010年度,甲公司发生如下经济业务事项: (1)销售A产品一批,产品销售价款为1000000元,产品成本为500000元。产品已经发出,并开具了增值税专用发票,同时向银行办妥了托收手续。 (2)委托丙公司代销C产品一批,并将该批产品交付丙公司。代销合同规定甲公司按售价的10%向丙公司支付手续费,该批产品的销售价款为200000元,产品销售成本为60000元。已发出商品,但甲公司尚未收到委托代销清单。 (3)收到乙公司因产品质量问题退回的B产品一批,并验收入库。甲公司用银行存款支付了退货款,并按规定向乙公司开具了红字增值税专用发票。该退货系甲公司20×7年12月20日以提供现金折扣方式(折扣条件为:2/10、1/20、n/30,现金折扣不考虑增值税)出售给乙公司的,销售价款为40000元,产品销售成本为20000元。销售款项于12月29日收到并存入银行。该项退货不属于资产负债表日后事项。 (4)甲公司收到了丙公司的代销清单。丙公司已将代销的C产品全部售出,款项尚未支付给甲公司。甲公司在收到代销清单时向丙公司开具了增值税专用发票,并按合同规定确认应向丙公司支付的代销手续费。 (5)用银行存款支付管理费用60000元,本期计提坏账准备5000元。 (6)计提应交的城市维护建设税为2000元,应交的教育费附加为1000元。 (7)确认本年的应交所得税(假定甲公司不存在纳税调整事项)。 (8)结转损益类科目及本年利润科目(甲公司年末一次性结转损益类科目)。 要求: 根据上述业务,编制甲公司2010年度经济业务事项(1)~(8)的会计分录。(“应交税费”科目要求写出明细科目) [判断题]煤中灰分测定的仲裁方法为缓慢灰化法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各项中,不会稀释公司每股收益的是( )。
A.发行认股权证 B.发行短期融资券 C.发行可转换公司债券 D.授予管理层股份期权 [单选题]铝线或钢芯铝线在瓷瓶、耐张线夹处无铝包带属于( )。
A.一般缺陷 B.重大缺陷 C.紧急缺陷 D.临时缺陷 [填空题]Library is the place where many books are kept. They are of various kinds and can provide information people want. But if you don’t know how to find books in the library, you may spend a lot of time in looking for the book you want. But something can, solve your problem. That is the catalogue in the library. When you want to see if a library has the book you want, you can use the catalogue in the library. Most catalogues of books in a library take the form of small cards kept in boxes. One way of arranging the cards is in ABC order by the family names of the writers.
Catalogue cards usually give the following important information: (1) the name of the writer; (2) the shelf-mark, that is, the Dewey number which helps people to find where the books are, (3) the title of the book, (4) the year of publication and the publisher, and (5) the number of pages in the book. Using the catalogue, you can find the book you want quickly. The libr [单项选择]The squeeze on university places is getting ever tighter. But what does all this mean for students The Good University Guide’s John O’Leary explains that getting into university is going to be (62) this year. Of that there is no doubt, (63) the Government has slashed higher education budgets in England and (64) the 10,000 extra places it sanctioned last year.
But just how much harder One vice-chancellor has (65) that 300,000 applicants could be disappointed this summer. That may be (66) , but it would be no surprise for the (67) to pass 200,000--roughly twice the number left without a place in 2003. We will have a better idea of the true (68) when Universities and Colleges Admissions Service publishes its first (69) statistics of 2010. Some universities are reporting (70) of up to 20percent in the number of applications. If that (71) of increase continues, there c A. billows B. surges C. heaves D. movement 我来回答: 提交