Mary Barton, particularly in its early
chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the
England of the 1840’s. What is most impressive about the book is the intense and
painstaking effort made by the author, Elizabeth Gaskell, to convey the
experience of everyday life in working-class homes. Her method is partly
documentary in nature: the novel includes such features as a carefully annotated
reproduction of dialect, the exact details of food prices in an account of a tea
party, an itemized description of the furniture of the A. the material details in an urban working-class environment B. the influence of Mary Barton on Lawrence’s early work C. the place of Mary Barton in the development of the English novel D. the portrayal of the particular feelings and responses of working-class characters [单项选择]风邪伤人,病变部位不固定是由于()
A. 风与肝应,肝病易动 B. 风为百病之长 C. 风性轻扬 D. 风性善行 E. 风性数变 [多选题]《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:一旦井喷失控,应()。
A.迅速做好储水、供水工作 B.尽快由四通向井口连续注水, C.用消防水枪向油气流和井口周围大量喷水 D.防止着火和保护井口 E.在确保人员安全的情况下,将氧气瓶、油罐等易燃易爆物品拖离危险区 [填空题]岩性标准层是指电性特征明显的(),具有明显的()。
(1)主权在民原则 (2)保护私有财产原则 (3)法治原则 (4)基本人权原则 (5)权力制约原则 (6)保护公共财产原则 A. (1)(3)(4)(5) B. (1)(3)(4)(2) C. (2)(3)(4)(5) D. (1)(2)(3)(5) [单选题]纳税人缴纳税款后,实施假报出口手段骗取出口退税。骗取税款数额超过其缴纳的税款部分,涉嫌构成()
A.骗取出口退税 B.虚开用于骗取出口退税、抵扣税款发票罪 C.抗税罪 D.逃避缴纳税款罪 [判断题] 电压互感器的额定容量就是最大容量。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]排吸器是一种水流喷射泵,当消防车内无水时,可用排吸器向车内引水。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
The newly unemployed have different attitudes towards new
jobs. Complaining of the social problems and enjoying their free time, some of
them just wait passively for help. Moreover, they are rather fussy about
government {{U}} (36) {{/U}} jobs. Their typical job requirements include
good pay, {{U}} (37) {{/U}} social position and nice working environment.
To their disappointment, no such jobs are {{U}} (38) {{/U}} yet and they
have let good opportunities slip by. In contrast, most of the unemployed are
practical, facing the {{U}} (39) {{/U}} with courage and seizing any
opportunity with {{U}} (40) {{/U}} . Instead of complaining and relying
on others, they are {{U}} (41) {{/U}} hunting all sorts of jobs by
themselves. They attend job training schools to acquire new {{U}} (42)
{{/U}} skills while holding odd jobs. Since China is heavily {{U}} (43)
{{/U}}in the construction of her infrastructure which provides many jobs,
millions of th
[单选题]当( )时,表现切割速度过快
A.①割缝边缘熔化 B.②后拖量较小 C.③后拖量较大 D.④垂直度不好 [多选题]下列关于电绝缘装具阻燃性能的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.以每20s,升压2000V的速度施加电压,在16000V时不被击穿。 B.续燃时间≤2s。 C.阻燃时间≤10s。 D.损毁长度≤10cm。 E.耐酸碱性能:1h内不渗透 [单项选择]舌下含化起效迅速的抗心绞痛药物是()
A. 硝酸甘油 B. 普萘洛尔 C. 硝苯地平 D. 尼莫地平 E. 维拉帕米 [单选题] 根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,施工单位应当在施工组织设计中编制安全技术措施和施工现场临时用电方案,对基坑支护与降水工程、土方开挖工程、模板工程、起重吊装工程、脚手架工程、拆除、爆破工程达到一定规模的危险性较大的分部分项工程编制专项施工方案,并附具( ),经施工单位技术负责人、总监理工程师签字后实施,由专职安全生产管理人员进行现场监督。
A.丸安全用电方案 B.安全实施方案 C.安全施工方案 D.安全验算结果 [判断题] 杆塔组装,组装构件连接对孔时,将手指伸入螺孔找正必须戴好手套。( )( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]监督并协助大型活动主办单位建立健全消防安全管理制度的单位是( )。
A. 消防部门 B. 政府部门 C. 交通部门 D. 医疗部门 [多选题]超声检测仪器的存储仪器用于 和各种操作。
A.调整状态 B.缺陷波形 C.信息处理 D.数据采集 我来回答: 提交