To be a successful business owner, you
must know your market. Your business won’t succeed just {{U}} (67) {{/U}}
you want it to succeed. Determining if there is a market for your products or
service is the most {{U}} (68) {{/U}} item of planning. Once you
{{U}} (69) {{/U}} on your product or service, you must analyze your
market -- a process {{U}} (70) {{/U}} interviewing competitors, suppliers
and new customers. Market research is extremely {{U}} (71) {{/U}}; the
information gathered can increase your profit potential. {{U}} (72)
{{/U}} you begin researching your market, however, you should take a
brief, but {{U}} (73) {{/U}} look at your product or service from an
objective {{U}} (74) {{/U}} You should ask yourself the following
questions: Is this product or service in {{U}} (75) {{/U}} demand
Can I {{U}} (76) {{/U}} a demand for m A. that B. effort C. which D. case [单选题]一般用( ) 指标来评价聚乙烯管材的长期使用性能。
A.MRS(最低要求的静液压强度) B.SDR(标准尺寸比) C.Fd(设计系数)管公称外径/管公称规定壁厚) [填空题]
·Look at the notes below. ·Some information is missing. ·You will hear a management consultant giving a business studies lecture about MTF, a company that manufactures heating systems. ·For each question 16-22, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words. ·After you have listened once, replay the recording.
{{B}}MTF Ltd. Heating Systems Manufacturer{{/B}} Date company started (16) ______ Company’s market position due to (17) ______ Plans to invest in (18) ______ Rewards employees with (19) ______ Training programme has received (20) ______ (from local government) Promotes staff with good (21) ______ Business section needing improvement: (22) ______ [单选题]下列有关我国国家审计的表述中,错误的是:
A.国家审计与其他经济监督可以相互替代 B.国家审计为宏观政策的制定提供决策依据 C.国家审计是宪法确定的一项政治制度安排 D.国家审计是党和国家监督体系的重要组成部分 [多选题]工作票签发人应由熟悉人员技术水平、熟悉( )、熟悉本规程,并具有相关工作经验的生产领导、技术人员或经本单位批准的人员担任,名单应公布。
A.A-配电网络接线方式 B.B-工作范围内的设备情况 C.C-设备情况 D.D-现场运行规程 [单选题]建立评价学生全面发展的评价指标体系必须包括()。
A.一般性发展目标 B.情感目标 C.学科学习目标 D.学科学习目标和一般性发展目标 [单选题]燃油滤清器中的毛毡滤芯可过滤()以下的颗粒。
A.5μm B.5μm—10μm C.10μm—15μm D.15μm—20μm [判断题]采用反井钻机掘凿暗立井、煤仓及溜煤眼时,严禁干钻扩孔。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]企业是安全生产的责任主体,对本单位安全生产工作负全面责任,要严格履行安全生产法定责任,实行全员安全生产责任制度,健全自我约束、持续改进的常态化机制。要健全法定代表人和实际控制人同为安全生产第一责任人的责任体系,建立并完善电力安全生产保证体系和监督体系,建立全过程安全生产管理制度,做到()、()、()、()和应急救援“五到位”。
A.安全保障 B.安全责任 C.管理 D.投入 E.培训 [判断题]在安全与生产发生矛盾时,必须坚持安全第一,生产第二,不消除事故隐患不生产。()
A. 橘皮竹茹汤 B. 半夏厚朴汤 C. 苏子降气汤 D. 柴胡疏肝散 E. 越鞠丸 [多项选择]2000版ISO 9000族标准的特点之一是减少了对形成文件的要求,但______的理解是错误的。
A. 质量管理体系文件的数量肯定减少了 B. 质量管理体系未必要形成文件 C. 企业对文件的要求有了更多的自主权和灵活性 D. 2000版ISO 9000族标准的通用性更强了 [判断题]B-A-C-002 3 1 4
轨道车大修时,13号车钩钩身及钩尾横裂纹长度超过30mm或深度超过5mm时应更换。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]动物行为学家在研究中发现,松鼠在绕道问题上是非常聪明的,而狗在这个问题上是一个“弱智”。下面是有关这个问题的几种说法,其中不正确的是()
A. 松鼠的大脑比狗发达 B. 狗没有推理能力,而松鼠有很强的推理能力 C. 各种动物的学习能力,由于环境的不同,发展方向也不同,所以不能因此而判断“谁更聪明一些” D. 松鼠的学习能力比狗强,所以大搞比狗发达 [多项选择]不安全注射可能传播哪些疾病()。
A. 甲型肝炎 B. 乙型肝炎 C. 丙型肝炎 D. 艾滋病 E. 戊型肝炎 [单选题]内部审计机构应当与被审计单位、组织适当( )进行认真、充分的沟通,听取其意见。
A.管理层 B.领导人员 C.负责人 D.高管 [单项选择]常言道:“两利相较取其重,两害相权弃其重”。利少弊多的,利弊参半的,其斟酌()。
A. 扬弃 B. 抛弃 C. 舍弃 D. 摒弃 [填空题]以海平面为标志,地表沉积环境可以分为()环境、()环境和()环境。
[简答题] I’’ve heard from and talked to many people who described how Mother Nature simplified their lives for them. They’’d lost their home and many or all of their possessions through fires, floods, earthquakes, or some other disaster. Losing everything you own under such circumstances can be distressing, but the people I’’ve heard from all saw their loss, ultimately, as a blessing.
"The fire saved us the agony of deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, "one woman wrote. And once all those things were no longer there, she and her husband saw how they had weighed them down and complicated their lives.
"There was so much stuff we never used and that was just taking up space. We vowed when we started over, we’’d replace only what we needed, and this time we’’d do it right. We’’ve kept our promise: we don’’t have much now, but what we have is exactly what we want."
Though we’’ve never had a catastrophic loss such as that, Gibbs and I did have a close call shortly before w
A. 10倍 B. 100倍 C. 1000倍 D. 10000倍 [判断题]断裂应力是指断裂开始时最小横截面积上的真实应力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]道岔挤岔故障检查步骤?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]水平转动(1G)&159mm×8mm管子对接采用钨极氩弧焊时,背面焊缝余高应不大于()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于水的灭火机理错误的是( )。
A.潮湿 B.冷却 C.窒息 [判断题]时间加权平均容许浓度(PC-TWA)指以时间为权数规定的1小时/工作日、40h/工作周的平均容许接触水平
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交