At the present time, 98 percent of the
world energy consumption comes from stored sources, such as fossil fuels or
nuclear fuel. Only hydroelectric and wood energy represent completely renewable
sources on ordinary time scales. Discovery of large additional fossil fuel
reserves, solution of the nuclear safety and waste disposal problems, or the
development of controlled thermonuclear fusion will provide only a short-term
solution to the world’s energy crisis. Within about 100 years, the thermal
pollution resulting from our increased energy consumption will make solar energy
a necessity at any cost. Man’s energy consumption is currently about one part in ten thousand that of the energy we receive from the sun. However, it is growing at a 5 percent rate, of which about 2 percent represents a population growth and 3 percent a per capita energy increase. If [单选题]列车及调车作业中发生冲突、脱轨、火灾、爆炸、相撞,造成客运列车耽误本列( )小时以上,未构成一般A类以上事故的,为一般B类事故。
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 [填空题]卷内备考表的立卷人和检查人是指( )。
[填空题] 机车的转向架由构架、轮对、轴箱、轴箱悬挂装置、( )、齿轮传动装置、牵引电机悬挂装置和基础制动装置等组成。
[多项选择]根据我国《促进科技成果转化法》,科技成果完成单位与其他单位合作进行科技成果转化的,应当依法约定该科技成果有关权益的归属。合同未作约定的,办理原则应当是( )。
A. 在合作转化中产生新的发明创造的,新发明创造的权益归该科技成果完成单位享有 B. 在合作转化中无新的发明创造的,科技成果的权益归合作各方共有 C. 对合作转化中产生的科技成果,各方都有实施该项科技成果的权利 D. 对合作转化中产生的科技成果,转让该科技成果应经合作各方同意 [填空题]
Jazz began in the early 20th century as a kind of music of
black Americans. It was{{U}} (36) {{/U}}for singing, for dancing, and
for entertainment and atmosphere at parties or social{{U}} (37)
Jazz has continued to develop and has produced some of the United States’ leading singers, instrumentalists, and{{U}} (38) {{/U}}. Today, it’ s{{U}} (39) {{/U}}by many to be America’ s art music. It has also{{U}} (40) {{/U}}almost every other kind of music in America, Europe, and even the{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. Jazz represents a{{U}} (42) {{/U}}of musical elements from Africa and from Europe. Jazz uses some European ideas of{{U}} (43) {{/U}}and melody, but the rhythms are more African in origin. And Jazz is polyrhythmic, {{U}} (44) {{/U}}. The most important feature of Jazz is improvisation. {{U}} (45) {{/U}}. Jazz musicians have learned to improvise so well that they can make up excellent melodies as they play. A [单选题]接地电阻的阻值大小与( )因素基本无关。
A.金属接地体的形状和大小 B.金属接地体本身的电阻 C.金属接地体埋入的深度 D.大地电阻率 [单项选择]对信用档案系统管理部门转来的投诉,房地产经纪机构应当在()内反馈意见,无正当理由未按时反馈的,将在网上公示投诉情况。
A. 3日 B. 7日 C. 15日 D. 20日 [单项选择]建设工程风险识别的方法中,采用()方法所得到的风险识别结果较粗。
A. 财务报表法 B. 流程图法 C. 初始清单法 D. 风险调查法 [多项选择]政府用于偿还国债的资金来源有( )。
A. 设立偿债基金 B. 依靠财政盈余 C. 增发货币 D. 通过预算列支 E. 举借新债 [判断题]危险化学品仓库不需设置专职或兼职危险化学品养护员,负责危险化学品技术养护、管理和监测工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交