{{I}}Questions 17 - 20 are based on the following talk. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17 - 20.{{/I}} |
目前该病人需要采取以下护理措施,但除外( )
Questions 62 to 66 are based on
the following passage. The better defined your hiring process is, the more easily it will be adhered to. I suggest that you use a multi-stage interviewing process by which the candidate meets with multiple people to provide different opinions and input on the hiring-decision. Again, keep all notes taken during the interview. These notes should be factual and should detail observations made by the people conducting the interview as well as quotations of the candidate’s responses to questions. There should be no inferences made about a candidate in any notes, and no notes should betaken on a, resume (简历). Pre-determine three to six questions that will help you uncover the capability of each applicant and ask those same questions to each person that is interviewed. Thes A. the conclusion point B. the starting point. C. the leaving point D. the central point [单选题]依据《职业病防治法》的规定,对遭受或者可能遭受急性职业病危害的劳动者,用人单位应当及时组织救治、进行健康检查和医学观察,所需费用由( )承担。
A.劳动者个人 B.用人单位 C.劳动者个人和用人单位共同 [单项选择]护理人员最基本的道德义务是()
A. 对病人个体尽义务和对社会尽义务统一起来 B. 对社会尽义务 C. 对病人尽职尽责 D. 对病人个体尽义务 E. 以上都不是 [判断题]自喷井可以进行分层采油,抽油机井不能实现分层采油。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 遵纪守法是消防职业道德所倡导的基本规范,是消防官兵必须认真履行的基本道德义务。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]经济法律关系的客体可分为三大类,下列选项中属于经济法律关系客体的有( )。
A. 货币 B. 自然人 C. 营利性的经济组织 D. 科学技术成果 [单选题]将顾客的需求质量信息进行聚类,就是将混乱状态的问题条理化,这样的方法称为( )
A.KJ法 B.德尔菲法 C.模糊聚类法 D.戴明法 [单项选择]由于钻头刚性差,排屑和冷却困难,钻孔精度不高,表面粗糙度大于(),公差等级在IT10以下,因此钻孔属于粗加工。
A. Ra1.25µm B. Ra2.5µm C. Ra0.64µm D. Ra32µm [单选题]某商业企业 增值税一般纳税人)2020年10月向消费者个人销售纯金首饰取得收入58950元,销售金银镶嵌首饰取得收入35780元,销售镀金首饰取得收入42898元,销售镀金镶嵌首饰取得收入22378元,取得金银首饰的修理清洗收入1780元。该企业上述业务应缴纳的消费税为 )元。
A.4191.59 B.5983.16 C.4081.62 D.0 [单项选择]不是分娩期应抓好的五防内容是( )
A. 防难产 B. 防感染 C. 防产伤 D. 防出血 E. 防产后乳汁不足 [多选题]燃气管网巡查中,要检查阀室内消防器材()为合格。
A.压力正常 B.有效使用期不明 C.处于有效使用期内 D.外观完好 [单项选择]按照规定,法定盈余公积金弥补亏损和转增资本金后的剩余部分不得低于注册资本的( )。
A. 35% B. 50% C. 10% D. 25% [单项选择] Task 2
Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.
Welcome to our small business set-up guide, providing all the information you need to start your business on a healthy, solid basis.
From choosing the right name for you company and making your first business plan, through to up-to-date taxation(税务) advice, banking and insurance tips, each subject is discussed in the guide.
We also look at the vital characteristics you’ll need to survive in business.Determination and originality(原创性) are key.Equally, so is the ability to organize your time and to put in the required effort during the early days.
As with any new business, success can never be guaranteed, but our aim is to reduce the difficulties involved in setting up a business on your own.We’ll forewarn you of the most common problems, including failure to research your market in sufficient detail and not setting aside enough funds for tougher financial t
A. Deal with. B. Argue with. C. Advise beforehand. D. Give instructions to. [单项选择]离子选择电极的电位选择性系数可用于()。
A. 估计电极的检测限 B. 估计共存离子的干扰程度 C. 校正方法误差 D. 计算电极的响应斜率 [单选题]企业事业单位和其他生产经营者违法排放污染物,受到罚款处罚,被责令改正,拒不改正的,依法作出处罚决定的行政机关可以自责令改正之日的次日起,按照原处罚数额按( )连续处罚。
A.日; B.周; C.月; D.年。 我来回答: 提交