A modern supermarket can be divided
into three main sections: the entrance-exit area (including checkstands), the
space along the four walls, and the central area that consists of long rows of
two-sided shelves with aisles between them. The entrance of a supermarket always leads customers directly to the shopping carts and shopping baskets. Sometimes it is impossible to leave through the entrance because the automatic doors open only one way or because there is a turnstile inside the market that moves in one direction only. The walls near the entrance and exit are reserved for large and heavy items, so that customers can pick up these kinds of items on their way out. Ordinarily the back wall of a supermarket is reserved for meats. The meats are always arranged according to kind. Poultry, such as chicken and turkey, is in one part of the A. near the entrance B. in the center section C. in a row or aisle D. in a wall section [判断题]办理“变更到站”不收取任何费用。(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在实施存货监盘程序时,注册会计师应当( )。
A.对被审计单位存货的盘点进行现场监督 B.实际参与被审计单位存货的盘点 C.对被审计单位已经盘点的存货进行检查 D.撰写盘点备忘录,编制审计工作底稿 [判断题]农村中小金融机构应当按照内部的管理职能和运作流程,全面梳理本机构实际经营管理中面临的法律风险,并对可能的风险进行准确分类,使法律风险的识别成为一项规范性工作。
[单选题]生铁的( )是检验合格生铁占全部检验生铁的百分比。
A.优质品率 B.一级品率 C.合格率 D.abc [单项选择]“对于人,伤其十指不如断其一指;对于军队,击溃其十个师不如歼灭其一个师。”这句话所体现的战略战术原则是()。
A. 诱敌深入,积极防御 B. 集中优势兵力打歼灭战 C. 战略上藐视敌人,战术上重视敌人 D. 运动战与游击战相结合 [不定项选择题]A.喜树碱
A.硫酸长春碱 B.多柔比星 C.紫杉醇 D.盐酸阿糖胞苷 E.作用于DNA拓异构酶Ⅰ的生物 [判断题]表示郑州5号线第8列车第2节车的编号应为05082B。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交