When Ted Kennedy gazes from the windows
of his office in Boston, he can see the harbor’s "Golden Stairs’, where all
eight of his great-grandparents first set foot in America. It reminds him, he
told his Senate colleagues this week, that reforming America’s immigration laws
is an "awesome responsibility". Mr. Kennedy is the Democrat most prominently
pushing a bipartisan bill to secure the border, ease the national skills
shortage and offer a path to citizenship for the estimated 12m illegal aliens
already in the country. He has a steel) climb ahead of him. As drafted, the bill seeks to mend America’s broken immigration system in several ways. First, and before its other main provisions come into effect, it would tighten border security. It provides for 200 miles (320kin) of vehicle barriers, 370 miles of fencing and 18 000 new border A. supportive. B. objective. C. confused. D. optimistic [判断题]各单位均可通过系统在线监控电子防盗锁和车辆(集装箱)在途状态。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]数控系统的M功能就是( )。
A.辅助功能 B.准备功能 C.主轴变速功能 D.刀具功能 [单选题]电源的电功率表示电源( )电能。
A.在单位时间消耗的 B.在单位时间产生的 C.在任意时间消耗的 [单项选择]胃阴不足引起的胃痛的特点是
A. 刺痛 B. 隐痛 C. 胀痛 D. 灼痛势急 [单项选择]Passage Two
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A. To observe people’s attitudes towards strangers B. To see how people get along with their friends C. To change people’s behavior in social life D. To find out how shy people are [单选题]在药物对动物血压的影响实验中,注射肝素的时机是:( )
A.切开颈部皮肤之前 B.钝性分离颈部组织结构之前 C.分离出颈总动脉之后 D.颈总动脉插管之后 [多选题]旅客遗失物品需要转送时应填写( )。
A. 客运记录 B. 行李、包裹交接证 C.转运单 D.代用票 [判断题] 单杠梯侧板两端包有铁皮,可用来撞击建筑结构。( )(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业人员接触职业病危害因素的,应按照( )规定开展职业病防治工作
A.工区 B.车间 C.段 D.国家 [单选题]小儿纯阳之体的含义是
A.盛阳 B.纯阳无阴 C.阳常有余 D.阴虚阳盛 E.生长发育迅速 [单项选择]( )是银行内部管理人员根据银行所承担的风险计算的、银行需要保有的最低资本量。
A. 经济资本 B. 会计资本 C. 监管资本 D. 内部资本 [填空题]焦炭工业分析的内容有()、()、()和();焦炭元素分析的内容有()、()、()、()、()、()。
A.血容量严重不足 B.严重酸中毒 C.容量血管过度收缩 D.心功能不全 [简答题]车钩中心水平线距钢轨顶面高度为多少?
A. 肩胛骨 B. 髋骨 C. 肱骨 D. 跗骨 E. 桡骨 [单项选择]按一级动力学消除的药物,其血浆半衰期等于()
A. 0.693/k B. k/0.693 C. 2.303/k D. k/2.303 E. 0.301/k [多选题]关于“网贷通”产品的表述正确的有
A.A.我行可为优质客户办理信用方式的网贷通融资产品 B.B.循环贷款额度使用期限最长不超过1年 C.C.网贷通产品的最高额度不超过3000万元,单笔提款不得超过500万元 D.D.“网贷通”业务纳入客户统一授信管理,纳入集团关联授信管理的小企业按小企业授信的相关规定执行 [判断题]安全电压应该是在110 伏以下。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发现旅客违章携带妨碍公共卫生的物品时,按该件全部重量()乘车站至下车站四类包裹运费
A.60%补收 B.补收 C.50%补收 D.加倍补收 [单选题]胶盖刀开关只能用来控制( )KW以下的三相电动机。
A.1.5 B.5.5 C.10 D.30 [单选题] 中心节点故障会造成整个系统瘫痪的网络拓扑结构是
A.总线型 B.环型 C.星型 D.网状型 [判断题]高压熔断器运维细则中,35kV及以下红外精确测温周期为半年。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]银监会及其派出机构依法对银行业金融机构案防工作实施( ),银行业金融机构案防管理政策和程序应当按监管管辖报送银监会或其派出机构备案。
A.监督 B.监管 C.查办 D.管理 [单选题]调车作业时,调车人员必须正确及时地( )。
A.确认信号 B.确认进路 C.显示进路 D.显示信号 [单项选择]一般来说,对输出图像的灰度级数要求为()。
A. 128 B. 196 C. 256 D. 312 [单选题]发动机气缸沿径向的磨损呈不规则的()。
A.圆形 B.圆柱形 C.圆锥形 D.椭圆形 [单项选择]应收账款周转率提高意味着()。
A. 短期偿债能力增强 B. 收账费用增大 C. 收账迅速,账龄较短 D. 销售成本较低 [单选题]汽轮机的排汽压力低于大气压力,在真空状态排汽进入凝汽器凝结成水的是( )。
A.背压式汽轮机 B.抽气背压式汽轮机 C.凝气式汽轮机 D.抽汽式汽轮机 [单选题]慢性肺源性心脏病心肺功能失代偿病人以2L/min的氧流量吸氧,此时的吸氧浓度为( )
A.25% B.29% C.31% D.33% E.35% [单选题]AMM401-499页块是什么内容?
A.拆卸/安装 B.勤务 C.调整/测试 D.检查/检验 [单选题].视觉信号分为昼间、夜间及( )信号。
A.色灯 B.移动 C.昼夜通用 [单项选择]某金融企业2005年度纳税调整前的所得40万元,无其他纳税调整事项。注册税务师核查,当年“营业外支出”账户中列支了通过当地教育部门和民政部门分别向农村义务教育的捐赠5万元、贫困山区的捐赠10万元。该企业2005年应缴纳的企业所得税为( )。
A. 13.20万元 B. 14.85万元 C. 16.104万元 D. 16.30万元 [简答题]Neither the Americans nor the Russians have the resources to continue human space flight on their own; both sides know they need each other. 61)It’s much easier and cheaper to get used to each other and to blend differing operating styles, languages, and systems on the aged Mir (a Russian word for "peace") than trying to do that while jointly building a new space station. NASA, in fact, calls its program of shuttle flights to Mir Phase 1 of the International Space Station (ISS). Phase 2 marks the beginning of actual construction. The procedures used to dock the shuttle to Mir, for example, also will be used as a lifeboat for the ISS. And Progress freighters, like the one that crashed into Mir in June, will haul cargo to the ISS. 62)One unintended benefit of Mir’s technical troubles is that they have actually forced the two nations to work much more closely together than they had planned.
Except for a brief period in the 1970s with Skylab, NASA has never operated a 我来回答: 提交