A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment.
The unpunctual man, on one hand, never does what he has to do at the proper time. He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name. A lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be regained. Time is more valuable than material things. In fact, time is life itself. The unpunctual man is for ever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable asset as well as other’s. The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters, or return calls or keep appointments promptly. But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time and seldom complains of want of it. He knows that he can not get through his huge amount of work unless he faithfully keeps every piece of work when it has to be attended to.
Failure to be punctual in keeping one’s appointments is the sign of dis
A. A punctual person does everything ahead of time while an unpunctual person does everything behind schedule.
B. A punctual person does everything at the right time while an unpunctual person seldom does anything at the correct time.
C. A punctual person has a lot of appointments while an unpunctual person has few appointments.
D. A punctual person has much time to do everything while an unpunctual person has little time to do anything.
The trade and investment relationship
between the European Union and the United States is the most important in the
world. Despite the emergence of competitors, Europe and America are the dynamo
of the global economy. This economic relationship is a foundation of our political partnership, which we all know has been through a difficult patch. The identity of interest between Europe and America is less obvious than during the cold war. But while the trans-Atlantic relationship is becoming more complex, that does not make it less important. As European commissioner for trade, I do not agree that European and American values are fundamentally diverging, or that our interests no longer coincide. We still share a belief in democracy and individual freedoms, and in creating opportunity and economic ope A. earn more money B. make the markets more organized C. ensure poorer countries’ engagement D. activate the trans-Atlantic trade [单选题]以下哪种不属于客服中心岗上岗期间借用保管的钥匙?( )
A.AGM门钥匙 B.边门钥匙 C.客服中心门钥匙 D.TVM门钥匙 [单选题]单选下列各项中不符合土地增值税税收优惠表述的是()。
A.纳税人建造普通标准住宅出售,其增值额未超过扣除项目金额之和20%的,免征土地增值税 B.纳税人既建普通标准住宅,又搞其他房地产开发的,不能准确核算增值额的,由税务机关确定是否免税 C.对企业改制、资产整合过程中涉及的土地增值税予以免征(不适用房地产转移任意一方为房地产开发企业) D.转让旧房作为保障性住房且增值额未超过扣除项目金额20%的,免征土地增值税 [多选题]关于高处作业的规定,下列描述正确的是()。
A.杆塔组立、脚手架施工等高处作业时,应采用速差自控器等后备保护设施 B.安全带及后备防护设施应低挂高用 C.高处作业人员应衣着灵便,衣袖、裤脚应扎紧,穿软底防滑鞋 D.高处作业过程中,应随时检查安全带绑扎的牢靠情况 E.略 F.略 [单选题]爱国主义情感属于()道德情感。
A.直觉的 B.想象的 C.行为的 D.伦理的 [判断题]排尿反射是正反馈调节。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作票可由( )签发。
A.经设备运维管理单位审核合格且经批准的检修单位 B.设备运维管理单位 C.电力调度控制中心 D.经设备运维管理单位审核合格且经批准的基建单位 [单选题]1.89 根据GB1589-2016,低平板专用半挂车的车辆长度限值为_______米。
A.13 B.13.75 C.16 D.17.5 [单选题]单管塔、桅杆中心整体垂直度偏差不应大于 。
A.1/750 B.1/1000 C.1/1500 D.1/2000 [单选题]下列不属于5G和商务直播PC端功能的是()。
A.VR直播; B.创建直播; C.; D.略 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]采煤工作面顺槽使用的带式输送机一般采用( )带式输送机。
A.固定式 B.可伸缩式 C.活动式 D.不可伸缩式 [多选题]消防指挥员要赢得灭火救援的主动权,科学有效的组织好灭火救援行动,应熟悉( )。3 易
A.消防部队的力量构成 B.不同展开模式的作战能力 C.不同灾情态势的作战方式 D.不同应用装备的应用优势 E.灭火救援中的战术运用 [简答题]专业化管理
[单选题]关于民事诉讼中简易程序的说法,正确的是( )。
A.第一审民事案件和第二审民事案件的审理均可适用简易程序 B.基层人民法院审理的民事案件,当事人双方可以约定适用简易程序 C.简易程序应当在立案之日起6个月内审结 D.简易程序的审理期限由本院院长批准可以延长 [单选题]聘任制公务员与所在机关发生争议申请人事仲裁后,若当事人对仲裁裁决不服的,可以自接到仲裁裁决书之日起多少日内向人民法院提起诉讼?
A.A15日内 B.B30日内 C.C60日内 D.D90日内 [简答题]请结合自身的教育实践经验和教学实例,谈谈你对教学过程基本规律的理解。
[填空题]Money allows people to accumulate wealth because they can save as much wheat as they like.
A. 80% B. 85% C. 95% D. 100% E. 110% [单选题]导线接头最容易发生故障的是( )连接形式。
A.铜-铜 B.铜-铝 C.铝-铝 D.铜-铁 [单选题]患者女性38岁,突然寒战.高热伴尿频.尿急.尿痛,右肾叩击痛。尿常规白细胞+++,红细胞++,最可能的是 ( )
A.急性肾炎 B.慢性肾小球肾炎 C.肾结核 D.急进性肾小球肾炎 E.急性肾盂肾炎 [单项选择]按古代兄弟排行的顺序,次子应该称为()
A. 仲 B. 伯 C. 叔 D. 季 [单选题]企业征信授权书上未约定授权期限的,授权有效期为:( )
A. 自签署之日起7日内 B. 自签署之日起一个月内 C. 自签署之日起,至业务结清之日 D. 自签署之日起,永久有效 [单选题]柴油机要使齿轮等传动零件在轴上固定可靠并传递较大的扭矩,采用的方法是( )。
A.紧定螺钉固定 B.键连接 C.轴肩固定 D.轴套固定 [单选题]测量电流时,万用表应与被测电路( )
A.并联 B.串联 C.星接 D.三角接 [填空题]起重机的主要参数包括起重量、跨度、起升高度、工作速度及()等。
[单选题]大曲中细菌、霉菌和酵母菌的主要作用是( )。
A.糖化动力、生香动力和发酵动力 B. 生香动力、糖化动力和发酵动力 C. 发酵动力、糖化动力和生香动力 D. 发酵动力、生香动力和糖化动力 [单选题](单选题)本案例中,在地下室进行焊接作业的动火等级为( )级。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [多项选择]我国人口老龄化现象日趋严重
2.人口老龄化给社会、家庭带来越来越多的负担 3.如何妥善解决人口老龄化问题 Aging of the Population 我来回答: 提交