Two related paradoxes also emerge from
the same basic conception of the aesthetic experience. The first was given
extended consideration by Hegel, who argued roughly as follows: our sensuous
attention and that gives to the work of art its peculiar individuality. Because
it addresses itself to our sensory appreciation, the work of art is essentially
concrete, to be understood by an act of perception rather than by a process of
discursive thought. At the same time, our understanding of the work of art is in part intellectual; we seek in it a conceptual content, which it presents to us in the form of an idea. One purpose of critical interpretation is to expound this idea in discursive form—to give the equivalent of the content of the work of art in another, nonsensuous idiom. But criticism can never succeed in this task A. it is our sensuous appreciation that gives peculiar individuality to the work of art B. it is the content of the work of art that holds our attention C. the work of art cannot be understood without a process of logical thinking D. the form of the work of art is what our sensuous appreciation concentrates on [单项选择]80C51单片机复位时,P0~P3口锁存器的状态为()。
A. 00H B. 80H C. 不确定 D. FFH [单选题] 必须带安全帽属于安全标志中的( )。
A.禁止标志 B.警告标志 C.指令标志 D.提示标志 [单选题]下列酶促反应中,哪一个是可逆的( )
A.糖原磷酸化酶 B.果糖二磷酸酶 C.磷酸甘油酸激酶 D.丙酮酸激酶 E.己糖激酶 [单项选择]以下哪项不是代脉所主病证( )
A. 脏气衰微 B. 疼痛 C. 跌仆损伤 D. 痰浊 E. 惊恐 [多项选择]下列因素会降低绝缘材料的性能或导致被破坏()。
A. 腐蚀性气体 B. 蒸汽 C. 潮湿 D. 机械损伤 [单选题]中国式现代化包括几个方面的内容?()
A.2个方面 B.3个方面 C.4个方面 D.5个方面 [判断题]电动势的方向规定在电源内部由正极指向负极。易
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当发电机组发生故障或异常运行情况时,在确认故障或异常运行机组恢复至满出力期间,系统旋转备用容量无法满足有关规定时,省调值班调度员应下令适时开启备用机组。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]消防监督检查人员进行监督检查时,应当填写《消防监督检查记录》,如实记录检查情况。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高速铁路衔接的其他线路车站(线路所)向高速铁路车站(线路所)发出列车时,有关行车凭证按高速线路规定执行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]铜电阻Cu50和Cu100同时测同一点温度,那么若Cu50的阻值为R,则Cu100的阻值为( )。[1.0分]
A. 1/2R B. 1MR C. 2R D. R [判断题]接班人员在接班前可进行有关设备的操作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于渗透系数K说法,下述正确的是:()
A. 含水层的K大,含水层的导水能力强 B. 含水层的K大,含水层的出水能力强 C. 含水层的K大,含水层的透水能力强 D. K值是反应含水层中水流速度的唯一依据 [单项选择]Old George bought the black gloves for just $35 ten years ago. They were made of lamb skin, soft and warm and very strong. Until then, he had worn cheaper man-made material. Those gloves never lasted longer than three years. He first decided to buy the expensive gloves, because they would make him feel nice in front of others.
George never let a drop of water or rain touch his expensive gloves, so they looked new. Losing this favourite thing was almost like losing a child to him. Bad luck! George lost his expensive gloves on New Year’s Day. … Back home. George was at a loss. In deep winter, he could not do without a pair of gloves. If he bought cheap ones again, he would have to replace (更换) them very soon. If he bought a new leather pair, it would cost $50 now. He was upset that people no longer returned things they found on the road. After the holiday, poor George decided to buy another leather pair. Before boarding the subway, he went into Value Mart again t A. He hadn’t expected to get his gloves back. B. He never bought cheap gloves. C. He was a rich man. [判断题]低压电气带电工作,需使用锉刀、金属尺和带有金属物的毛刷、毛掸等工具时应做好相应的安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据领导生命周期理论,领导者的风格应该适应其下级的成熟度而逐渐调整。因此,对于建立多年且员工队伍基本稳定的高科技企业的领导来说,其领导风格逐渐调整的方向应该是()
A. 从参与型向说服型转变 B. 从参与型向命令型转变 C. 从说服型向授权型转变 D. 从命令型向说服型转变 [单项选择]邢某,女,67岁,已婚,生育三男三女。已闭经16年,现突然出现道阴出血,来我院就诊。有子宫癌的家庭史,妇科查体:子宫前位,大小、质地正常,宫颈大小、光滑度均正常,阴道壁有散在的出血点。B超显示:子宫及附件未见异常,妇科诊断为:老年性阴道炎。给予外用及口服药,10天后症状减轻,但白带的颜色仍为粉色,半月后再次出现阴道出血,给予"生化丸"2盒,每日2次,每次2丸,5日后症状完全消失。生化丸的药物组成不包括()
A. 当归 B. 川芎 C. 桃仁 D. 红花 E. 干姜 [填空题]核事故早期主要防护措施有:撤离、隐蔽、服用稳定碘、避迁、食物控制等,这些防护措施的实施一般根据紧急防护行动的()即可作出。
A.有大量人员围观,严重影响灭火战斗行动的现场。 B.参战人员和车辆多,实施灭火战斗行动需占用道路的现场 C.火势不能迅速有效控制,有蔓延扩大趋势的现场。 D.发生有毒气体、易燃气体、易燃液体泄漏扩散的灾害事 [多选题]根据行政执法的概念,行政执法的特征有( )。
A.行政性 B.强制性 C.随意性 D.程序性 E.广泛性 [单项选择]转载台当班的翻卸量由()做统计。
A. 推土机司机 B. 调度员 C. 运矿汽车司机 D. 指挥工 [单选题]综合管廊应统一规划、设计、施工和维护,并应满足管线的使用和运营维护要求,纳入综合管廊的()应有专项()设计。
A.管线管道 B.管道管线 C.管线管线 D.管道管道 [多项选择]老张(男)早年丧偶,独自一人将儿子小张抚养成人,现已衰老且丧失劳动能力。2008年年底,老张认识了谢某。交往一段时间后,老张准备与谢某结婚,小张担心老张结婚后财产被谢某占有,极力反对。下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 小张的做法干涉了老张的婚姻自由 B. 不管老张结婚与否,小张均应赡养老张 C. 老张与谢某结婚后,小张不必履行赡养老张的义务 D. 如果小张不履行赡养义务,老张有要求小张付给赡养费的权利 E. 老张结婚后,小张应承担赡养老张和谢某的义务 [判断题]纳税人满意度调查,是指税务机关对下级税务机关实施的调查。内容一般包括政策落实、规范执法、便捷服务、信息化建设、廉洁自律等。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交