"You are not here to tell me what to do. You are here to tell me why I have done what I have already decided to do," Montagu Norman, the Bank of England’s longest-serving governor (1920-1944), is reputed to have once told his economic adviser. Today, thankfully, central banks aim to be more transparent in their decision making, as well as more rational. But achieving either of these things is not always easy. With the most laudable of intentions, the Federal Reserve, America’s central bank, may be about to take a step that could backfire.
Unlike the Fed, many other central banks have long declared explicit inflation targets and then set interest rates to try to meet these. Some economists have argued that the Fed should do the same. With Alan Greenspan, the Fed’s much-respected chairman, due to retire next year—after a mere 18 years in the job—some Fed officials want to adopt a target, presumably to maintain the central bank’s
A. American Monetary Conundrums Are Readily Deciphered
B. American Central Banks Are on the Verge of Extinction
C. Conventional Inflation Target Is Best Employed in Transparent Environment
D. America’s Monetary Policy Is off Target
In Shanghai, a growing number of
foreign-funded banks are looking for local people to fill executive positions
(行政主管的岗位)rather than people from their own countries as they did in the past. U.
S. -based Citibank (花旗银行) put a job announcement in a local newspaper last week
calling for executive trainees. It was part of Citibank’s business plan in China
to draw local professionals(专业人员). Demand for personal banking services has been
on the rise since China joined the World Trade Organi A. be trained for 2 years in Shanghai B. be sent to overseas for training C. do some work of executives in Shanghai D. take up managerial positions at the branch [判断题]对地基基础设计为甲级的建筑及有特殊要求的建筑变形测量工程,当给定多个同类型变形允许值时,应分别估算观测点精度,根据其中最低精度选择相应精度级别。
[判断题]>结构高度是指接触网支持结构的高度。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]重车重心高度从钢轨面起,超过()mm时,应限速运行。
A.1500 B.1800 C.2000 D.2200 [单项选择]反渗透分离的对象主要是()。
A. 离子 B. 大分子 C. 蛋白质 D. 细胞 [多项选择]根据我国合同法的规定,甲公司与乙融资租赁公司签订了融资租赁合同,那么乙公司的下列行为中属于违约行为的有:( )
A. 出卖人不履行买卖合同义务,甲公司行使索赔权,但乙公司以业务繁忙为由,不愿协助 B. 根据甲公司对出卖人、租赁物的选择订立的买卖合同,未经甲公司同意,乙公司变更了与甲公司有关的合同内容 C. 甲公司自行确定租赁物后,乙公司认为该租赁物购买较为困难,于是换了另一种租赁物,新的租赁物也符合甲的使用目的 D. 乙公司不履行租赁物的维修义务 [单选题]“有ATP防护的人工驾驶模式”的英文缩写是?( )
A.AM B.SM C.RM D.NRM [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)第6.3.1.6条规定:监护人应及时发现并制止被监护人员( )行为。
A. 违章指挥 B. 违章作业 C. 违反劳动纪律 D. 违章操作 [判断题]导线允许通过的电流强度和导线的截面大小无关。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一个人到书店购买了一本书和一本杂志,在付钱时,他把书的定价中的个位上的数字和十位上的看反了,准备付21元取货。售货员说:“您应该付39元才对。”请问书比杂志贵多少钱( )
A. 20 B. 21 C. 23 D. 24 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第5. 3. 6条规定:高压设备接地故障时,室内不得接近故障点( )以内。
A.4m B.3m C.2m D.2.5m [单项选择]Air reservoirs are designed, built and tested similarly to ().
A. boiler drums B. hot wells C. condensers D. evaporators [多选题]卷扬机作业前应进行检查和试车,确认卷扬机设置稳固,防护设施、( )、导向滑轮、索具等合格后方可使用。
A.电气绝缘 B.离合器 C.制动装置 D.保险棘轮 [单项选择]胸廓的弹性回缩力最大时出现在()。
A. 胸廓处于自然位置时 B. 平静呼气末 C. 深吸气末 D. 平静吸气末 E. 深呼气末 [多选题]手动解钩需操作的步骤有()
A.关闭两车车钩的气动无名阀 B.将电子钩头的手动分离杠杆向前转动分离电子钩头 C.操作车钩的黄色手动解钩手柄,直到钩锁打开 D.移动车辆,确认两列车分离1-2米停车 E.手动恢复两车钩电子钩头的气动无名阀 [单项选择]The tone of the passage can best be described as ______.
A. biased and unprofessional B. tentative and inconclusive C. analytical and optimistic D. concerned and conciliatory 我来回答: 提交