Think of the ocean on a calm day.
Ignoring the rise and fall of the waves, you might imagine the surface was dead
flat the whole way across. You’d be wrong. Hills and valleys are as much as a
feature of the sea as the land, although on a much smaller scale. These undulations have a variety of causes. Tides, currents, eddies, winds, river flow and changes in salinity and temperature push the sea level up in some places and down in others by as much as 2 meters. Ever tried swimming uphill How do we map these oceanic hills and valleys First, we need to know what the planet would look like without them. This is where the geoid (大地水准面) comes in. It is a surface where the Earth’s gravitational potential is equal and which best fits the global mean sea level. It is approximately an ellipsoid, though uneven distribution of mass within the Earth means that A. marine lives near Antarctica B. the state of the planet C. the state of the ocean surface D. climatic changes [单选题]下列不属于非语言性沟通形式的是( )
A.手势 B.面部表情 C.身体运动 D.身体姿势 E.健康宣教资料 [判断题]ZPW·F发送器的作用是产生8种低频信号18种载频上下行各4种的高精度、高稳定的移频信号。
A. 左卵巢未成熟畸胎瘤 B. 左卵巢无性细胞瘤 C. 左卵巢浆液性囊腺癌 D. 左卵巢卵黄囊瘤 E. 左卵巢纤维瘤 [单项选择]张凯买了一台电脑,其配置为i52320/8GB/3TB/23吋,其中代表输出设备的指标是()
A. i5 2320 B. 8G C. 3TB D. 23吋 [判断题]《消防法》规定,消防产品必须符合国家标准;没有国家标准的,必须符合企业标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]据报道,现在有些医院已采取了一些隔离措施,使体格检查置于一个相对封闭的环境中,以免受检患者曝光于众人面前。这些措施反映了医院和医生哪一种医德意识()
A. 服务意识 B. 管理意识 C. 保护患者隐私意识 D. 有利于患者的意识 E. 热爱医学事业的意识 [单项选择]关于先天性梅毒牙,错误的是
A. 是由于梅毒螺旋体感染使釉质发育障碍 B. 改变在上颌中切牙最为明显 C. 第二恒磨牙的病变称为桑葚牙 D. 可伴有牙本质发育障碍 E. 病变切牙称为Hutchinson切牙 [单项选择]在安全施工作业票的使用过程当中,()应根据现场条件、作业范围和施工环境,补充安全注意事项或平面布置图。
A. 现场技术员 B. 现场安全员 C. 项目总工 D. 项目经理 [简答题]动漫《火影忍者》的作者是哪位著名漫画家?
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交