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发布时间:2024-08-25 00:07:49

[Part III Reading Comprehension]

   Musicians-from karaoke singers to professional violin players-are better able to hear targeted sounds in a noisy environment, according to new research that adds to evidence that music makes the brain work better.

  "In the past ten years there's been an explosion of research on music and the brain, Aniruddh Patel, the Esther J. Burnham Senior Fellow at the Neurosciences Institute in San Diego, said today at a press briefing. Most recently brain- imaging studies have shown that music activates many diverse parts of the brain, including an overlap in where the brain processes music and language

  Language is a natural aspect to consider in looking at how music affects the brain. Patel said. Like music, language is "universal, there's a strong learning component, and it carries complex meanings. "

  For example, brains Of people exposed to even casual musical training have an enhanced ability to generate the brain wave pat terns associated With specific sounds, be they musical or spoken, said study leader Nina Kraus, director Of the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory at Northwestern University in I II .

  Kraus' previous research had shown that when a person listens to a sound, the brain wave recorded in is physically the sarre as the sound wave itself. In fact "playing" the brain wave produces a nearly identical sound.

  But for people without a trained ear for music, the ability to make these patterns decreases as background noise increases, experiments show. Musicians, by contrast, have subconsciously trained their brains to better recognize selective sound patterns, even as background noise goes up.

  At the same time, people with certain developmental disorders, such as dyslexia , have a harder time hearing sounds amid the noise-a serious problem, far example, for students straining to hear the teacher in a noisy

  Musical experience could therefore be a key therapy for children with dyslexia and similar language related disorders, Kraus said.

In a similar vein, Harvard Medical School neuroscientist Gottfried Schlaug has found that stroke patients who have lost the ability to speak can be trained to say hundreds Of phrases by singing them first.

  In his research, Schlaug demonstrated the results Of intensive musical therapy on patients with lesions(损伤) on the left sides on their brains, those areas most associated With language .

  Before the therapy, these stroke patients responded to questions with largely incoherent sounds and phrases. But after just a few minutes with therapists, who asked them to sing phrases and tap their hands to the rhythm, the patients could sing "Happy Birthday, " recite their addresses, and communicate if they thirsty.

  "The underdeveloped systems on the right side of the brain that respond to music became enhanced and changed structures, " Schlaug said.

  Overall, Schlaug said, the experiments show that "music might an alternative medium for engaging parts of the brain that are otherwise not engaged."

According to Patel, the function of language is usually under consideration when ______.

A.people tend to study the relation between music and the brain
B.musicians try to explain the profound meaning behind the music
C.scientist do experiments on the Eunction of different parts OE brain
D.audiences participate in the discussion on the complexity of music

更多"   Musicians-from karaoke"的相关试题:

[论述题]3. favourite, this, his, pen, is(                                        )
[论述题]2. from, he, is, southern city, a(                                        )
[论述题]5. attended, a, yesterday, I, meeting(                                     )
[论述题]4. tourists, on, the beach, are, many(                                    )
[论述题]1. haven't, I, him, recently, seen (                                    )
[单选题]三相插头三个字母L、E、N代表(         )。
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

    Women who always or mostly eat organic foods grown without pesticides are no less likely to develop cancer than women who eat a more conventional diet, according to a recent study conducted by Cancer Research UK scientists.

    These researchers commented that the results were "particularly relevant' given that health concerns have been identified as the primary motivation for consumers' purchase Of organic food. Professor Tim Key said; "We don't see any difference in the total risk Of any type Of cancer, depending on whether people said they choose organic food. It's a very large study so the Overall result is very reliable. "

    Past studies have inconclusively suggested that pesticides could increase the risk of cancer . Pesticides are widely used in agriculture, although there are limits to the amount of residue(残留物) that can be present in rood. The researchers asked around 623 , 080 women aged SO Or over about whether they ate organic foods, and then tracked the development of 16 of the most common types of cancer over a nine-year period. They found no difference in overall cancer risk when comparing the 180, 000 women who reported never eating organically grown food with around 45, 000 women who said they usually or always eat organic food.

    However, differences did emerge with respect to breast cancer and non-Hodgkinlymphoma(非霍奇金淋巴瘤) when they looked at the results for the 16 types of cancer individually. The researchers found a small increase in risk for breast cancer but a 21* reduction in the risk for non-Hodgkinlymphoma in women who mostly ate organic food.

    As the analysis of individual cancers involved smaller numbers, Key said that the results less reliable and could be down to "chance" or other factors, but given previous studies had suggested a link between pesticides and non-Hodgkinlymphoma, it would be worth investigating more closely.

    Peter Melchett, director of policy at the Soil Association, Which promotes the trade body for organic food and farming, launched a wide-ranging attack on the study.  He said it was strange that the 21% decrease in non-Hodgkinlymphoma was being "so readily dismissed" by Cancer Research UK, and said the reasons for buying organic foods varied, and ranged from the benefits to wildlife to the fact that organic standards prohibit GM crops and ingredients and controversial artificial food colors. "People also buy organic to reduce their exposure to pesticides—320 of which can be routinely used in non-organic farming . " He also claimed that the study had a number of weaknesses compared With Other research, including that women's and the amount of physical activity they took part in were only measured once during the study. 

