The ivory-billed woodpecker, if you
haven’t heard, is no longer extinct. In late spring, a group of 17 researchers
announced in the online version of Science that they had spotted at least one
member of this majestic species living in the cypress and tupelo swamps of
eastern Arkansas. Once found everywhere in Southern hardwood forests, the
ivory-billed woodpecker tumbled in population after the turn of the century, the
victim of avid collectors and logging. It had last been seen in 1944, reduced to
what Tim Gallagher, author of "The Grail Bird: Hot on the Trail of the
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker," calls "a symbol of everything that h A. The focus on the bird is an important yet missing characteristic, and without it even the successful discovery will seem hollow. B. It is not the bird but the human efforts that attract a lot of readers’ attention. C. The article argues that the book is with great content and great focus. D. Although the book is not stylish, readers still find interesting things in its characterization and extended history of the bird. [单项选择]股骨颈骨折的典型表现是()
A. 患肢外旋、短缩、轴向叩痛 B. 患肢延长、外旋、轴向叩痛 C. 患肢短缩、内旋、轴向叩痛 D. 患肢短缩、中立、轴向叩痛 E. 患肢内收、内旋、轴向叩痛 [多选题]下列各项中,属于企业会计的基本目标的有()。
A.为国家宏观经济管理和调控提供会计信息 B.为企业外部各有关方面提供会计信息 C.为企业内部经营管理提供会计信息 D.为企业外部债权人、股东、国家行政管理部门如总工会等提供会计信息 E.为企业内部财务、供应、生产、销售等经营管理部门提供会计信息 [单选题]( )UM71⾃动闭塞低频调制信号频率从10.3Hz到29Hz,按1.1Hz等差数列递增。
A.√ B.X [单选题]马克思和恩格斯进一步发展和完善了德国古典哲学中具有启发性思想的是( )。 ( )
A. 辩证法 B. 唯心主义 C. 劳动价值论 D. 浪漫主义 [单选题]男性,50岁,间歇性便血10余年,近1个月持续便血,量多,常呈喷射状,感头晕,肛诊齿状线上粘膜呈较大的串珠形隆起.应诊断
A.外痔 B.内痔 C.混合痔 D.直肠癌 E.直肠息肉 [单选题]下列选项错误的是( )。
A.存托人应与境外基础证券发行人签署存托协议,并根据存托协议约定协助完成存托凭证的发行上市 B.—般商业银行就可以担任存托人 C.托管人应当按照托管协议约定,协助办理分红派息、投票 D.托管人应当向存托人提供基础证券的市场信息 [单项选择]下述激素南腺垂体合成的是()
A. CRF B. ADH C. LRH D. ACTH E. SS [单项选择]
下列选项中能够进行思维创新的有() A. ①②③④ B. ④⑤⑥⑦ C. ③⑤⑥⑦ D. ②③④⑥⑦ [不定项选择题]根据以下材料,回答题
People have smoked cigarettes for a longtime now. The tobacco which is used to make cigarettes was first grown in whatis now part of the United States. Christopher Columbus, who discovered America,saw the Indians smoking. Soon the dried leaves were transported to Europe. In thelate 1800s, the Turks made cigarettes popular.
Cigarette smoke contains at least twoharmful substances, tar and nicotine. Tar, which forms as the tobacco burns,damages the lungs and therefore affects breathing. Nicotine, which is found inthe leaves, causes the heart to beat faster and increases the breathing rate.Nicotine in large can kill a person by stopping a person′s breathing muscles.Smokers usually take in small amounts that the body can quickly break down.
Nicotine can make new smokers feel dizzy (头晕) or sick to theirstomachs. The heart rate for young smokers increases 2 to 3 beats per minute.Nicotine also lowers skin temperature and reduces blood flow in the legs andfeet. It plays an important role in increasing smokers′ risk of heart disease andstroke.
Smoking cigarettes is dangerous. Cigarettesmoking was the cause of lung cancer and several other deadly diseases.
What is the main purpose of the firstparagraph 查看材料
A.To tell us the bad effects caused bysmoking cigarettes. B.To introduce the history of smoking. C.To let us know what the cigarettes aremade from. D.To tell the readers that Columbus foundthe Indians smoking. [单项选择]通过物理和化学的方法将被洗物品上的有机物、无机物和微生物尽可能降低到比较安全的水平,称为()
A. 清洁 B. 去污 C. 消毒 D. 灭菌 E. 抗感染 [单项选择]根据《期货交易管理条例》,审批设立期货交易所的机构是()。
A. 中国期货业协会 B. 国务院期货监管管理机构派出机构 C. 国务院期货监管管理机构 D. 国务院商务主管部门 [单项选择]人力资源供给预测的基础包括人力资源需求预测、目前人力资源供给状况以及()。
A. 分析人力资源流动情况 B. 分析人力资源招聘情况 C. 分析人力资源素质情况 D. 分析人力资源市场情况 [单项选择]下列有关个人所得税所得来源地的表述中,正确的是()。
A. 特许权使用费所得以特许权的使用地作为所得来源地 B. 财产租赁所得以租赁所得的实现地作为所得来源地 C. 利息、股息、红利所得以取得收入的地点为所得来源地 D. 劳务报酬所得以纳税人实际取得收入的支付地为所得来源地 [判断题]操作多功能担架时,固定带要连接牢固,运送时被救者头部应朝后。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作中,遇()等情况威胁到工作人员的安全时,工作负责人或专责监护人应下令停止工作。
A.雷 B.雾霾 C.雨 D.闷热天气 E.大风 F.略 [单选题]煤矿企业安全检查必须由本企业的( )亲自组织。
A.主要负责人 B.分管安全领导 C.安全管理部 [单项选择]下列模板的声明中,正确是
A. template<T> B. template<class T1,T2> C. template<class T1,class T2> D. template<class T1 ;class T2> [单选题]一个国家或地区旅游收入乘数效应的大小主要取决于该国家或地区( )。
A.旅游产品价格的高低 B.各种旅游资源供给自给程度的高低 C.旅游经营管理水平的高低 D.旅游产品促销能力的大小 [单选题]被取保候审人违反有关规定,保证人未及时报告的,可以对其处以( )罚款。
A.1000元以上5000元以下 B.1000元以上1万元以下 C.1000元以上2万元以下 D.1000元以上3万元以下 我来回答: 提交