About one million tourists go to
Barcelona every year, just to visit the Gaudi’s Church. This unusual church has
a strange history. Gandi was born in Spain in 1852. He had to work and study at
the same time. He often missed classes because he bad to work, but one day he
designed a very unusual show-case for an exhibition in Paris. People began to
give him work. He designed houses, offices and gardens. They were all very
uhusual. He was soon rich and famous. Then a rich bookseller said, "Will you
build a church for the poor people of Barcelona I will pay. I will build
schools and workshops, too. They will help the people." "I will do it," said
Guadi. He worked for forty years, but he could not finish the church. It was ton
big. He needed $10, 000, 000. He gave all his money to the church. He was poor
again when he died in 1926, and only the front A. it’s unfinished B. it looks strange C. it’s modem D. all of the above [判断题]B-A-A-010 5 1 3
车站上设置的进站信号机是防护车站、指示列车可否由区间进入车站的信号。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《劳动人事争议仲裁办案规则》,可以适用终局裁决的经济补偿的是( )
A.竞业限制期限内给予的经济补偿 B.双方当事人自行约定的经济补偿 C.解除劳动合同的经济补偿 D.终止劳动合同的经济补偿 [判断题]螺柱焊是螺柱端面与工件间只通过施加压力就能实现连接的一种焊接方法。
A.伏苹果和秋苹果 B.春苹果和秋苹果 C.夏苹果和秋苹果 D.青苹果和红苹果 [不定项选择]行为演练的基本方法有()。
A. 肯定性训练 B. 系统脱敏法 C. 全身松弛训练 D. 自我控制法 E. 强化法 [多项选择]HTML是一个纯文本文档,但是与普通的纯文本文档相比,HTML文档具有以下()特点。
A. 结构化 B. 超文本 C. 与平台无关 D. 简单,易维护 [单选题] 蒸发量(或产热量)是锅炉大小的标志,指蒸汽锅炉每小时生产( )的数量。
A.热水 B.蒸汽 C.热水和蒸汽 D.热水或蒸汽 [单项选择]宫缩乏力,产程延长的后果,下列哪项错误()
A. 产后出血 B. 生殖道瘘管 C. 胎盘植入 D. 产褥感染 E. 尿潴留 [多选题]菲德勒的领导权变理论认为,领导和领导者是某种既定环境的产物,决定领导有效性的环境因素主要有()。
A.职位权力 B.下属成熟程度 C.任务结构 D.组织发展阶段 E.上下级关系 [单项选择]如何处理
A. 尽早哺乳 B. 抗生素治疗 C. 戴乳罩扶托乳房 D. 哺乳前冷敷乳房 E. 轻轻拍打并按摩 我来回答: 提交