Passage Three
Before the 1870’s, trained nurses were virtually unknown in the United States. Hospital nursing was an unskilled occupation, taken up by women of the lower classes, some of whom were conscripted from the penitentiary or the almshouse. The movement for reform originated not with doctors, but among upped-class women, who had taken on the role of guardians of a new hygienic order. Though some doctors approved of the women’s desire to establish a nurse training school, which would attract the daughters of the middle class, other medical men were opposed. Plainly threatened by the prospect, they objected that educated nurses would not do as they were told -- a remarkable comment on the status anxieties of nineteenth-century physicians. But the women reformers did not depend on the physicians’ approval. When resisted, as they were at Bellevue in efforts to install trained nurses on the maternity wards, they went over the heads of the docto
A. Public Hygiene in the United States.
B. Florence Nightingale: A Nurse's Story.
C. The Fight for Nursing Education in the United States.
D. Health Care in Upper-Class and Lower-Class Neighborhoods.
The Internet has become a commonplace
for us. While {{U}} (1) {{/U}} the Internet, we should not {{U}} (2)
{{/U}} the alarm bells sounding in our ears, reminding us of keeping
{{U}} (3) {{/U}} for on-line crimes. Last year, the Melissa and Explore
Zip virus caused chaos {{U}} (4) {{/U}} the Internet. Last week the "I
love you" bug played havoc {{U}} (5) {{/U}} the world. What will be the
next No one knows. Many on-line crimes are not so different to {{U}} (6) {{/U}} seen in real world, the spreading of fake data, cheating and blackmail, {{U}} (7) {{/U}} property rights infringements and privacy violations. But computer hackers also create new forms of crime {{U}} (8) {{/U}} the Internet changes the world into a "global village". With the {{U}} (9) {{/U}} of e-business, on-line crimes could not only cause great damage to {{U} A. date B. accelerate C. upgrade D. update [单项选择]已知一程序运行后执行的第一个输出操作是cout<
B. ******1234 C. **********1234 D. 1234****** [多选题]据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》规定,在有爆炸危险场所,不应利用金属管道、构筑物的金属构架及电气线路的工作零线作为()使用。
反馈 A. 接地线 B. 零线 C. 火线 D. 导线 [单选题]队友发生触电、溺水、窒息等紧急情况,必须持续采取( )等针对性急救措施。
A.、搬离现场 B.、止血包扎 C.、人工呼吸 D.、心肺复苏 [判断题]按照《会计法》的规定,监督检查部门对有关单位的会计资料依法实施监督检查后,应当出具检查结论。其他部门认为有关监督检查部门已经做出的检查结论不能满足其履行本部门职责需要的,应当重新组织查账。()
[判断题]基金托管人负责开立基金资产账户,并将全部基金计入该账户。( )
A.对流式过热器 B.辐射式过热器 C.半辐射式过热器 D.包覆过热器 [多选题]智能变电站动态记录装置应符合( )技术要求。
A. GB/T 14285 B. DL/T 553 C. Q/GDW441 D. Q/GDW 1976 [单选题](第七条)执行( )等危险战斗任务时,遇空气呼吸器余量不足、器材故障、体能下降、突发险情等情况,无法按时安全有效完成既定任务时,应立即调整战斗部署或果断撤离、整装再战,严禁逞强作业。( )
A.外围侦查 B.外围警戒 C.內攻 D.战斗分工 [多选题]背托总成是用来支承安装气瓶总成和减压器总成,并保持整套装具与人体良好佩戴的装置,包括( )。
A.背架 B.肩带 C.下肩带 D.腰带 E.固定气瓶的瓶箍带 [判断题]用万用表测量二极管时,阻值较小的是二极管的正向电阻。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]:关于车辆的维护,下列说法中错误的是( )。
A.道路普通货物运输车辆维护分为日常维护、一级维护和二级维护 B.日常维护由驾驶员实施,一级维护和二级维护由道路运输企业组织实施,并做好记录 C.道路普通货物运输企业不可以自行确定车辆维护周期 D.道路普通货物运输企业不具备二级维护作业能力的,应请具备相关能力的机动车维修经营者进行二级维护作业 [单项选择]SPZ-200型配碴整形车运转时液压油温为()摄氏度之间。
A. 5~15 B. 15~25 C. 30~80 D. 30~100 [单选题] 版(彩版钞)美元,随面额变化而变化的特征包括()。
A.光变油墨变色效果 B.全埋安全线荧光颜色 C.印刷工艺 D.磁性特征 [单项选择]
A narrowing of your work interests is implied in almost any transition from a study environment to managerial or professional work. In the humanities and social sciences you will at best reuse only a fraction of the material (1) in three or four years’ study. In most career paths academic knowledge only (2) a background to much more applied decision-making. Even with a " training " form of degree, (3) a few of the procedures or methods (4) in your studies are likely to be continuously relevant in your work. Partly this (5) the greater specialization of most work tasks compared (6) studying. Many graduates are not (7) with the variety involved in (8) from degree study in at least four or five subjects a year to very standardized job (9) . Academic work values (10) inventiveness, originality, and the cultivation of self-realization and self-development. Emphasis is placed (11) generating n 我来回答: 提交