Is nothing sacred Even the idle
weekend pastime of skimming stones on a lake has been taken apart and reduced to
a mathematical formula. Everyone knows a stone bounces best on water if it’s round and flat, and spun towards the water as fast as possible. Some enthusiasts even travel to international stone-skimming competitions, like world champion Jerdone Coleman-McGhee, who made a stone bounce 38 times on Blanco River, Texas, in 1992. Intuitively,a flat stone works best because a relatively large part of its surface strikes the water, so there’s more bounce. Inspired by his eight-year-old son, physicist Lyderic Bocquet of Lyon University in France wanted to find out more. So he tinkered with some simple equations describing a stone bouncing on water in terms of its radius(半径) ,speed and spin, and taking account of gravity A. they want to make the experiment to be more sacred B. British engineer Barnes Wallis did his experiment this way C. human beings cannot ensure the speed and spin needed D. they wanted to rediscover a piece of history [简答题]1、反映企业经营成果的会计报表是
A. 解决设计存在的问题 B. 抵消过大的安装积累误差 C. 修补制造的加工缺陷 D. 补仓零部件的装配偏差 [单选题]准备工作完成后,二级循环泵正确启动顺序为( )
A. 启泵—开进口阀—开出口阀; B. 开出口阀—启泵—开进口阀; C. 开进口阀—启泵—开出口阀; D. 启泵—开出口阀—开进口阀 [判断题]与国家铁路接轨的铁路专用线、专用铁路办理超限超重货物运输时,铁路局应将超限超重货物运输安全内容纳入铁路专用线、专用铁路运输协议。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 架空绝缘线路耐张、转角、分支、终端杆应选用耐张绝缘子和绝缘金具
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]控制被描述为包含六个要素的封闭系统。以下哪项是六项控制要素之一
A. 制定业绩标准。 B. 适当地可得到的数据文件。 C. 内部审计活动章程的批准。 D. 独立的内部审计活动的建立。 [简答题]简述当代资本主义的新变化及其实质。
[填空题]Tom arrived home and discovered that he had (11) his door key. He rang the bell, but nobody came to (12) the door. He rang again, and still there was no (13) He walked around the house to see if he could find an open window, but in vain. So he did not know what to do. His wife had (14) gone out, and he didn’t know when she would be back. He waited for half an hour. Still no one came. Finally feeling angry, he (15) a big stone and tried to throw it through the kitchen window. Just as he was climbing into the room, he heard the front door open. His wife came back.Tom arrived home and discovered that he had (11) his door key. He rang the bell, but nobody came to (12) the door. He rang again, and still there was no (13) He walked around the house to see if he could find an open window, but in vain. So he did not know what to do. His wife had (14) gone out, and he didn’t know when she would be
A. 真空阀开,大气阀开 B. 真空阀关,大气阀关 C. 真空阀关,大气阀开 D. 真空阀开,大气阀关 [单项选择]患儿,5岁。证见发热烦躁,咳嗽喘促,气急鼻煽,呼吸困难,喉间痰鸣,面赤口渴,大便干燥,小便黄少,舌红,苔黄,脉滑数。其证候是()
A. 风寒闭肺 B. 风热闭肺 C. 痰热闭肺 D. 毒热闭肺 E. 阴虚肺热 [单项选择]价格垄断行为的实施主体是( )。
A. 国家 B. 经营者 C. 消费者 D. 政府价格主管部门 我来回答: 提交