With the understanding of phobias has
come a magic bag of treatments: exposure therapy that can stomp out a lifetime
phobia in a single six-hour session; virtual-reality programs that can safely
simulate the thing the phobia most fears, slowly stripping it of its power to
terrorize; new medications that can snuff the brain’s phobic spark before it can
catch. In the past year, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first drug—an existing antidepressant. Most psychologists now assign phobias to one of the three broad categories: social phobias, in which the sufferer feels paralyzing fear at the prospect of social or professional encounters; panic disorders, in which the person is periodically {{U}}blindsided{{/U}} by overwhelming fear for no apparent reason; and specific phobias—fear of snakes and enclosed spaces and heights A. New medicines that can get rid of the fear in the brain. B. New psychological methods that can help people not fear. C. New medicines that can remove phobia in six-hour period. D. The method that can help people overcome phobia by facing fearful things. [简答题]高分子材料粘流态特征及流动机理
要求: 1.计算立即进行该项目的净现值; [多选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》中规定,遇有押运人员,要检查()。
A.A、车票 B.B、包裹票 C.C、行李票 D.D、联合票 [单选题]某批大宗绿茶外形得分为80分,内质得分85分,则该批大宗绿茶总得分为( )分。
A.83.25 B.83.5 C.83.75 D.84 [判断题]液压挺柱也需要预留适当的气门间隙。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]柴油机长期停机后,特别是在冬季,如果低温启动,对柴油机( )不利。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下可用于对无线设备和交换机进行管理的设备是()
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]You were ______ at the meeting, but to our disappointment, you didn't ______.
A. hoped; come out B. wanted; turn on C. invited; come up D. expected; turn up [填空题]就电波传播而言,发射机同接收机间最简单的方式是 传播。
[单项选择]下列各项中,不属于建立帐套时需要建立的信息为( )。
A. 设置帐套信息 B. 设置单位信息 C. 确定核算类型 D. 输入期初余额 [判断题]专用校车应安装限速装置,且限速装置调定的最大车速不应大于100km/h。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]IT系统是指电源中性点不接地或经足够大阻抗(约1000Ω)接地,电气设备的外露可导电部分经各自的()分别直接接地的三相三线制低压配电系统
A.保护线P B.中性线N C.P D.地线 [单项选择]甲公司以二项专利权换乙公司一条生产线,同时向乙公司收取货币资金10万元。在交换日,甲公司专利权的账面价值为80万元,公允价值为100万元;乙公司生产线的账面价值为60万元,公允价值90为万元。假定不考虑相关税费,甲公司换人生产线的入账价值为()万元。
A. 54 B. 72 C. 81 D. 90 [简答题]简述三类GPRS手机的类型定义。
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