Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones was a teenager before he saw his first cow in his first field. Born in Jamaica, the 47-year-old grew up in inner-city Birmingham before making a career as a television producer and launching his own marketing agency. But deep down he always nurtured every true Englishman’s dream of a rustic life, a dream that his entrepreneurial wealth has allowed him to satisfy. These days he’s the owner of a thriving 12-hectare farm in deepest Devon with cattle, sheep and pigs. His latest business venture: pushing his brand of Black Farmer gourmet sausages and barbecue sauces. "My background may be very urban," says Emmanuel-Jones. "But it has given me a good idea of what other urbanites want." And of how to sell it. Emmanuel-Jones joins a herd of wealthy fugitives from city life who are bringing a A. He was born and brought up in Birmingham. B. He used to work in the television industry. C. He is wealthy, adventurous and aspiring. D. He is now selling his own quality foods. [单选题]警戒带安全标记中色带的宽度应相同并以大约( )角倾斜。
A. 30° B. 90° C. 60° D.45° [多项选择]企业的下列固定资产中,( )不计提折旧。
A. 租出固定资产 B. 已提足折旧仍继续使用的车辆 C. 按规定单独估价作为固定资产入账的土地 D. 未使用、不需用的设备 [单项选择]依法治国的根本目的在于( )。
A. 确保国家各项工作有法可依,依法行政 B. 维护宪法和法律在国家政治、经济和社会生活中的权威 C. 依法打击敌视和破坏社会主义的敌对分子,维护社会稳定 D. 保证人民充分行使当家作主的权利,维护人民当家作主的地位 [单选题] 眼睛化学性烧伤冲洗时的注意事项有( )。
A.冲洗时使用中和剂 B.冲洗时不要直接冲洗角膜,应沿眼角翻开上下眼睑冲洗 C.首先区分清是酸烧伤还是碱烧伤 [判断题] 战斗结束包括检查、移交现场、清点人员、装备和恢复战备等内容。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交