When I come across a good essay in reading
newspaper, I often feel like cutting and keep it. But just as I am about to do
so I find the article on the opposite side is as much interesting. It may be a
discussion of the way to keep in good health, or advice about how to be oneself
in society. If I cut the front essay, the opposite one is bound to suffer
damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text without the subject. As a
result, the scissors would stay before they start, or halfway done. when I find
out the result that inevitably(不可避免地) causes my regret. Sometimes two things are
to be done at the same time, both, deserving your attention. You can only take
up one of them, the other has to wait or be given up. But you know the future
unpredictable (不可预见的 )--the changed situation may not A. difficult situation B. your preference of one choice C. what is left behind D. two things are to be done at the same time [多项选择]外汇交易的方式有()。
A. 现货交易 B. 期货交易 C. 远期交易 D. 期权交易 [单选题]弹簧装置测量有背靠背、面对面、( )三种安装形式。
A.双向 B.单向 C.同向 D.异向 [单选题]最小能见度是指( )
A.能看到最近的物体距离 B.能见度因方向而异时,其中最小的能见距离 C.能见度音方向而异时,垂直和水平能见度最小的距离 [单项选择]法所反映的意志的内容不包括()。
A. 统治阶级的特定利益 B. 整个社会共同生存的必要条件 C. 中间阶级的意志体现 D. 被统治阶级的某些要求 [判断题]1 在电子标签的埋设位置埋设燃气标志桩,并将电子标签和标志桩的埋设位置在竣工图纸和GIS系统中体现。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]信用风险又称违约风险,是指因交易对手、投资对象主体未能履行合同所规定的义务或信用质量发生变化而带来损失的风险。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Americans are often contrasted with the rest of the world in terms of material possessions. We are accused of being materialistic, gadget crazy. And, as a matter of fact, we have developed material things for some very interesting reasons. Lacking a fixed class system and having all extremely mobile population, Americans have become highly sensitive to how others make use of material possessions. We use everything from clothes to houses as a highly evolved and complex means of ascertaining each other’’s status. Ours is a rapidly shifting system in which both styles and people move up or down. For example:
The Cadillac (卡迪拉客克) ad men feel that not only is it natural but quite insightful of them to show a picture of a Cadillac and a well-turned out gentleman in his early fifties opening the door. The caption (标题) underneath reads, "You already know a great deal about this man."
Following this same pattern, the head of a big union spends an excess of $100,000 furnishing his offi
A. the president of United States Steel looks down upon his inferiors B. the head of the big union is a corrupt leader C. a director with a small and poor office is usually considered undependable D. a good citizen does not use material things to show his status [单选题]常用制动调速,掌握制动周期和减压量,防止( )。机务安细附件2
A.再制动充风不足 B.超速 C.闯过关闭的信号 D.列车起紧急制动作用 [判断题]钢筋混凝土梁平法施工图中,符号N412表示梁每侧均放置412的抗扭钢筋。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]绝缘靴、绝缘手套等安全用品,应每()月进行一次绝缘耐压试验。
A.3 B.6 C.9 D.12 [简答题]请为以下各题编制会计分录:
1.某开户单位到信用社存入账户现金10000元。 2.某乡镇企业在某信用社获得流动资金贷款100000元。信用社以转账方式转入其账户。 3.某信用社2004年1月6日依法收回抵贷房产一处,取得时的计价价值为200000元,抵偿农村经济组织贷款本金180000元,表内应收利息20000元,经上级批准列入抵贷资产。上述抵贷资产经上级批准后,于3月10日采取公开拍卖的方式处理变现收入190000元,款项已入银行存款账。请编制会计分录(不考虑相关税金)。 [单选题]苯酚爆炸极限的体积百分含量为( )
A.0.8%—8% B.0.8%—8.6% C.1.7%—8.6% D.1.7%—9.4% [简答题]钳形电流表只能测交流,不能测直流。
A. 1/2 B. 2/3 C. 3/4 D. 4/5 [单项选择]若fp是指向某文件的指针,且通过该文件指针读数据已读到文件末尾,则函数feof(fp)的返回值是( )。
A. EOF B. -1 C. 1 D. NULL [单项选择]病毒性肝炎中所见的嗜酸性小体属于:
A. 溶解性坏死 B. 凝固性坏死 C. 凋亡 D. 纤维素性坏死 E. 脂肪坏死 [填空题] Si j’avais à choisir un lieu de voyage, je (aller) _____à Pékin.
[多选题]英法发动第二次鸦片战争的导火索是\( )。
A.马神甫事件 B.虎门销烟 C.亚罗号事件 D.林维喜案 [单项选择]城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的保障对象既包括:()
A. 机关事业单位 B. 机关事业单位和国有企业的职工 C. 机关事业单位和国有企业、非国有企业职工 D. 国有企业、非国有企业职工 我来回答: 提交