{{B}}Food and Cancer{{/B}} Medical Experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and cancer. They say a new study provides the first evidence that vitamins could reduce a person’s chance of developing cancer. A team of Chinese and American scientists did the study. They are from American National Cancer Institute and the Cancer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Medical sciences in Beijing. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of the study. About thirty thousand people between the ages of 40 to 69 took part in the study. They were form the northern central Chinese area of Linxian. Most of them took vitamins and minerals eve [单选题]PDCA 循环的四个阶段中,A 阶段是( ) 。
A.策划 B.实施 C.检查 D.处置 [单选题]关于局域网的叙述不正确的是( )。
A.覆盖的范围有限、距离短 B.数据传输速度高、误码率低 C.光纤是局域网最适合使用的传输介质 D.局域网使用最多的传输介质是双绞线 [单选题].凡在坠落高度基准面1.5m及以上的高处进行的作业,都应视作高处作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]空气滤清器滤网堵塞,可造成混合气过稀的故障。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]企业财产保险中,艺术品等价值难以确定的财产的保险价值一般适用非定值保险。
A.负责动火现场配备必要的、足够的消防设施,检查现场消防安全措施的完善和正确 B.测定或指定专人测定动火部位(现场)可燃性气体、易燃液体的可燃蒸气含量符合安全要求 C.始终监视现场动火作业的动态,发现失火及时扑救 D.动火工作间断、终结时检查现场有无残留火种 [单项选择]具有酰脲结构的药物是
A. 地西泮 B. 甲丙氨酯 C. 奥沙西泮 D. 苯巴比妥 E. 氯丙嗪 [填空题]电网工程建设预算项目划分层次,在各专业系统(工程)下分为三级:第一级为(),第二级为单位工程,第三级为分部工程。
A.抗侧滚装置在车体和转向架构架间起作用,它限制车体相对于转向架的侧滚运动。 B.每个转向架上均装有2个抗侧滚装置,拖车转向架和动车转向架上抗侧滚装置的布置完全相同。 C.抗侧滚装置主要由一个两端分别安装在轴承座内的橡胶撑套上的扭杆组成。 D.两个拉压杆安装在转向架构架侧梁的支座上并与扭杆的扭臂装在一起。 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交