Lots of creatures already reproduce without sex. Since the birth of Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby, in 1978, (1) of human beings (2) in laboratory glassware rather than in bed.
If human cloning becomes possible—and since the birth of a sheep called Dolly, (3) doubt that it will be feasible to clone a person by 2025—even the link between sex organs and reproduction (4) . You will then be able to take a cutting from your body and grow a new person, (5) you were a willow tree.
(6) , we have already divorced sex from reproduction. In the 1960s, the contraceptive pill freed women to enjoy sex for its own sake. (7) , greater tolerance of homosexuality signaled society’s acceptance of nonreproductive sex of another sort. These changes are only continuations of a (8) that started perhaps a million years ago.
Human beings (9) the interest in infertile, social sex with a f
A. as
B. if
C. as if
D. as yet
{{B}}Dark Forces Dominate
Universe{{/B}} The Earth, moon, sun and all visible stars in the sky make up less than one per cent of the universe. Almost all the rest is dark matter and dark energy, unknown{{U}} (1) {{/U}}that puzzle astronomers. Observations in recent years have changed the basic understanding of how the universe evolved and have emphasized for astronomers how little is known{{U}} (2) {{/U}}the major forces and substances that shaped our world: Astronomers now know that luminous matter-stars, planets and hot gas — {{U}} (3) {{/U}}only about 0.4 per cent of the universe. Non. luminous components, such as black holes and intergalactic gas, make up 3.6 per cent. The rest is either dark matter, about 23 per cent, or dark energy, about 73 per cent. Dark matter, sometimes called "c A. universal B. additional C. fundamental D. structural [判断题]《动车组列车服务质量规范》软卧车(含高级软卧车)包房内有被套、被芯、枕套、枕芯、床单、垫毯、卧铺套、靠背套、茶几布、一次性拖鞋、衣架、不锈钢果皮盘、带盖垃圾桶、热水瓶、积水盘、面巾纸盒及服务指南、免费读物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Windows 系统安装时生成的Documents and Settings、Winnt 和 System32 文件夹是不能随意更改的,因为它们是() 。在 Windows 文件系统中, () 是一个合法的文件名;() 不是合法的可执行文件的扩展名。 ()不是合法的可执行文件的扩展名。A. exe B. com C. rar D. bat [多选题]绿色通道正常操作时,以下哪种情况不能享受“绿色通道”免收通行费政策?( )
A.拒绝通过指定车道的车辆 B.拒不接受查验的车辆 C.《鲜活农产品品种目录》范围内的鲜活农产品与《鲜活农产品品种目录》范围外的其他农产品混装,且混装的其他农产品超过车辆核定载质量或车厢容积20%的车辆 D.超限超载幅度超过5%的鲜活农产品运输车辆 [单项选择]在我看来,政府财力是否可以承担“全民免费医疗”,除了可能会让一些既得利益者颇为敏感之外,基本是一个伪问题。莫说神木综合实力位居陕西省第一位,地方财政收入每年高达16.7亿元,“全民免费医疗”所需最多不过十分之一,就算地方财政收入再低些,免费医疗占财政支出比例更高些,也只是一个纯粹的财政收入分配问题而已。
下列符合作者观点的是: A. 支持“全民免费医疗” B. 对“全民免费医疗”提出质疑 C. 政府财力难以支撑“全民免费医疗” D. “全民免费医疗”问题是伪问题 [单选题] 西方最早确立国家赔偿制度的国家是?
A.英国 B.法国 C.德国 D.美国 [多选题]施工结束后,施工负责人负责:( )
A.线路出清 B.人员撤离现场 C.检查确认撤除防护 D.办理注销施工登记手续 [多选题]自动阀门组成部件包括哪些?
A.阀体 B.阀芯 C.电动装置 D.阀盖 我来回答: 提交