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Africa’s elephants are divided between
the savannahs of eastern and southern Africa and the forests of central Africa.
Some biologists reckon the forest ones-smaller, with shorter, straighter
tusks-may even constitute a distinct species. But not for long, at the latest
rate of poaching. The high price of ivory is increasing the incentive to kill
elephants everywhere in Africa, and especially in places where there is
virtually no law. The latest reports suggest that the forest elephant population is collapsing on the back of rising Chinese demand for ivory. Some conservationists argue that a recent decision by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to auction 108 tonnes of stockpiled ivory from southern Africa may be prompting more poaching in central and eastern Africa, as criminals seek to mix illicit i A. African countries are not capable of catching poachers. B. Ivories are mostly smuggled to America and Europe. C. Only in the remote protected zones of Congo basin can elephants survive in large numbers. D. Poached ivories are usually sold as legitimate ones. [单选题] Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts?
A. Anti-seasickness medicine B. Immersion suits C. axes D. lifebuoys [单项选择]
Plugging into Electronic Databases [单选题]患者女性,56岁。右上腹刀割样绞痛、发热、黄疸间歇性反复发作,最可能的诊断是
A.急性传染性肝炎 B.肝癌 C.胆总管结石 D.阿米巴肝脓肿 E.胰头癌 [单项选择]下列关于旅行社设立分社的各种说法正确的是?()
A. 旅行社每年接待旅游者10万人次以上的,才能设立分社 B. 旅行社设立分社的,应当办理设立登记 C. 旅行社设立分社的,应当办理变更登记 D. 国内社每设立一个分社,应当增加注册资本15万 [判断题]在开关柜内挂接地线后,应在开关柜的门上悬挂“已接地”的标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]操作级以上的船员最低年龄要求是18周岁。
[判断题]开发新产品首先要提出目标,搜集“构想”。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试论信托财产的独立性
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交