Women are quite often competent
drivers, but they are very seldom consistently first class. At best they are a
mild hazard, at {{U}} (62) {{/U}} potentially lethal. A wise male driver will always give them plenty of roads and still be on the lookout for the {{U}} (63) {{/U}} to happen. This {{U}} (64) {{/U}} has nothing to do with their lack of ability to cope with the {{U}} (65) {{/U}} complexities of the vehicles; it is due to an inherent {{U}} (66) {{/U}} which, in certain other circumstances, may be highly desirable, {{U}} (67) {{/U}} which, behind the wheel, is deadly. It is their {{U}} (68) {{/U}} for talking. Women together in a car yield {{U}} (69) {{/U}} this need and when they talk they look into each other’s faces. Simple words are {{U}} (70) {{/U}} It is necessary for them to see the expression which {{U}} ( A. introduction B. indication C. indefinition D. inclination [单选题]病人万某,男,34岁。测量血压,血压值为132/88mmHg属于
A.收缩压偏高舒张压偏低 B.收缩压偏低,舒张压偏高 C.理想血压 D.正常血压 E.正常高值 [单选题]工人操作机械设备时,穿紧身适合的工作服的目的是为了防止()。
A.被机器的转动部分缠绕 B.着凉 C.被机器弄污 [单项选择]周朝建立后,所面临的政治形势相当严峻。为了项固政权,适应新形势的需要,周武王按功行赏,调整统治集团的内部关系,实行了()
A. 世袭制 B. 禅让制 C. 分封政治制度 [判断题]管理weblogic的时候,必须通过图形界面的console执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]旧型转8AG、转8G、转K1、转K2型下旁承尼龙摩擦板与旁承座配合侧面(单侧)磨耗不大于( )。
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.5mm [单选题]机车改变司机室操纵时,应按规定对列车自动制动机进行( )试验。
A.简略 B.感度 C.安定 [判断题] 《中国人民银行授权书》是有货币真伪鉴定技术与条件的商业银行业务机构可以受理货币真伪鉴定业务的资质证明。( )( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]土地增值税的纳税人应在转让房地产合同签订后( )日内,到税务机关办理纳税申报。
A. 7 B. 10 C. 15 D. 30 [单选题]纯天然气主要成分是( ) 及其低分子同系物组成
A.液化气 B.甲烷 C.柴油气 [单选题]无线调车灯显装置信号显示( )为减速信号。
A.一个绿灯 B.绿灯闪数次后熄灭 C.黄灯闪后绿灯长亮 D.绿、黄灯交替后绿灯长亮 [单选题]建立“供电+能效服务”协同工作体系和联动机制,实现能效服务队伍()、服务()、手段()。
A.A、专业化、规范化、信息化; B.规范化、专业化、信息化; C.信息化、规范化、专业化; D.专业化、信息化、规范化 我来回答: 提交