The United States became a rich
industrial nation toward the end of the 1800s. There were more goods, more
services, more jobs, and a higher standard of living. There was more of
everything, including problems. One problem was monopoly — that is, be the only
seller of a certain line of products or a service. In some cases, several
companies that manufactured the same product would agree not to compete with one
another. They would all agree to charge the same price. These arrangements made
it impossible for customers to shop around for lower prices for certain
products. Some people decided that huge corporations had too much power and controlled too many markets. Because of their wealth and power, they could see to it that government passed laws favorable to them. Many people believed that monopoly and price fixing were bad fo A. the production of certain kinds of goods B. complete control and possession of trade C. a big corporation or company D. an agreement on prices [单选题]交换机的()技术可以隔离和减少广播域。
A.VLAN B.VTP C.STP D.ISL [单选题]183、下列选项不属于 BIM技术在空间管理中的应用的是()
A.A.家具管理 B.B.租赁管理 C.C.垂直交通管理 D.D.车库管理 [单项选择]
SOX is an alternative()for XML. It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a()editor. It is then easily transformed into proper XML. SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal of time with raw XML. For many of us, the popular XML()have not reached a point where their tree views, tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying()language. This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view, albeit enhanced, for editing other languages such as Java. SOX uses()to represent the structure of an XML document, which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices. The result is surprisingly clear. For many of us, …… where their tree views, tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying()language.A. programming B. command C. markup D. interactive [多项选择]阴茎再造常用的手术方法有()
A. 皮管法 B. 带蒂皮瓣法 C. 岛状皮瓣法 D. 吻合血管游离皮瓣法 E. 程开祥阴茎再造术 [多选题]老年患者突然出现下列哪些不
A.上腹胀痛或呕吐 B.频发性室性期前收缩 C.术后出血性休克 D.苍白、冷汗 E.端坐呼吸、发绀 [单选题]营销营业〔2017〕40号国网营销部关于印发变更用电及低压居民新装(增容)业务工作规范(试行)的通知要求,装表接电人员完成换表(特抄)工作,并由用户在纸质电能计量装接单或者( )上签字(电子签名方式)确认表计底度。
A.PDA B.掌机 C.移动作业终端 D.APP [单选题]链型悬挂两接触线之间的水平间隙为()毫米,其所在的平面要与轨平面平行,以保证受电弓良好地取流和接触线磨耗均匀。
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单项选择]急性病毒性肝炎患者饮食应为
A. 清淡饮食 B. 高热量 C. 高蛋白 D. 高脂肪 E. 高碳水化合物 [单项选择]现代意义的国际资本流动作为一种稳定的经济现象,迄今经历了()
A. 一个发展阶段 B. 二个发展阶段 C. 三个发展阶段 D. 四个发展阶段 [单项选择]有关中国银监会实施《固定资产贷款管理暂行办法》、《项目融资业务指引》、《流动资金贷款管理暂行办法》和《个人贷款管理暂行办法》),下面说法错误的是()。
A. 新规实施后,贷款支付管理从量上看可能会增加银行业金融机构某些业务环节的操作成本,但银行业金融机构的整体效益会得到提高 B. 为防止不公平竞争,各银行业金融机构应“齐步走”,按照已确定的时间表,认真实施 C. 新规实施前已经签订借款合同但尚未按合同全部支付(所余未拨款部分)的固定资产贷款、流动资金贷款,可以继续执行原合同规定的支付条件和方式执行 D. 对执行不积极、不到位造成重大负面影响的银行业金融机构,银行业监督管理机构将按照有关法律法规和审慎监管要求,严格追责 [多项选择]国际合作部门负责()成本控制,标准制定及动因参数审核,()执行情况分析评价。
A. 国际业务 B. 国际并购 C. 公务出国 D. 国际金融 [单选题]止步高压危险属于( )。
A.禁止类标示 B.警告类标示 C.指令类标示 D.安全防护标示。 [多选题]下列漏电保护装置中属于动作电流等设的是()。
A.0.01A B.0.075A C.1A D.0.2A E.20A [单项选择]
NAC’s (Network Access Control) role is to restrict network access to only compliant endpoints and (66) users. However, NAC is not a complete LAN (67) solution; additional proactive and (68) security measures must be implemented. Nevis is the first and only comprehensive LAN security solution that combines deep security processing of every packet at 100Gbps, ensuring a high level of security plus application availability and performance. Nevis integrates NAC as the first line of LAN security (69) In addition to NAC, enterprises need to implement role-based network access control as well as critical proactive security measures-real-time, multilevel (70) inspection and microsecond threat containment. (67)是()A. crisis B. security C. favorable D. excellent [名词解释]胎头拨露
A. 进水口高 B. 出水口高 C. 均匀一致 D. 曝气区高 [单项选择]受理执业医师注册申请的卫生行政部门,应当准予注册的期限是自收到申请之日起
A. 7日内 B. 10日内 C. 15日内 D. 30日内 E. 60日内 [单项选择]桑椹胚的形成一般在受精后的
A. 3天 B. 6天 C. 8天 D. 5天 E. 7天 [多选题]照明器材是用于提高现场和根据现场光照亮度的装置,按性能可分( )
A.防水型 B.防震型 C.防爆型 D.防水防爆型 E.防腐型 [单项选择]慢性前列腺炎患者,头晕,精神不振,腰酸膝冷,阳萎,早泄,稍劳后即有白浊溢出舌淡红,脉细。其证型是
A. 阴虚火旺 B. 湿热下注 C. 肾阳不足 D. 气血瘀滞 E. 中气下陷 [单项选择]含有枸橼酸和碳酸氢钠的颗粒剂,称为
A. 水溶性颗粒 B. 酒溶性颗粒 C. 混悬性颗粒 D. 泡腾性颗粒 E. 混合型颗粒 [单项选择]下列因素,不会导致真性早熟的是()
A. 下丘脑提前发生脉冲式大量释放 B. 腺垂体提前产生青春期样LH、FSH分泌 C. 甲状腺功能亢进 D. 肾上腺皮质功能减退症 E. 神经系统肿瘤 [单项选择]患儿,女,6岁,因经常要求调高电视音量,且对家长呼唤反应迟钝1个月余入院。入院时一般情况良好,电耳镜检查可见双侧外耳道干燥,双耳鼓膜内陷,锤骨短突明显向外突出,透过鼓膜可见液平,将患儿头部前俯、后仰时,液平仍能保持与地面平行。针对该患儿耳科病例应选用的手术方式为()
A. 鼓膜穿刺术 B. 鼓膜切开术 C. 鼓膜切开加置管术 D. 鼓室探查术 E. 乳突开放术 F. 乳突根治术 [单项选择]某投资方案净现值可能为5600万元、4300万元和2680万元,发生的概率分别为0.2、0.3和0.5,则该投资方案净现值的期望值是( )万元。
A. 3650 B. 3750 C. 3880 D. 3980 [单选题]、计算机病毒是一个在计算机内部或系统之间进行自我繁殖和扩散的程序,其自我繁殖是指____。(易)(基础知识)
A.复制 C.人与计算机间的接触 D.程序修改 [单选题]车站突发事件初期,主要命令下达及整体事件处理应听从( )安排。
A.A、民警 B.B、值班员 C.C、值班站长 D.D、站务员 [多选题]正常倒闸操作,尽量避免操作的情况包括(____)。
A.变电站交接班时间内 B.运维人员休息时 C.系统发生事故时 D.雷雨、大风等天气 我来回答: 提交