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发布时间:2024-09-09 20:19:07

[多选题]The uterus can be divided into which of the following portions.
A.fundus of uterus
B.isthmus of uterus
C.body of uterus
D.orifice of uterus
E.cervix of uterus

更多"[多选题]The uterus can be divided into"的相关试题:

[多选题]The urinary bladder can be divided into which of the following portion.
A.apex of bladder (膀胱尖)
B.fundus of bladder (fundus of bladder 膀胱底)
C.body of bladder
D.trigone of bladder (膀胱三角)
E.neck of bladder
[多选题]The uterine tube can be divided into which of the following portions.
A.uterine part (子宫部)
B.isthmus of uterine tube (输卵管峡)
C.ampulla of uterine tube
D.pelvic part of uterine tube
E.infundibulum of uterine tube
[多选题]The male urethra can be divided into which of the following portions.
A.abdominal part
B.pelvic part
C.prostatic part
D.membranous part
E.cavernous part(海绵体部)
[单选题]Which process can be eliminated by terminating SSL communication on the LTM device rather than the backend pool members?
A. generating CSRS
B. obtaining SSL certificates from a certificate authority
C. administering SSL on the web servers
D. applying security patches on the backend pool members
[多选题]Which of the following muscles can evert the foot?
A.tibialis anterior
B.tabialis posterior
C.peroneus longus (腓骨长肌)
D.peroneus brevis (腓骨短肌)
E.triceps surae
[多选题]Which of the following structures can be identified on the transverse section at the level of decussation of pyramid (锥体交叉)?
A.hypoglossal nucleus
B.inferior olivary nucleus
C.gracile nucleus
D.decussation of pyramid
E.cuneate nucleus
[多选题]Telencephalon can be subdivided into which of the following structures.( )
B.frontal lobe
C.parietal lobe
D.temporal lobe
E.occipital lobe
[多选题]The lesser omentum (小网膜) can be divided into which of following parts?
A.gastrocolic ligament (胃结肠韧带)
B.hepatogastric ligament (肝胃韧带)
C.falciform ligament (镰状韧带)
D.coronary ligament (冠状韧带)
E.hepatoduodenal ligament (肝十二指肠韧带)
[不定项选择题]Which of the following can't brought into the subway station?( )
[多选题]Which of the following muscles can invert (内翻)the foot?
A.tibialis anterior
B.tabialis posterior
C.peroneus longus
D.peroneus brevis
E.triceps surae
[多选题]About the corticospinal tract, which of the following descriptions are correct.( )
A.It originates from the giant pyramidal cells (锥体细胞) of superior and middle parts of primary soma
B.It passes through the posterior limb of internal capsule (内囊后肢).
C.In the mesencephalon, it is situated in the intermediate 3/5 of crus cerebri (大脑脚底).
D.In the medulla oblongata, it located deep to the pyramid.
E.At the level of inferior end of medulla oblongata, the small part of the cordicospinal tract crosses
[多选题]About the coverings of kidney, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.From superficial to deep, three layers of coverings of kidney are fibrous capsule (纤维囊), adipose
B.The renal fascia is divided into anterior and posterior layers to enclose the kidney and suprarenal
C.The adipose capsule acts as a “spring cushion” to protects and support the kidney.
D.The fibrous capsule is difficult stripped from a normal kidney.
E.The coverings of kidney have the function to maintain the kidney in the normal position.
[多选题]Diencephalon can be subdivided into which of the following structures.( )
A.dorsal thalamus
B.metathalamus (后丘脑)
C.epithalamus (上丘脑)
D.subthalamus (底丘脑)
[单选题]问题 4: Which type the man can take to the city?( )
A. By taxi or by metro.
B. By bus or on foot.
C. By taxi or on foot.
D. By bus or by metro.
[多选题]About the hypoglossal nucleus, which of the following descriptions are correct ?( )
A.It situates in the pons.
B.It is deep to the hypoglossal triangle (舌下神经三角).
C.It is controlled by the bilateral corticospinal tracts.
D.It is one of the somatic motor nuclei.
E.It gives fibers to form the hypoglossal nerve.
[多选题]About the structure of kidney, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.On the coronary section, the kidney is divided into renal cortex (肾皮质) and renal medulla (肾髓质)
B.The renal column (肾柱) is a part of the renal medulla.
C.The tips of renal (肾锥体) pyramids form the renal papillae (肾乳头), which have papillary foramina
D.Two of three minor renal calices (肾小盏) converge into one major renal calices.
E.The renal pelvis (肾盂) becomes narrow and then form the ureter.
[单选题]The uniforms were divided_______ according to the age and size of the students.
You can change your job, you can move house,but friendship is meant to be __________ life.


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