How is this study in relation to previous studies ?

A.It took quite a longer time than previous studies.
B.It involved many more participants than previous studies .
C.Its results are more reliable than previous studies.
D.Its results are to some degree in line with previous studies .
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

    Halloween used to be something quite different from the celebration of sugary greed that goes on today.Earlier in this century, Halloween was a night when boys played tricks on their neighbors. These tricks were (26)_____, but more closely resembled practical jokes. For example, the boys might lift an outhouse off its foundations and move it to someone else's yard, or they might (27)_____ a door from its hinge and leave it on the owner’s roof. Such tricks required skill and planning, and the victims were (28)_____neighbors or relatives. Usually, the boys do this to knock back what the adults bad done to them which they thought wrong. Thus, Halloween became a night when young people took their “(29)____” on adults in a way that was, for the most part, permitted by the community.  

    But as time passed by, Halloween lost most of its original traditions. Today, the only remnant is found in the “trick or treat” greetings of (30)____ candy collectors. The action associated with the holiday has (31)____  into destructive behavior, such as tire-cutting and window breaking. These kinds of actions require no skill or intelligence. The small offerings -- an apple or a piece of cake which people gave in exchange for protection from practical jokes, trick or treaters never satisfied them.

    Instead they demand handfuls of commercial candy bars from people, many of them strangers, on the collecting route. But the most alarming and unpleasant aspect of the new Halloween is that it (32)____ evil-doing and food in the worst way. More criminal do some (33)____things -- put pins into candy bars and razors into apple-pies which caused people to (34)____this holiday to some extent. Halloween turns into an occasion of fear and nervousness. It seems that Halloween has been transformed into an event that brings out in us, not harmless fun, but a combination of eating too much, greed, and occasional (35)____. 
















[Part III Reading Comprehension]

    Waffles? French toast? Bacon? Big breakfasts may be a thing of the past.According to the Associated Press, more Americans are consuming breakfast in stages thanks to on-the-go lifestyles and the belief that multiple,smaller meals are (26)_____ than three large ones.

    Serial eating is only expected to increase in the coming years.The NPD Group,a market research company, (27)_____  that the number of times people will snack in the mornings will increase 23% in a decade, (28)_____  with 20% and 15% increases in afternoon and evening snacking,(29)_____Unlike their evening alter-egos,morning snackers tend to be more health (30)_____ ,looking for low-calorie

foods with more fiber,antioxidants(抗氧化物)and whole grains.For instance,General Mills introduced its 140-calorie Fiber One bars in 2007,but recently added three more flavors as well as 90-calorie versions.

    This may be new in the US,but a second breakfast is (31)_____ in countries such as Germany.In Bavaria,a traditional second breakfast (32)_____  of white sausages,pretzels(椒盐卷饼),sweet mustard and,of course,beer.

    But snackers,beware: Though spreading calories across several meals is generally accepted to be healthier,it can actually cause people to over-consume and gain weight,David Levitsky,a professor of nutrition and psychology at Cornell University, told the AP.

    Maybe the trend toward portable,quick-hit breakfasts will (33)_____ more people to eat in the morning. According to the Huffington Post,a (34)_____ by the NPD Group found that 31 million Americans(35)_____the most important meal of the day.
















[单选题]“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”是安全生产工作的(   )。     
[简答题]1. 画出电厂380V保安段接线图。


2. 画出锅炉炉水泵一次水系统图。


3. 画出电厂循环水泵冷却及润滑水系统图。



4. 画出两相三继电器式的不完全星形原理接线图。







5. 画出双冲量汽温调节系统示意图,并注明设备名称。







6. 画出单相电压互感器接线图。






7. 画出三相电源与负载采用"三相四线制"连接的电路图。






8. 画出三相两元件有功功率表接线图。






9. 画出6kV工作段接线图。

10. 画出电厂给水泵密封水系统图。

[Part III Reading Comprehension]

    Much of Canada' s forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% the world' s wood pulp and 49% its newsprint paper. It these paper products could be produced in some Other way, Canadian forests could be preserved.Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp.

    Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fibre which can be made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food, and rope. For centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships; colonial expansion and the establishment of a world - wide trading network would not have been feasible without hemp. Nowadays, ships' cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibres, but scientists are now suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be revived for the production of paper and pulp.     According to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and many environmentalists believe that the large- scale cultivation Of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada 's forests.

    However, there is a problem: hemp is illegal in many countries Of the world. This plant, so useful for fibre, rope, Oil, fuel and textiles, is a species Of cannabis, related to the plant from Which marijuana is produced. In the late 1930s, a movement to ban the drug marijuana began to gather force, resulting in the eventual banning Of the cultivation not Only Of the plant used to produce the drug, but also of the commercial fibre - producing hemp plant. In fact , marijuana cannot, be produced from the hemp plant, since it contains almost no THC (the active ingredient in the drug) .

