发布时间:2023-11-07 21:47:55

[单项选择]I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now do()with students.
A. wotking
B. work
C. to work
D. worked

更多"I had as much fun sailing the seas "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What he said just now had little to do with the question()discussion.
A. on
B. in
C. under
D. at
[填空题]Dear May,
I am sorry that you had a disagreement with your father. Personally, (76)
I think it is important to follow your interests or abilities, and it (77)
sounds even though you have plenty of both of these already. (78)
Say to your father and tell him that you are already doing well in (79)
the subject of your choice. If you like, remind of him that many women (80)
have chosen to work in fields that were not used to accept women. (81)
You can point out that Florence Nightingale opened up nursing and (82)
Madame Curie opened up sciences to women. Ask your father to (83)
speak to your teachers and find how good you already are at your (84)
choosing subject. Trust yourself, trust your own thinking a
[单项选择]The mystery had now reached its climax: the man had undoubtedly been murdered, and it was absolutely certain no one could conceivably have done it. It was therefore time to call in the great detective, who gave one searching glance at the corpse, then produced a microscope.
"Aha!" he exclaimed as he picked a hair off the lapel of the dead man’s coat." The mystery is a mystery no longer. We have only to find the man who lost this hair, and the criminal will be in our hand." The inexorable chain of logic was complete, and the detective embarked on his search.
For four days and four nights he moved unobserved through the streets of New York, scanning closely every face he passed, looking for a man who had lost a hair. On the fifth day he discovered a man disguised as a tourist, his head enveloped in a cap reaching below his ears. The man was about to board the Gloritania, and the detective lost no time in following him on board.
"Arrest him!" shouted the detective, an
A. found the hair
B. produced the microscope
C. searched for the murderer
D. glanced at the corpse
[单项选择]We’ve all had work and do things that we did not enjoy. Usually, some people would tell us to be (41) enthusiastic (热情的). "You’ll have more fun," they would say. Well, they were partly (42) . Being enthusiastic about something means being (43) about a given job.
(44) , most men are not born great—they become great. Similarly, not everyone is the enthusiastic type that (45) in love with his work. But, do not lose (46) . There are ways to become more enthusiastic.
One good way is by reading about successful (成功的) people. It will help you realize (认识到) that you too can make it (47) . By reading about those real stories you will understand (48) people much like yourself have become successful. In (49) cases, they all have the same thing: enthusiasm.
If you want to be successful, you (50) be excited about your work and your life.
A. much B. more C. less
[填空题]Now do you ever get the feeling that there’s not enough love to go around You might draw that (36) from the music, poetry, art and literature of every culture on earth where love is a (37) that’s always happening suddenly. Love can be (38) , lyrical, beautiful, passionate, transcendent and more (39) than the high you’d get from any kind of drug. But according to new (40) research, love is actually more addictive than many strong drugs and coming off it is (41) harder than trying to get off nicotine or crack cocaine. Professor Helen Fisher from Rutgers University in New Jersey told Pascale Harter what her research had (42) about the way love affects the human brain.
"I made calls with 17 people who’ve just been rejected, (43) rejected in a romantic relationship. And we found a lot of things. But the main thing that we found is activity in a whole brain circuit associated with profound addict


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