    In recent years, a movement for legalization have gathering strength. It is concerned only with the hemp plant used to produce fibre; chis group wants to make it legal to cultivate the plant and sell the fibre for paper and pulp production.

Why was the plant hemp essential to world -wide trade in the past?

A.Ships' ropes were made it.
B.Hemp was a very profitable export
C.Hemp was used as fuel for ships.
D.Hemp Was used as food for sailors .
[单选题]某矿山企业的矿长不具备安全专业知识、安全生产的特种人员未取得相应资格,安全生产监督管理部门应首先依法(   )。  
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

 When social scientists use the term culture they tend to be talking about a less restrictive concept than that implied in everyday speech. In social science,culture is all that in human society which is socially rather than biologically transmitted,whereas the commonsense usage tends to (26)______ only to the arts. Culture is thus a general term for the symbolic and learned aspects of human society,although some animal behaviourists now (27)______ that certain primates (灵长类动物)have at least the capacity for culture。

  Social anthropological ideas of culture are based to a great(28)_____on the definition given by Edward Tylor in 1871,in which he referred to a learned complex of knowledge,belief,art,morals,law,and custom.This definition implies that culture and civilization are one and the same. But this equation, although possible in English and French usage,runs (29)_______ to the German distinction between Kultur and Zivilisation,the former referring to symbols and values, while the latter deals with the organization of society.Archaeological usage, though (30)______the wholeness of human societies,makes a distinction between material culture and practice sand beliefs,the non-material or adaptive culture transmitted by teaching and tradition. Only material culture is(31)______to archaeology,whereas adaptive culture is the subject of history,sociology, and anthropology.

  For nineteenth century anthropologists,such as Tylor and Lewis HenryMorgan, culture was a conscious creation of human rationality.Civilization and culture, in this conception,showed a progressive tendency towards what were regarded as higher moral values, and this enabled the Victorian mind to construct a (32)______of cultures or civilizations which provided a rationale for colonial activities by apparently higher-order Western civilizations .

  In America,it is sometimes argued that the concept of culture can provide ways of explaining and understanding human behaviour,belief systems,values, and(33)______,as well as particular culturally specific personality types.

In cultural anthropology,analysis of culture may proceed at three levels: learned patterns of behaviour; aspects of culture that act below conscious levels(such as the deep level of grammar and (34)______ in language,of which a native language speaker is seldom aware); and patterns of thought and (35)______,which are also culturally determined.
















[单选题] 事故发生单位对重大事故发生负有责任的处(   )的罚款。
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

  If the goal of an engineering camp at Kettering University is to get high school girls interested in math and science-related careers, let there be no doubt that Lauryn Watkoske is interested.

  On this July afternoon, she sewed up a I-inch cut in a hot dog that she could see only by watching a video camera, an exercise that simulated robotically assisted surgery and tested her hand-eye coordination. "I used to like building things when I was little, but I never expected Robotics(机械人学) , something so stereotypically(带有成见的) male, to be exciting, says Lauryn.

  That's encouraging news for people who are concerned about a persistent gender gap in college degrees in science, technology, engineering and math-STEM, for short . The notion that it might have to do with talent has long been dismissed . Yet research shows that girls who enjoy-and excel at-math and science in high school are less likely than boys to pursue a college major in those fields .

  And even if they start college majoring in a STEM field, women are more likely than men to change majors, federal data show. Women make up 24% of STEM jobs, which offers some of the most profitable careers, a Commerce Department report says .

  Some critics focusing on gender parity (对等) say the concern is overblown. "There may be something about math and science-related fields that are just less interesting to most women, " says Hoff Sommers, editor of The Science on Women and Science, in which several contributors argue that biology is a factor. "NO one is saying they' re not as talented, but they have different aspirations .

  A number of colleges that specialize in these fields have recently taken steps to increase female enrollment and are seeing results .

  This spring, Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass, graduated 247 women, its largest number of women ever, representing 30 % of its graduating class. The percentage of women at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, Calif , who graduate with a computer science degree jumped from an average in recent years to more than in 2010, 43% in 2011 and 38% this year .

  The schools strategies vary, but a key component is to create opportunities for women to apply their talents and skills to matters that appeal to them. Harvey Mudd College, for example, checked up a required introductory computer science course to allow students more choice in how they apply principles being covered.

  "Many of the guys would be just as happy in a class that focused exclusively on video games and robots, says Department Chair Ran Libeskind-Hadas. For women, seeing the applications of computing to society is really important, and seeing applications of computing to things they use in their day-to-day lives is important. That includes things like, how does Google Maps work, or how does a music recommendation system work."

What does the author say about colleges specializing in STEM fields?

A.They encourage students to put science principles into practice .
B.They see STEM as a mechanism for making the world a better place .
C.They put more emphasis on the application of computer science .
D.They take strategies to make women interested in STEM .
[单选题] 事故发生单位对较大事故发生负有责任的处(   )的罚款。


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